Home > external > kegg > getRxnsFromKEGG.m





function [model,isSpontaneous,isUndefinedStoich,isIncomplete,isGeneral]=getRxnsFromKEGG(keggPath)


   Retrieves information on all reactions stored in KEGG database

   keggPath            if keggRxns.mat is not in the RAVEN\external\kegg
                       directory, this function will attempt to read data
                       from a local FTP dump of the KEGG database.
                       keggPath is the path to the root of this database

   model               a model structure generated from the database. The
                       following fields are filled
       id                  'KEGG'
       name         'Automatically generated from KEGG database'
       rxns                KEGG reaction ids
       rxnNames            Name for each reaction entry
       mets                KEGG compound ids. If the equations use
                           stoichiometry such as ID(n+1) then the whole
                           expression is saved as the id
       eccodes             Corresponding ec-number if available
       rxnMiriams          Contains reaction specific information such as
                           KO id and pathways that the reaction is
                           associated to
       S                   Stoichiometric matrix
       lb                  -1000 for all reactions
       ub                  1000 for all reactions
       rev                 1 for reversible and 0 for irreversible. For
                           reactions present in pathway maps the
                           reversibility is taken from there
       b                   0 for all metabolites
   isSpontaneous       a cell array with the reactions labelled as
   isUndefinedStoich    a cell array with the reactions labelled as with
                       undefined stoichiometry
   isIncomplete        a cell array with the reactions labelled as
                       "incomplete", "erroneous" or "unclear"
   isGeneral           a cell array with the reactions labelled as
                       "general reaction"

   NOTE: Reactions on the form A <=> A + B will not be loaded. If the file
   keggRxns.mat is in the RAVEN/external/kegg directory it will be loaded
   instead of parsing of the KEGG files. If it does not exist it will be
   saved after parsing of the KEGG files. In general, you should remove
   the keggRxns.mat file along with other KEGG mat files if you want to
   rebuild the model structure from a newer version of KEGG.

   Usage: [model,isSpontaneous,isUndefinedStoich,isIncomplete,...

 NOTE: This is how one entry looks in the file

 ENTRY       R00010                      Reaction
 NAME        alpha,alpha-trehalose glucohydrolase
 DEFINITION  alpha,alpha-Trehalose + H2O <=> 2 D-Glucose
 EQUATION    C01083 + C00001 <=> 2 C00031
 REMARK      Same as: R06103
 RCLASS      RC00049  C00031_C01083
 PATHWAY     rn00500  Starch and sucrose metabolism
             rn01100  Metabolic pathways
 ORTHOLOGY   K01194  alpha,alpha-trehalase [EC:]
 DBLINKS     RHEA: 32678

 The file is not tab-delimited. Instead each label is 12 characters
 (except for '///')


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [model,isSpontaneous,isUndefinedStoich,isIncomplete,...
0002     isGeneral]=getRxnsFromKEGG(keggPath)
0003 % getRxnsFromKEGG
0004 %   Retrieves information on all reactions stored in KEGG database
0005 %
0006 %   Input:
0007 %   keggPath            if keggRxns.mat is not in the RAVEN\external\kegg
0008 %                       directory, this function will attempt to read data
0009 %                       from a local FTP dump of the KEGG database.
0010 %                       keggPath is the path to the root of this database
0011 %
0012 %   Output:
0013 %   model               a model structure generated from the database. The
0014 %                       following fields are filled
0015 %       id                  'KEGG'
0016 %       name         'Automatically generated from KEGG database'
0017 %       rxns                KEGG reaction ids
0018 %       rxnNames            Name for each reaction entry
0019 %       mets                KEGG compound ids. If the equations use
0020 %                           stoichiometry such as ID(n+1) then the whole
0021 %                           expression is saved as the id
0022 %       eccodes             Corresponding ec-number if available
0023 %       rxnMiriams          Contains reaction specific information such as
0024 %                           KO id and pathways that the reaction is
0025 %                           associated to
0026 %       S                   Stoichiometric matrix
0027 %       lb                  -1000 for all reactions
0028 %       ub                  1000 for all reactions
0029 %       rev                 1 for reversible and 0 for irreversible. For
0030 %                           reactions present in pathway maps the
0031 %                           reversibility is taken from there
0032 %       b                   0 for all metabolites
0033 %   isSpontaneous       a cell array with the reactions labelled as
0034 %                       "spontaneous"
0035 %   isUndefinedStoich    a cell array with the reactions labelled as with
0036 %                       undefined stoichiometry
0037 %   isIncomplete        a cell array with the reactions labelled as
0038 %                       "incomplete", "erroneous" or "unclear"
0039 %   isGeneral           a cell array with the reactions labelled as
0040 %                       "general reaction"
0041 %
0042 %   NOTE: Reactions on the form A <=> A + B will not be loaded. If the file
0043 %   keggRxns.mat is in the RAVEN/external/kegg directory it will be loaded
0044 %   instead of parsing of the KEGG files. If it does not exist it will be
0045 %   saved after parsing of the KEGG files. In general, you should remove
0046 %   the keggRxns.mat file along with other KEGG mat files if you want to
0047 %   rebuild the model structure from a newer version of KEGG.
0048 %
0049 %   Usage: [model,isSpontaneous,isUndefinedStoich,isIncomplete,...
0050 %    isGeneral]=getRxnsFromKEGG(keggPath)
0051 %
0052 % NOTE: This is how one entry looks in the file
0053 %
0054 % ENTRY       R00010                      Reaction
0055 % NAME        alpha,alpha-trehalose glucohydrolase
0056 % DEFINITION  alpha,alpha-Trehalose + H2O <=> 2 D-Glucose
0057 % EQUATION    C01083 + C00001 <=> 2 C00031
0058 % REMARK      Same as: R06103
0059 % RCLASS      RC00049  C00031_C01083
0060 % ENZYME
0061 % PATHWAY     rn00500  Starch and sucrose metabolism
0062 %             rn01100  Metabolic pathways
0063 % ORTHOLOGY   K01194  alpha,alpha-trehalase [EC:]
0064 % DBLINKS     RHEA: 32678
0065 % ///
0066 %
0067 % The file is not tab-delimited. Instead each label is 12 characters
0068 % (except for '///')
0069 %
0071 if nargin<1
0072     keggPath='RAVEN/external/kegg';
0073 else
0074     keggPath=char(keggPath);
0075 end
0077 %Check if the reactions have been parsed before and saved. If so, load the
0078 %model
0079 ravenPath=findRAVENroot();
0080 rxnsFile=fullfile(ravenPath,'external','kegg','keggRxns.mat');
0081 if exist(rxnsFile, 'file')
0082     fprintf(['Importing KEGG reactions from ' strrep(rxnsFile,'\','/') '... ']);
0083     load(rxnsFile);
0084 else
0085     fprintf(['NOTE: Cannot locate ' strrep(rxnsFile,'\','/') ', it will therefore be generated from the local KEGG database\n']);
0086     if ~isfile(fullfile(keggPath,'reaction')) || ~isfile(fullfile(keggPath,'reaction.lst')) || ~isfile(fullfile(keggPath,'reaction_mapformula.lst'))
0087         EM=fprintf(['The files ''reaction'', ''reaction.lst'' and ''reaction_mapformula.lst'' cannot be located at ' strrep(keggPath,'\','/') '/ and should be downloaded from the KEGG FTP\n']);
0088         dispEM(EM);
0089     else
0090         fprintf('Generating keggRxns.mat file... ');
0091         %Add new functionality in the order specified in models
0092         model.id='KEGG';
0093         model.name='Automatically generated from KEGG database';
0095         %Preallocate memory for 15000 reactions
0096         model.rxns=cell(15000,1);
0097         model.rxnNames=cell(15000,1);
0098         model.eccodes=cell(15000,1);
0099         model.subSystems=cell(15000,1);
0100         model.rxnMiriams=cell(15000,1);
0101         model.rxnNotes=cell(15000,1);
0102         equations=cell(15000,1);
0103         %Temporarily store the equations
0105         isSpontaneous=false(15000,1);
0106         isIncomplete=false(15000,1);
0107         isGeneral=false(15000,1);
0109         %First load information on reaction ID, reaction name, KO, pathway,
0110         %and ec-number
0111         fid = fopen(fullfile(keggPath,'reaction'), 'r');
0113         %Keep track of how many reactions have been added
0114         rxnCounter=0;
0116         %Loop through the file
0117         orthology=false;
0118         pathway=false;
0119         module=false;
0120         while 1
0121             %Get the next line
0122             tline = fgetl(fid);
0124             %Abort at end of file
0125             if ~ischar(tline)
0126                 break;
0127             end
0129             %Skip '///'
0130             if numel(tline)<12
0131                 continue;
0132             end
0134             %Check if it's a new reaction
0135             if strcmp(tline(1:12),'ENTRY       ')
0136                 rxnCounter=rxnCounter+1;
0138                 %Add empty strings where there should be such
0139                 model.rxnNames{rxnCounter}='';
0140                 model.eccodes{rxnCounter}='';
0141                 %model.subSystems{rxnCounter}=''; %remain empty cell
0142                 model.rxnNotes{rxnCounter}='';
0143                 equations{rxnCounter}='';
0145                 %Add reaction ID (always 6 characters)
0146                 model.rxns{rxnCounter}=tline(13:18);
0147                 orthology=false;
0148                 pathway=false;
0149                 module=false;
0151                 %Add KEGG reaction ID miriam
0152                 tempStruct=model.rxnMiriams{rxnCounter};
0153                 tempStruct.name{1,1}='kegg.reaction';
0154                 tempStruct.value{1,1}=tline(13:18);
0155                 model.rxnMiriams{rxnCounter}=tempStruct;
0156             end
0158             %Add name
0159             if strcmp(tline(1:12),'NAME        ')
0160                 model.rxnNames{rxnCounter}=tline(13:end);
0161             end
0163             %Add whether the comment includes "incomplete", "erroneous" or
0164             %"unclear"
0165             if strcmp(tline(1:12),'COMMENT     ')
0166                 %Read all text until '///', 'RPAIR', 'ENZYME', 'PATHWAY' or 'RCLASS'
0167                 commentText=tline(13:end);
0168                 while 1
0169                     tline = fgetl(fid);
0170                     if ~strcmp(tline(1:3),'///') && ~strcmp(tline(1:3),'RPA') && ~strcmp(tline(1:3),'ENZ') && ~strcmp(tline(1:3),'PAT') && ~strcmp(tline(1:3),'RCL')
0171                         commentText=[commentText ' ' strtrim(tline)];
0172                     else
0173                         break;
0174                     end
0175                 end
0176                 if any(regexpi(commentText,'SPONTANEOUS'))
0177                     %It should start this way
0178                     isSpontaneous(rxnCounter)=true;
0179                 end
0180                 if any(regexpi(commentText,'INCOMPLETE')) || any(regexpi(commentText,'ERRONEOUS')) || any(regexpi(commentText,'UNCLEAR'))
0181                     isIncomplete(rxnCounter)=true;
0182                 end
0183                 if any(regexpi(commentText,'GENERAL REACTION'))
0184                     %It should start this way
0185                     isGeneral(rxnCounter)=true;
0186                 end
0188                 %Go to next iteration if it is '///'
0189                 if numel(tline)<12
0190                     continue;
0191                 end
0192             end
0194             %Add ec-number
0195             if strcmp(tline(1:12),'ENZYME      ')
0196                 model.eccodes{rxnCounter}=tline(13:end);
0197                 model.eccodes{rxnCounter}=deblank(model.eccodes{rxnCounter});
0198                 model.eccodes{rxnCounter}=regexprep(model.eccodes{rxnCounter},'\s+',';');
0199             end
0200             if numel(tline)>8
0201                 if strcmp(tline(1:9),'REFERENCE')
0202                     pathway=false;
0203                     orthology=false;
0204                 end
0205             end
0207             %Add module ids
0208             if numel(tline)>18
0209                 if strcmp(tline(1:12),'MODULE      ') || module==true
0210                     pathway=false;
0211                     orthology=false;
0212                     if isstruct(model.rxnMiriams{rxnCounter})
0213                         addToIndex=numel(model.rxnMiriams{rxnCounter}.name)+1;
0214                     else
0215                         addToIndex=1;
0216                     end
0217                     tempStruct=model.rxnMiriams{rxnCounter};
0218                     tempStruct.name{addToIndex,1}='kegg.module';
0219                     tempStruct.value{addToIndex,1}=tline(13:18);
0220                     model.rxnMiriams{rxnCounter}=tempStruct;
0221                 end
0222             end
0224             %Add RHEA id
0225             if numel(tline)>18
0226                 if strcmp(tline(1:18),'DBLINKS     RHEA: ')
0227                     pathway=false;
0228                     orthology=false;
0229                     module=false;
0230                     if isstruct(model.rxnMiriams{rxnCounter})
0231                         addToIndex=numel(model.rxnMiriams{rxnCounter}.name)+1;
0232                     else
0233                         addToIndex=1;
0234                     end
0235                     tempStruct=model.rxnMiriams{rxnCounter};
0236                     tempStruct.name{addToIndex,1}='rhea';
0237                     tempStruct.value{addToIndex,1}=tline(19:end);
0238                     model.rxnMiriams{rxnCounter}=tempStruct;
0239                 end
0240             end
0242             %Add KO-ids
0243             if numel(tline)>16
0244                 if strcmp(tline(1:16),'ORTHOLOGY   KO: ') || strcmp(tline(1:16),'            KO: ') || strcmp(tline(1:12),'ORTHOLOGY   ') || orthology==true
0245                     pathway=false;
0246                     module=false;
0247                     %Check if KO has been added already (each reaction may
0248                     %belong to several)
0249                     if isstruct(model.rxnMiriams{rxnCounter})
0250                         addToIndex=numel(model.rxnMiriams{rxnCounter}.name)+1;
0251                     else
0252                         addToIndex=1;
0253                     end
0255                     tempStruct=model.rxnMiriams{rxnCounter};
0256                     tempStruct.name{addToIndex,1}='kegg.orthology';
0257                     if strcmp(tline(13:16),'KO:')
0258                         %This is in the old version
0259                         tempStruct.value{addToIndex,1}=tline(17:22);
0260                     else
0261                         %This means that it found one KO in the new format
0262                         %and that subsequent lines might be other KOs
0263                         orthology=true;
0264                         tempStruct.value{addToIndex,1}=tline(13:18);
0265                     end
0266                     model.rxnMiriams{rxnCounter}=tempStruct;
0267                 end
0268             end
0270             %Add pathways
0271             if numel(tline)>18
0272                 if strcmp(tline(1:18),'PATHWAY     PATH: ') || strcmp(tline(1:18),'            PATH: ') || strcmp(tline(1:12),'PATHWAY     ') || pathway==true
0273                     orthology=false;
0274                     module=false;
0275                     %Check if annotation has been added already
0276                     if isstruct(model.rxnMiriams{rxnCounter})
0277                         addToIndex=numel(model.rxnMiriams{rxnCounter}.name)+1;
0278                     else
0279                         addToIndex=1;
0280                     end
0282                     tempStruct=model.rxnMiriams{rxnCounter};
0283                     tempStruct.name{addToIndex,1}='kegg.pathway';
0284                     %If it is the old version
0285                     if strcmp(tline(14:17),'PATH:')
0286                         tempStruct.value{addToIndex,1}=tline(19:25);
0287                     else
0288                         %If it is the new version
0289                         tempStruct.value{addToIndex,1}=tline(13:19);
0290                         pathway=true;
0291                     end
0293                     %Do not save global or overview pathways. The ids for
0294                     %such pathways begin with rn011 or rn012
0295                     if ~strcmp('rn011',tempStruct.value{addToIndex,1}(1:5)) && ~strcmp('rn012',tempStruct.value{addToIndex,1}(1:5))
0296                         model.rxnMiriams{rxnCounter}=tempStruct;
0298                         %Also save the subSystems names. For the old KEGG
0299                         %format, only the first mentioned subsystem is
0300                         %picked. Use the newer KEGG format to fetch all the
0301                         %subsystems
0302                         if strcmp(tline(14:17),'PATH:')
0303                             %The old format
0304                             model.subSystems{rxnCounter}=tline(28:end);
0305                         else
0306                             %The new format
0307                             model.subSystems{rxnCounter,1}{1,numel(model.subSystems{rxnCounter,1})+1}=tline(22:end);
0308                         end
0309                     end
0310                 end
0311             end
0312         end
0314         %Close the file
0315         fclose(fid);
0317         %This is done here since the the indexes won't match since some
0318         %reactions are removed along the way
0319         isIncomplete=model.rxns(isIncomplete);
0320         isGeneral=model.rxns(isGeneral);
0321         isSpontaneous=model.rxns(isSpontaneous);
0323         %If too much space was allocated, shrink the model
0324         model.rxns=model.rxns(1:rxnCounter);
0325         model.rxnNames=model.rxnNames(1:rxnCounter);
0326         model.eccodes=model.eccodes(1:rxnCounter);
0327         equations=equations(1:rxnCounter);
0328         model.rxnMiriams=model.rxnMiriams(1:rxnCounter);
0329         model.rxnNotes=model.rxnNotes(1:rxnCounter);
0330         model.subSystems=model.subSystems(1:rxnCounter);
0332         %Then load the equations from another file. This is because the
0333         %equations are easier to retrieve from there
0335         %The format is rxnID: equation The reactions should have been
0336         %loaded in the exact same order
0337         fid = fopen(fullfile(keggPath,'reaction.lst'), 'r');
0339         %Loop through the file
0340         for i=1:rxnCounter
0341             %Get the next line
0342             tline = fgetl(fid);
0344             equations{i}=tline(9:end);
0345         end
0347         %Close the file
0348         fclose(fid);
0350         %Several equations may have two whitespaces between the last
0351         %reactant and the reversible arrow sign. The number of whitespaces
0352         %is thus reduced to one
0353         equations = regexprep(equations,'  <=>', ' <=>');
0355         %Construct the S matrix and list of metabolites
0356         [S, mets, badRxns]=constructS(equations);
0357         model.S=S;
0358         model.mets=mets;
0360         %There is some limited evidence for directionality in
0361         %reaction_mapformula.lst. The information there concerns how the
0362         %reactions are drawn in the KEGG maps. If a reaction is
0363         %irreversible in the same direction for all maps, then I consider
0364         %is irreversible, otherwise reversible. Also, not all reactions are
0365         %present in the maps, so not all will have directionality. They
0366         %will be considered to be reversible
0368         %The format is R00005: 00330: C01010 => C00011 Generate a
0369         %reversibility structure with the fields: *rxns: reaction ids
0370         %*product: one met id that is a product. This is because the
0371         %*reactions might be written in another direction compared to in
0372         % the reactions.lst file
0373         %*rev: 1 if reversible, otherwise 0
0374         reversibility.rxns={};
0375         reversibility.product={};
0376         reversibility.rev=[];
0378         fid = fopen(fullfile(keggPath,'reaction_mapformula.lst'), 'r');
0379         while 1
0380             %Get the next line
0381             tline = fgetl(fid);
0383             %Abort at end of file
0384             if ~ischar(tline)
0385                 break;
0386             end
0388             rxn=tline(1:6);
0389             prod=tline(end-5:end);
0390             rev=any(strfind(tline,'<=>'));
0391             if isempty(reversibility.rxns)
0392                 reversibility.rxns{1}=rxn;
0393                 reversibility.product{1}=prod;
0394                 reversibility.rev(1)=rev;
0395             elseif strcmp(reversibility.rxns(end),rxn)
0396                 %Check if the reaction was added before. It's an ordered
0397                 %list, so only check the last element If it's reversible in
0398                 %the new reaction or reversible in the old reaction then
0399                 %set (keep) to be reversible
0400                 if rev==1 || reversibility.rev(end)==1
0401                     reversibility.rev(end)=1;
0402                 else
0403                     %This means that the reaction was already loaded, that
0404                     %it was irreversible before and irreversible in the new
0405                     %reaction. However, it could be that they are written
0406                     %in diferent directions. If the product differ, then
0407                     %set to be reversible. This assumes that the reactions
0408                     %are written with the same metabolite as the last one
0409                     %if they are in the same direction
0410                     if ~strcmp(prod,reversibility.product(end))
0411                         reversibility.rev(end)=1;
0412                     end
0413                 end
0414             else
0415                 reversibility.rxns=[reversibility.rxns;rxn];
0416                 reversibility.product=[reversibility.product;prod];
0417                 reversibility.rev=[reversibility.rev;rev];
0418             end
0419         end
0420         fclose(fid);
0422         %Update the reversibility
0423         model.rev=ones(rxnCounter,1);
0424         %Match the reaction ids
0425         irrevIDs=find(reversibility.rev==0);
0426         [~, I]=ismember(reversibility.rxns(irrevIDs),model.rxns);
0427         [~, prodMetIDs]=ismember(reversibility.product(irrevIDs),model.mets);
0428         model.rev(I)=0;
0430         %See if the reactions are written in the same order in model.S
0431         linearInd=sub2ind(size(model.S), prodMetIDs, I);
0432         changeOrder=I(model.S(linearInd)<0);
0433         %Change the order of these reactions
0434         model.S(:,changeOrder)=model.S(:,changeOrder).*-1;
0436         %Add some stuff to get a correct model structure
0437         model.ub=ones(rxnCounter,1)*1000;
0438         model.lb=model.rev*-1000;
0439         model.c=zeros(rxnCounter,1);
0440         model.b=zeros(numel(model.mets),1);
0441         model=removeReactions(model,badRxns,true,true);
0443         %Identify reactions with undefined stoichiometry. Such
0444         %reactions involve metabolites with an ID containing the letter "n"
0445         %or "m"
0446         I=cellfun(@any,strfind(model.mets,'n')) | cellfun(@any,strfind(model.mets,'m'));
0447         [~, J]=find(model.S(I,:));
0448         isUndefinedStoich=model.rxns(unique(J));   
0449         %Sort model that metabolites with undefined stoichiometry would
0450         %appear in the end of metabolites list
0451         metList=[model.mets(~I);model.mets(I)];
0452         [~,metIndexes]=ismember(metList,model.mets);
0453         model=permuteModel(model,metIndexes,'mets');
0455         %Sort model that i) spontaneous, ii) with undefined
0456         %stoichiometry, iii) incomplete and iv) general reactions would bve
0457         %ranked in the end of the model
0458         endRxnList=unique([model.rxns(ismember(model.rxns,isSpontaneous));model.rxns(ismember(model.rxns,isUndefinedStoich));model.rxns(ismember(model.rxns,isIncomplete));model.rxns(ismember(model.rxns,isGeneral))],'stable');
0459         rxnList=[model.rxns(~ismember(model.rxns,endRxnList));endRxnList];
0460         [~,rxnIndexes]=ismember(rxnList,model.rxns);
0461         model=permuteModel(model,rxnIndexes,'rxns');
0463         %Add information in rxnNotes, whether reaction belongs to any of
0464         %type i-iv mentioned a few lines above
0465         for i=(numel(rxnList)-numel(endRxnList)+1):numel(model.rxns)
0466             if ismember(model.rxns(i),isSpontaneous)
0467                 model.rxnNotes(i)=strcat(model.rxnNotes(i),'Spontaneous');
0468             end
0469             if ismember(model.rxns(i),isUndefinedStoich)
0470                 if isempty(model.rxnNotes{i})
0471                     model.rxnNotes(i)=strcat(model.rxnNotes(i),'With undefined stoichiometry');
0472                 else
0473                     model.rxnNotes(i)=strcat(model.rxnNotes(i),', with undefined stoichiometry');
0474                 end
0475             end
0476             if ismember(model.rxns(i),isIncomplete)
0477                 if isempty(model.rxnNotes{i})
0478                     model.rxnNotes(i)=strcat(model.rxnNotes(i),'Incomplete');
0479                 else
0480                     model.rxnNotes(i)=strcat(model.rxnNotes(i),', incomplete');
0481                 end
0482             end
0483             if ismember(model.rxns(i),isGeneral)
0484                 if isempty(model.rxnNotes{i})
0485                     model.rxnNotes(i)=strcat(model.rxnNotes(i),'General');
0486                 else
0487                     model.rxnNotes(i)=strcat(model.rxnNotes(i),', general');
0488                 end
0489             end
0490             model.rxnNotes(i)=strcat(model.rxnNotes(i),' reaction');
0491         end
0493         %Save the model structure
0494         save(rxnsFile,'model','isGeneral','isIncomplete','isUndefinedStoich','isSpontaneous');
0495     end
0496 end
0497 fprintf('COMPLETE\n');
0499 end

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