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function metaCycModel=getModelFromMetaCyc(metacycPath,keepTransportRxns,keepUnbalanced,keepUndetermined)


   Retrieves information stored in MetaCyc flat files and generates a super model

   metacycPath         By setting this parameter as empty (default ''), a 
                       super model of MetaCyc can be directly generated from
                       the Matlab files (metaCycRxns, metaCycMets and metaCycEnzymes)
                       that are in the RAVEN\external\metacyc directory.
                       Alternatively, this function attempts to re-generate
                       the Matlab files from a local dump of MetaCyc data files
                       (e.g. reactions.dat, proteins.dat, compounds.dat),
                       to which the path should be defined by this parameter
   keepTransportRxns   include transportation reactions, which often have identical
                       reactants and products that turn to be all-zero columns in
                       the S matrix (opt, default false)
   keepUnbalanced      include reactions cannot be unbalanced reactions, usually
                       because they are polymeric reactions or because of a
                       specific difficulty in balancing class structures
                       (opt, default false)
   keepUndetermined    include reactions that have substrates lack chemical
                       structures or with non-numerical coefficients (e.g. n+1)
                       (opt, default false)

   metaCycModel        a model structure generated from MetaCyc database
                       including all reactions, metabolites and enzymes
                       in MetaCyc

   NOTE: This function allows users to update the MetaCyc Matlab files from
   a local dump of data files, which can be obtained through subscribing to
   the database (https://metacyc.org/download.shtml).

   Usage: getModelFromMetaCyc(metacycPath,keepTransportRxns,keepUnbalanced,keepUndetermined)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function metaCycModel=getModelFromMetaCyc(metacycPath,keepTransportRxns,keepUnbalanced,keepUndetermined)
0002 % getModelFromMetaCyc
0003 %   Retrieves information stored in MetaCyc flat files and generates a super model
0004 %
0005 %   Input:
0006 %   metacycPath         By setting this parameter as empty (default ''), a
0007 %                       super model of MetaCyc can be directly generated from
0008 %                       the Matlab files (metaCycRxns, metaCycMets and metaCycEnzymes)
0009 %                       that are in the RAVEN\external\metacyc directory.
0010 %                       Alternatively, this function attempts to re-generate
0011 %                       the Matlab files from a local dump of MetaCyc data files
0012 %                       (e.g. reactions.dat, proteins.dat, compounds.dat),
0013 %                       to which the path should be defined by this parameter
0014 %   keepTransportRxns   include transportation reactions, which often have identical
0015 %                       reactants and products that turn to be all-zero columns in
0016 %                       the S matrix (opt, default false)
0017 %   keepUnbalanced      include reactions cannot be unbalanced reactions, usually
0018 %                       because they are polymeric reactions or because of a
0019 %                       specific difficulty in balancing class structures
0020 %                       (opt, default false)
0021 %   keepUndetermined    include reactions that have substrates lack chemical
0022 %                       structures or with non-numerical coefficients (e.g. n+1)
0023 %                       (opt, default false)
0024 %
0025 %   Output:
0026 %   metaCycModel        a model structure generated from MetaCyc database
0027 %                       including all reactions, metabolites and enzymes
0028 %                       in MetaCyc
0029 %
0030 %   NOTE: This function allows users to update the MetaCyc Matlab files from
0031 %   a local dump of data files, which can be obtained through subscribing to
0032 %   the database (https://metacyc.org/download.shtml).
0033 %
0034 %   Usage: getModelFromMetaCyc(metacycPath,keepTransportRxns,keepUnbalanced,keepUndetermined)
0036 if nargin<1
0037     ravenPath=findRAVENroot();
0038     metacycPath=fullfile(ravenPath,'external','metacyc');
0039 else
0040     metacycPath=char(metacycPath);
0041 end
0042 if nargin<2
0043     keepTransportRxns=false;
0044 end
0045 if nargin<3
0046     keepUnbalanced=false;
0047 end
0048 if nargin<4
0049     keepUndetermined=false;
0050 end
0052 %First get all reactions
0053 metaCycModel=getRxnsFromMetaCyc(metacycPath,keepTransportRxns,keepUnbalanced,keepUndetermined);
0055 %Get reaction and enzyme association
0056 metaCycEnzymes=getEnzymesFromMetaCyc(metacycPath);
0058 %Replace rxnNames with those from metaCycEnzymes
0059 [a, b]=ismember(metaCycModel.rxns,metaCycEnzymes.rxns);
0060 a=find(a);
0061 b=b(a);
0062 metaCycModel.rxnNames(a)=metaCycEnzymes.rxnNames(b);
0064 fprintf('Reorganizing reaction-enzyme associations... ')
0065 %Create the rxnGeneMat for the reactions, by geting all enzymes and
0066 %corresponding subunits
0067 rxnNum=numel(metaCycModel.rxns);
0068 metaCycModel.genes=metaCycEnzymes.enzymes;
0069 metaCycModel.rxnGeneMat=sparse(rxnNum,numel(metaCycEnzymes.enzymes));
0070 metaCycModel.grRules=cell(rxnNum,1);
0072 %Loop through all reactions to generate rxnGeneMat matrix and grRules This
0073 %step also cross-link reactions to their catalyzing enzymes
0074 for i=1:rxnNum
0076     metaCycModel.grRules{i}='';
0077     %Find out if this is an enzymatic reaction
0078     [a, b]=ismember(metaCycModel.rxns(i),metaCycEnzymes.rxns);
0079     if a
0080         I=[];   %Find out all catalyzing enzymes, which are treated as isoenzymes
0081         I=find(metaCycEnzymes.rxnEnzymeMat(b,:));
0082         if ~isempty(I)
0084             grRule='';
0085             for j=1:numel(I)
0087                 subgrRule=''; %Find out if enzyme complex
0088                 [c, d]=ismember(metaCycEnzymes.enzymes(I(j)),metaCycEnzymes.cplxs);
0089                 if c   %In cases of an enzyme complex
0090                     %With single subunit
0091                     if numel(metaCycEnzymes.cplxComp{d}.subunit)==1
0092                         subgrRule=metaCycEnzymes.cplxComp{d}.subunit{1};
0093                         %With multiple subunits
0094                     else
0095                         subgrRule=strjoin(metaCycEnzymes.cplxComp{d}.subunit,' and ');
0096                         subgrRule=strcat('(',subgrRule,')');
0097                     end
0098                     [x, geneIndex]=ismember(metaCycEnzymes.cplxComp{d}.subunit,metaCycModel.genes);
0099                     metaCycModel.rxnGeneMat(i,geneIndex)=1;
0101                 else  %In cases of NOT an enzyme complex
0102                     subgrRule=metaCycEnzymes.enzymes(I(j));
0103                     metaCycModel.rxnGeneMat(i,I(j))=1;
0104                 end
0106                 %Generating grRules
0107                 if ~strcmp(subgrRule,'')
0108                     if ~strcmp(grRule,'')
0109                         grRule=strcat(grRule,{' or '},subgrRule);
0110                     else
0111                         grRule=subgrRule;
0112                     end
0113                 end
0115             end
0116             if iscell(grRule)
0117                 metaCycModel.grRules{i}=grRule{1};
0118             else
0119                 metaCycModel.grRules{i}=grRule;
0120             end
0122         end
0124     end
0125 end
0126 fprintf('done\n')
0127 %Then get all metabolites
0128 metaCycMets=getMetsFromMetaCyc(metacycPath);
0130 %Add information about all metabolites to the model
0131 [a, b]=ismember(metaCycModel.mets,metaCycMets.mets);
0132 a=find(a);
0133 b=b(a);
0135 if ~isfield(metaCycModel,'metNames')
0136     metaCycModel.metNames=cell(numel(metaCycModel.mets),1);
0137     metaCycModel.metNames(:)={''};
0138 end
0139 metaCycModel.metNames(a)=metaCycMets.metNames(b);
0141 if ~isfield(metaCycModel,'metFormulas')
0142     metaCycModel.metFormulas=cell(numel(metaCycModel.mets),1);
0143     metaCycModel.metFormulas(:)={''};
0144 end
0145 metaCycModel.metFormulas(a)=metaCycMets.metFormulas(b);
0147 if ~isfield(metaCycModel,'metCharges')
0148     metaCycModel.metCharges=zeros(numel(metaCycModel.mets),1);
0149 end
0150 metaCycModel.metCharges(a)=metaCycMets.metCharges(b);
0152 if ~isfield(metaCycModel,'inchis')
0153     metaCycModel.inchis=cell(numel(metaCycModel.mets),1);
0154     metaCycModel.inchis(:)={''};
0155 end
0156 metaCycModel.inchis(a)=metaCycMets.inchis(b);
0158 if ~isfield(metaCycModel,'metMiriams')
0159     metaCycModel.metMiriams=cell(numel(metaCycModel.mets),1);
0160 end
0161 metaCycModel.metMiriams(a)=metaCycMets.metMiriams(b);
0163 if ~isfield(metaCycModel,'keggid')
0164     metaCycModel.keggid=cell(numel(metaCycModel.mets),1);
0165 end
0166 metaCycModel.keggid(a)=metaCycMets.keggid(b);
0168 %Put all metabolites in one compartment called 's' (for system). This is
0169 %done just to be more compatible with the rest of the code
0170 metaCycModel.comps={'s'};
0171 metaCycModel.compNames={'System'};
0172 metaCycModel.metComps=ones(numel(metaCycModel.mets),1);
0175 %It could also be that the metabolite and reaction names are empty for some
0176 %reasons. In that case, use the ID instead
0177 I=cellfun(@isempty,metaCycModel.metNames);
0178 metaCycModel.metNames(I)=metaCycModel.mets(I);
0179 I=cellfun(@isempty,metaCycModel.rxnNames);
0180 metaCycModel.rxnNames(I)=metaCycModel.rxns(I);
0182 end

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