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function [rxnScores, geneScores, hpaScores, arrayScores] = scoreComplexModel(model,hpaData,arrayData,tissue,celltype,noGeneScore,isozymeScoring,complexScoring,multipleCellScoring,hpaLevelScores)


   Scores the reactions and genes in a model containing complex gene rules
   based on expression data from HPA and/or gene arrays.

   It is highly recommended that the model grRules are "cleaned" and
   verified by the "cleanModelGeneRules" function prior to scoring the
   model with scoreComplexModel.

   model               a model structure
   hpaData             HPA data structure from parseHPA (opt if arrayData is
                       supplied, default [])
   arrayData           gene expression data structure (opt if hpaData is
                       supplied, default [])
       genes           cell array with the unique gene names
       tissues         cell array with the tissue names. The list may not be
                       unique, as there can be multiple cell types per tissue
       celltypes       cell array with the cell type names for each tissue
       levels          GENESxTISSUES array with the expression level for
                       each gene in each tissue/celltype. NaN should be
                       used when no measurement was performed
       threshold       a single value or a vector of gene expression 
                       thresholds, above which genes are considered to be
                       "expressed". (opt, by default, the mean expression
                       levels of each gene across all tissues in arrayData
                       will be used as the threshold values)
   tissue              tissue to score for. Should exist in either
                       hpaData.tissues or arrayData.tissues
   celltype            cell type to score for. Should exist in either
                       hpaData.celltypes or arrayData.celltypes for this
                       tissue (opt, default is to use the max values
                       among all the cell types for the tissue. Use [] if
                       you want to supply more arguments)
   noGeneScore         score for reactions without genes (opt, default -2)
   isozymeScoring      determines how scores are calculated for reactions
                       with multiple genes joined by "OR" expression(s)
                       ('min', 'max', 'median', 'average')
                       (opt, default 'max')
   complexScoring      determines how scores are calculated for reactions
                       with multiple genes joined by "AND" expression(s)
                       ('min', 'max', 'median', 'average')
                       (opt, default 'min')
   multipleCellScoring determines how scores are calculated when several
                       cell types are used ('max' or 'average')
                       (opt, default 'max')
   hpaLevelScores      structure with numerical scores for the expression
                       level categories from HPA. The structure should have a
                       "names" and a "scores" field (opt, see code for
                       default scores)

   rxnScores       scores for each of the reactions in model
   geneScores      scores for each of the genes in model. Genes which are
                   not in the dataset(s) have -Inf as scores
   hpaScores       scores for each of the genes in model if only taking hpaData
                   into account. Genes which are not in the dataset(s)
                   have -Inf as scores
   arrayScores     scores for each of the genes in model if only taking arrayData
                   into account. Genes which are not in the dataset(s)
                   have -Inf as scores

   Usage: [rxnScores, geneScores, hpaScores, arrayScores]=scoreComplexModel(...


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function [rxnScores, geneScores, hpaScores, arrayScores] = scoreComplexModel(model,hpaData,arrayData,tissue,celltype,noGeneScore,isozymeScoring,complexScoring,multipleCellScoring,hpaLevelScores)
0002 % scoreComplexModel
0003 %   Scores the reactions and genes in a model containing complex gene rules
0004 %   based on expression data from HPA and/or gene arrays.
0005 %
0006 %   It is highly recommended that the model grRules are "cleaned" and
0007 %   verified by the "cleanModelGeneRules" function prior to scoring the
0008 %   model with scoreComplexModel.
0009 %
0010 %   model               a model structure
0011 %   hpaData             HPA data structure from parseHPA (opt if arrayData is
0012 %                       supplied, default [])
0013 %   arrayData           gene expression data structure (opt if hpaData is
0014 %                       supplied, default [])
0015 %       genes           cell array with the unique gene names
0016 %       tissues         cell array with the tissue names. The list may not be
0017 %                       unique, as there can be multiple cell types per tissue
0018 %       celltypes       cell array with the cell type names for each tissue
0019 %       levels          GENESxTISSUES array with the expression level for
0020 %                       each gene in each tissue/celltype. NaN should be
0021 %                       used when no measurement was performed
0022 %       threshold       a single value or a vector of gene expression
0023 %                       thresholds, above which genes are considered to be
0024 %                       "expressed". (opt, by default, the mean expression
0025 %                       levels of each gene across all tissues in arrayData
0026 %                       will be used as the threshold values)
0027 %   tissue              tissue to score for. Should exist in either
0028 %                       hpaData.tissues or arrayData.tissues
0029 %   celltype            cell type to score for. Should exist in either
0030 %                       hpaData.celltypes or arrayData.celltypes for this
0031 %                       tissue (opt, default is to use the max values
0032 %                       among all the cell types for the tissue. Use [] if
0033 %                       you want to supply more arguments)
0034 %   noGeneScore         score for reactions without genes (opt, default -2)
0035 %   isozymeScoring      determines how scores are calculated for reactions
0036 %                       with multiple genes joined by "OR" expression(s)
0037 %                       ('min', 'max', 'median', 'average')
0038 %                       (opt, default 'max')
0039 %   complexScoring      determines how scores are calculated for reactions
0040 %                       with multiple genes joined by "AND" expression(s)
0041 %                       ('min', 'max', 'median', 'average')
0042 %                       (opt, default 'min')
0043 %   multipleCellScoring determines how scores are calculated when several
0044 %                       cell types are used ('max' or 'average')
0045 %                       (opt, default 'max')
0046 %   hpaLevelScores      structure with numerical scores for the expression
0047 %                       level categories from HPA. The structure should have a
0048 %                       "names" and a "scores" field (opt, see code for
0049 %                       default scores)
0050 %
0051 %   rxnScores       scores for each of the reactions in model
0052 %   geneScores      scores for each of the genes in model. Genes which are
0053 %                   not in the dataset(s) have -Inf as scores
0054 %   hpaScores       scores for each of the genes in model if only taking hpaData
0055 %                   into account. Genes which are not in the dataset(s)
0056 %                   have -Inf as scores
0057 %   arrayScores     scores for each of the genes in model if only taking arrayData
0058 %                   into account. Genes which are not in the dataset(s)
0059 %                   have -Inf as scores
0060 %
0061 %   Usage: [rxnScores, geneScores, hpaScores, arrayScores]=scoreComplexModel(...
0062 %               model,hpaData,arrayData,tissue,celltype,noGeneScore,isozymeScoring,
0063 %               complexScoring,multipleCellScoring,hpaLevelScores)
0064 %
0067 if nargin < 5
0068     celltype = [];
0069 end
0070 if nargin < 6 || isempty(noGeneScore)
0071     noGeneScore = -2;
0072 end
0073 if nargin < 7 || isempty(isozymeScoring)
0074     isozymeScoring = 'max';
0075 end
0076 if nargin < 8 || isempty(complexScoring)
0077     complexScoring = 'min';
0078 end
0079 if nargin < 9 || isempty(multipleCellScoring)
0080     multipleCellScoring = 'max';
0081 end
0082 if nargin < 10
0083     % The first four are for APE, the other ones for staining
0084     hpaLevelScores.names = {'High' 'Medium' 'Low' 'None' 'Strong' 'Moderate' 'Weak' 'Negative' 'Not detected'};
0085     hpaLevelScores.scores = [20 15 10 -8 20 15 10 -8 -8];
0086 end
0088 if isempty(hpaData) && isempty(arrayData)
0089     EM = 'Must supply hpaData, arrayData or both';
0090     dispEM(EM);
0091 end
0092 if ~ismember(lower(isozymeScoring),{'min','max','median','average'})
0093     EM = 'Valid options for isozymeScoring are "min", "max", "median", or "average"';
0094     dispEM(EM);
0095 end
0096 if ~ismember(lower(complexScoring),{'min','max','median','average'})
0097     EM = 'Valid options for complexScoring are "min", "max", "median", or "average"';
0098     dispEM(EM);
0099 end
0100 if ~ismember(lower(multipleCellScoring),{'max','average'})
0101     EM = 'Valid options for multipleCellScoring are "max" or "average"';
0102     dispEM(EM);
0103 end
0106 % Throw an error if array data for only one tissue is supplied without
0107 % specifying threshold values
0108 if ~isempty(arrayData)
0109     if numel(unique(arrayData.tissues)) < 2
0110         if ~isfield(arrayData,'threshold') || isempty(arrayData.threshold)
0111             EM = 'arrayData must contain measurements for at least two celltypes/tissues since the score is calculated based on the expression level compared to the overall average';
0112             dispEM(EM);
0113         end
0114     end
0115 end
0117 % Process arrayData.threshold if necessary
0118 if isfield(arrayData,'threshold') && (numel(arrayData.threshold) == 1)
0119     % if only a single gene threshold value is provided, then just
0120     % duplicate this value for all genes.
0121     arrayData.threshold = arrayData.threshold*ones(size(arrayData.genes));
0122 end
0124 % This is so the code can ignore which combination of input data is used
0125 if isempty(arrayData)
0126     arrayData.genes={};
0127     arrayData.tissues={};
0128     arrayData.celltypes={};
0129     arrayData.levels=[];
0130     arrayData.threshold=[];
0131 end
0132 if isempty(hpaData)
0133     hpaData.genes={};
0134     hpaData.tissues={};
0135     hpaData.celltypes={};
0136     hpaData.levels={};
0137     hpaData.types={};
0138     hpaData.reliabilities={};
0139     hpaData.gene2Level=[];
0140     hpaData.gene2Type=[];
0141     hpaData.gene2Reliability=[];
0142 end
0144 % Check that the tissue exists
0145 if ~ismember(upper(tissue),upper(hpaData.tissues)) && ~ismember(upper(tissue),upper(arrayData.tissues))
0146     EM = 'The tissue name does not match';
0147     dispEM(EM);
0148 end
0149 if any(celltype)
0150     % Check that both data types has cell type defined if that is to be used
0151     if ~isfield(hpaData,'celltypes') || ~isfield(arrayData,'celltypes')
0152         EM = 'Both hpaData and arrayData must contain cell type information if cell type is to be used';
0153         dispEM(EM);
0154     end
0155     if ~ismember(upper(celltype),upper(hpaData.celltypes)) && ~ismember(upper(celltype),upper(arrayData.celltypes))
0156         EM = 'The cell type name does not match';
0157         dispEM(EM);
0158     end
0159 end
0161 % Some preprocessing of the structures to increase efficiency
0162 % Remove all tissues that are not the correct one
0163 J = ~strcmpi(hpaData.tissues,tissue);
0165 %If cell type is supplied, then only keep that cell type
0166 if any(celltype)
0167     J = J | ~strcmpi(hpaData.celltypes,celltype);
0168 end
0170 hpaData.tissues(J)=[];
0171 if isfield(hpaData,'celltypes')
0172     hpaData.celltypes(J)=[];
0173 end
0174 if isfield(hpaData,'gene2Level')
0175     hpaData.gene2Level(:,J)=[];
0176 end
0177 if isfield(hpaData,'gene2Type')
0178     hpaData.gene2Type(:,J)=[];
0179 end
0180 if isfield(hpaData,'gene2Reliability')
0181     hpaData.gene2Reliability(:,J)=[];
0182 end
0184 % Remove all genes from the structures that are not in model or that aren't
0185 % measured in the tissue
0186 if ~isempty(hpaData.genes) % This should not be necessary, but the summation is a 0x1 matrix and the other is []
0187     I = ~ismember(hpaData.genes,model.genes) | sum(hpaData.gene2Level,2) == 0;
0188 else
0189     I = [];
0190 end
0191 hpaData.genes(I) = [];
0192 if isfield(hpaData,'gene2Level')
0193     hpaData.gene2Level(I,:) = [];
0194 end
0195 if isfield(hpaData,'gene2Type')
0196     hpaData.gene2Type(I,:) = [];
0197 end
0198 if isfield(hpaData,'gene2Reliability')
0199     hpaData.gene2Reliability(I,:) = [];
0200 end
0202 I = strcmpi(arrayData.tissues,tissue);
0203 % If cell type is supplied, then only keep that cell type
0204 if any(celltype)
0205     I = I & strcmpi(arrayData.celltypes,celltype);
0206 end
0208 % Remove all genes from the structures that are not in model or that aren't
0209 % measured in the tissue
0210 J = ~ismember(arrayData.genes,model.genes) | all(isnan(arrayData.levels(:,I)),2);
0211 arrayData.genes(J) = [];
0212 arrayData.levels(J,:) = [];
0213 if isfield(arrayData,'threshold')
0214     arrayData.threshold(J) = [];
0215 end
0217 % Calculate the scores for the arrayData. These scores are calculated for
0218 % each genes from its fold change between the tissue/celltype(s) in question
0219 % and all other celltypes, or the threshold if supplied. This is a lower
0220 % quality data than protein abundance, since gene abundance is an indirect
0221 % estimate of protein level. These scores are therefore only used for genes
0222 % for which there is no HPA data available. The fold changes are transformed
0223 % as min(5*log(x),10) for x > 1 and max(5*log(x),-5) for x < 1 in order to
0224 % have negative scores for lower expressed genes and to scale the scores
0225 % to have somewhat lower weights than the HPA scores
0226 tempArrayLevels = arrayData.levels;
0227 tempArrayLevels(isnan(tempArrayLevels)) = 0;
0228 if isfield(arrayData,'threshold') && ~isempty(arrayData.threshold)
0229     % if provided, the user-supplied expression threshold value(s) will be
0230     % used as the "average" expression level to which each gene is compared
0231     average = arrayData.threshold;
0232 else
0233     average = sum(tempArrayLevels,2)./sum(~isnan(arrayData.levels),2);
0234 end
0235 if strcmpi(multipleCellScoring,'max')
0236     current = max(tempArrayLevels(:,I),[],2);
0237 else
0238     current = sum(tempArrayLevels(:,I),2)./sum(~isnan(arrayData.levels(:,I)),2);
0239 end
0240 if ~isempty(current)
0241     aScores = 5*log(current./average);
0242 else
0243     aScores = [];
0244 end
0245 aScores(aScores > 0) = min(aScores(aScores > 0),10);
0246 aScores(aScores < 0) = max(aScores(aScores < 0),-5);
0247 aScores(isnan(aScores)) = -5;  % NaNs occur when gene expression is zero across all tissues
0249 % Map the HPA levels to scores
0250 [I, J] = ismember(upper(hpaData.levels),upper(hpaLevelScores.names));
0251 if ~all(I)
0252     EM = 'There are expression level categories that do not match to hpaLevelScores';
0253     dispEM(EM);
0254 end
0255 [K, L, M] = find(hpaData.gene2Level);
0256 scores = hpaLevelScores.scores(J);
0257 if strcmpi(multipleCellScoring,'max')
0258     hScores = max(sparse(K,L,scores(M),numel(hpaData.genes),numel(hpaData.tissues)),[],2);
0259 else
0260     hScores = mean(sparse(K,L,scores(M),numel(hpaData.genes),numel(hpaData.tissues)),2);
0261 end
0263 % Assign gene scores, prioritizing HPA (protein) data over arrayData (RNA)
0264 geneScores = nan(numel(model.genes),1);
0265 hpaScores = -Inf(numel(model.genes),1);
0266 arrayScores = -Inf(numel(model.genes),1);
0268 [I, J] = ismember(model.genes,arrayData.genes);
0269 geneScores(I) = aScores(J(I));
0270 arrayScores(I) = aScores(J(I));
0272 [I, J] = ismember(model.genes,hpaData.genes);
0273 geneScores(I) = hScores(J(I));
0274 hpaScores(I) = hScores(J(I));
0277 % To speed things up, only need to score each unique grRule once
0278 [uRules,~,rule_ind] = unique(model.grRules);
0279 uScores = nan(size(uRules));
0281 % convert logic operators to symbols
0282 uRules = regexprep(uRules,' and ',' & ');
0283 uRules = regexprep(uRules,' or ',' | ');
0285 % score based on presence/combination of & and | operators
0286 for i = 1:numel(uRules)
0287     if isempty(uRules{i})
0288         uScores(i) = noGeneScore;
0289     elseif contains(uRules{i},'&') && contains(uRules{i},'|')
0290         uScores(i) = scoreComplexRule(uRules{i},model.genes,geneScores,isozymeScoring,complexScoring);
0291     else
0292         uScores(i) = scoreSimpleRule(uRules{i},model.genes,geneScores,isozymeScoring,complexScoring);
0293     end
0294 end
0296 % NaN reaction scores should be changed to the no-gene score
0297 uScores(isnan(uScores)) = noGeneScore;
0299 % re-map unique rule scores to model
0300 rxnScores = uScores(rule_ind);
0302 end
0306 function rScore = scoreSimpleRule(rule,genes,gScores,isozymeScoring,complexScoring)
0307 %Score reactions with simple gene rules (those with all ANDs or all ORs).
0309 if ~contains(rule,'&')
0310     scoreMethod = isozymeScoring;
0311 elseif ~contains(rule,'|')
0312     scoreMethod = complexScoring;
0313 else
0314     error('This function cannot handle complex gene rules.');
0315 end
0316 ruleGenes = unique(regexp(rule,'[^&|\(\) ]+','match'));
0317 [~,geneInd] = ismember(ruleGenes,genes);
0318 switch lower(scoreMethod)
0319     case 'min'
0320         rScore = min(gScores(geneInd),[],'omitnan');
0321     case 'max'
0322         rScore = max(gScores(geneInd),[],'omitnan');
0323     case 'median'
0324         rScore = median(gScores(geneInd),'omitnan');
0325     case 'average'
0326         rScore = mean(gScores(geneInd),'omitnan');
0327 end
0329 end
0333 function rScore = scoreComplexRule(rule,genes,gScores,isozymeScoring,complexScoring)
0334 %Score reactions with complex gene rules (those with both ANDs or ORs).
0336 % Specify phrases to search for in the grRule. These phrases will find
0337 % genes grouped by all ANDs (first phrase) or all ORs (second phrase).
0338 search_phrases = {'\([^&|\(\) ]+( & [^&|\(\) ]+)+\)', '\([^&|\(\) ]+( \| [^&|\(\) ]+)+\)'};
0340 % initialize some variables
0341 subsets = {};  % subsets are groups of genes grouped by all ANDs or all ORs
0342 c = 1;  % counter to keep track of the group (subset) number
0343 r_orig = rule;  % record original rule to determine when it stops changing
0344 for k = 1:100  % iterate some arbitrarily high number of times
0345     for j = 1:length(search_phrases)
0346         new_subset = regexp(rule,search_phrases{j},'match')';  % extract subsets
0347         if ~isempty(new_subset)
0348             subsets = [subsets; new_subset];  % append to list of subsets
0349             subset_nums = arrayfun(@num2str,(c:length(subsets))','UniformOutput',false);  % get group numbers to be assigned to the new subsets, and convert to strings
0350             rule = regexprep(rule,search_phrases{j},strcat('#',subset_nums,'#'),'once');  % replace the subsets in the expression with their group numbers (enclosed by "#"s)
0351             c = c + length(new_subset);
0352         end
0353     end
0354     if isequal(rule,r_orig)
0355         break;  % stop iterating when rule stops changing
0356     else
0357         r_orig = rule;
0358     end
0359 end
0360 subsets{end+1} = rule;  % add final state of rule as the last subset
0362 % score each subset and append to gene list and gene scores
0363 for i = 1:numel(subsets)
0364     gScores = [gScores; scoreSimpleRule(subsets{i},genes,gScores,isozymeScoring,complexScoring)];
0365     genes = [genes; {strcat('#',num2str(i),'#')}];
0366 end
0368 % the final subset score is the overall reaction score
0369 rScore = gScores(end);
0371 end

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