Home > INIT > groupRxnScores.m





function newRxnScores = groupRxnScores(model, origRxnScores, origRxnIds, groupIds, origRxnsToZero)


 This function sums up the reaction scores for all reactions that were merged 
 into one by the linear merge.
 model          The model with linearly merged rxns.
 origRxnScores  The rxnScores from the model before the linear merge.
 origRxnIds     The rxn ids of the model before the linear merge.
 groupIds       The groupIds vector output from linearMerge.
                There is one integer for each rxn in origRxnIds. 0 means
                the reaction was merged. A non-zero integer means that the
                reaction was merged with all other rxns having the same integer.
 origRxnsToZero A logical vector saying which of the original rxns that should not
                be part of the problem. The way this is solved is that all 
                such reactions have a rxnScore of 0. If any original rxnScore 
                value should be zero (which is very unlikely) it is changed to 0.01.
                If the sum of the rxnScores for a merged rxn becomes zero 
                while some of them are nonzero, the new value will also be 0.01, 
                to distinguish the rxn from rxns with only rxns to zero.
                There are two reasons why we don't want zeros in the reaction 
                scores unless these reactions should be ignored:
                  1) we want to be able to separate those
                  2) it is difficult to handle a zero value in the MILP - 
                     the on/off of such a reaction can be random, so better 
                     to fix it in one direction.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function newRxnScores = groupRxnScores(model, origRxnScores, origRxnIds, groupIds, origRxnsToZero)
0002 % groupRxnScores
0003 % This function sums up the reaction scores for all reactions that were merged
0004 % into one by the linear merge.
0005 %
0006 % model          The model with linearly merged rxns.
0007 % origRxnScores  The rxnScores from the model before the linear merge.
0008 % origRxnIds     The rxn ids of the model before the linear merge.
0009 % groupIds       The groupIds vector output from linearMerge.
0010 %                There is one integer for each rxn in origRxnIds. 0 means
0011 %                the reaction was merged. A non-zero integer means that the
0012 %                reaction was merged with all other rxns having the same integer.
0013 % origRxnsToZero A logical vector saying which of the original rxns that should not
0014 %                be part of the problem. The way this is solved is that all
0015 %                such reactions have a rxnScore of 0. If any original rxnScore
0016 %                value should be zero (which is very unlikely) it is changed to 0.01.
0017 %                If the sum of the rxnScores for a merged rxn becomes zero
0018 %                while some of them are nonzero, the new value will also be 0.01,
0019 %                to distinguish the rxn from rxns with only rxns to zero.
0020 %                There are two reasons why we don't want zeros in the reaction
0021 %                scores unless these reactions should be ignored:
0022 %                  1) we want to be able to separate those
0023 %                  2) it is difficult to handle a zero value in the MILP -
0024 %                     the on/off of such a reaction can be random, so better
0025 %                     to fix it in one direction.
0028 newRxnScores = zeros(length(model.rxns),1);
0029 [~,ia,ib] = intersect(model.rxns,origRxnIds);
0030 grpIdsMerged = nan(length(model.rxns),1);
0031 grpIdsMerged(ia) = groupIds(ib);
0032 %check if any of the original scores are 0, in that case change them to 0.01 (unlikely)
0033 origRxnScores(origRxnScores == 0) = 0.01;
0034 %Then set the rxn scores for rxns to zero to 0
0035 origRxnScores(origRxnsToZero) = 0;
0037 %fill in original scores
0038 newRxnScores(ia) = origRxnScores(ib);
0040 for i = 1:length(model.rxns)
0041     %for reactions that are not merged with anything, just keep score as it is
0042     if grpIdsMerged(i) ~= 0
0043         %find all original rxns in the group
0044         sel = groupIds == grpIdsMerged(i);
0045         newRxnScores(i) = sum(origRxnScores(sel));
0046         if (newRxnScores(i) == 0 && any(origRxnScores(sel) ~= 0))
0047            %special unfortunate case, where the reactions happen to sum to 0 while some of them are nonzero
0048            %set to 0.01 in this case (proabably pretty unusual)
0049            newRxnScores(i) = 0.01;
0050         end
0051     end
0052 end
0054 end

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