Home > installation > checkFunctionUniqueness.m





function status = checkFunctionUniqueness(altDirs)


   Checks whether RAVEN toolbox functions are unique across other
   toolboxes or user-created functions accessible in Matlab pathlist.

   altDirs     cell array of alternative directories with functions,
               should only be specified if this function is used for other
               purposes, NOT when looking for RAVEN toolbox functions.

   status      true if all functions are unique, otherwise false

   Usage: checkFunctionUniqueness()


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function status = checkFunctionUniqueness(altDirs)
0002 % checkFunctionUniqueness
0003 %   Checks whether RAVEN toolbox functions are unique across other
0004 %   toolboxes or user-created functions accessible in Matlab pathlist.
0005 %
0006 % Input:
0007 %   altDirs     cell array of alternative directories with functions,
0008 %               should only be specified if this function is used for other
0009 %               purposes, NOT when looking for RAVEN toolbox functions.
0010 %
0011 % Output:
0012 %   status      true if all functions are unique, otherwise false
0013 %
0014 %   Usage: checkFunctionUniqueness()
0016 if nargin<1
0017     %Get the RAVEN path
0018     ravenDir=findRAVENroot();
0020     %Now getting all RAVEN functions recursively;
0021     temp_res1=dir([ravenDir '/*/*.m']);
0022     temp_res2=dir([ravenDir '/*/*/*.m']);
0024     ravenFunctions={temp_res1.name,temp_res2.name}';
0025 else
0026     if ispc
0027         splitChar = ';';
0028     else
0029         splitChar = ':';
0030     end
0031     altDirs = strsplit(altDirs,splitChar)';
0032     ravenFunctions={};
0033     for i=1:numel(altDirs)
0034         temp_res=dir(fullfile(char(altDirs(i)),'*.m'));
0035         ravenFunctions = [ravenFunctions, temp_res.name];
0036     end
0037     ravenFunctions=ravenFunctions';
0038     ravenDir=altDirs;
0039 end
0041 %startup.m is not a normal function, any startup.m in the path should run
0042 %during startup, so duplicate use of this name is fine
0043 ravenFunctions=ravenFunctions(~ismember(ravenFunctions,'startup.m'));
0045 %Getting all the paths added to Matlab
0046 if ispc
0047     matlabPaths=regexp(path, ';', 'split')';
0048 elseif isunix
0049     matlabPaths=regexp(path, ':', 'split')';
0050 end
0052 overlapPath={};
0053 overlapFunctions={};
0054 multiRaven=false;
0055 multiFunction=false;
0057 for i=1:numel(matlabPaths)
0058     if ~startsWith(matlabPaths{i},ravenDir)
0059         temp_res=dir([matlabPaths{i} '/*.m']);
0060         if ~isempty(temp_res)
0061             pathFunctions={temp_res.name}';
0062         else
0063             pathFunctions='';
0064         end
0065         if ~isempty(pathFunctions) && ~any(ismember('Contents.m',pathFunctions))
0066             if any(ismember(ravenFunctions,pathFunctions))
0067                 if sum(ismember(ravenFunctions,pathFunctions))>(numel(ravenFunctions)/4)
0068                     multiRaven=true;
0069                 else
0070                     multiFunction=true;
0071                     overlapPath = [overlapPath, matlabPaths(i)];
0072                     overlapFunctions = [overlapFunctions, {ravenFunctions(ismember(ravenFunctions,pathFunctions))}];
0073                 end
0074             end
0075         end
0076     end
0077 end
0079 if multiRaven==true || multiFunction == true
0080         if nargout > 0
0081             status = false;
0082         else
0083             fprintf('Fail\n')
0084         end
0085     if multiRaven==true && nargin < 1
0086         error(['Multiple RAVEN versions detected in MATLAB path. Remove all ',...
0087                'RAVEN directories from the MATLAB path with removeRavenFromPath(), ',...
0088                'or manually remove them. Afterwards, re-run checkInstallation']);
0089     elseif multiFunction == true
0090         for i=1:numel(overlapPath)
0091             fprintf(['   Duplicate functions in ',regexprep(overlapPath{i},'(\\)','\\$1'),'\n']);
0092             fprintf(['     ' strjoin(overlapFunctions{i},'\n     ') '\n']);
0093         end
0094     fprintf('   Resolve conflicting functions to avoid unexpected behaviour\n');
0095     end
0096 else
0097     if nargout > 0
0098         status = true;
0099     else
0100         fprintf('Pass\n')
0101     end
0102 end

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