Home > src > geckomat > change_model > applyComplexData.m





function [model, foundComplex, proposedComplex] = applyComplexData(model, complexInfo, modelAdapter, verbose)


   Apply stochiometry for complex in an ecModel

   model           an ecModel in GECKO 3 format (with ecModel.ec structure)
   complexInfo     structure as generated by getComplexData. If nothing
                   is provided, an attempt will be made to read
                   data/ComplexPortal.json from the obj.params.path folder
                   specified in the modelAdapter.
   modelAdapter    a loaded model adapter (Optional, will otherwise use the
                   default model adapter).
   verbose         logical if a summary should be shown in the Command
                   Window (Optional, default true)

   model           ecModel where model.ec.rxnEnzMat is populated with
                   subunit stochiometries
   foundComplex    complexes that fully matched between the model and the
                   complex data
   proposedComplex complexes where the model contained >75% but <100% of
                   the proteins indicated by Complex Portal, or where the
                   model contained more proteins than indicated for that
                   complex in Complex Portal.

   [model, foundComplex, proposedComplex] = applyComplexData(ecModel, complexInfo, modelAdapter);


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [model, foundComplex, proposedComplex] = applyComplexData(model, complexInfo, modelAdapter, verbose)
0002 % applyComplexData
0003 %   Apply stochiometry for complex in an ecModel
0004 %
0005 % Input:
0006 %   model           an ecModel in GECKO 3 format (with ecModel.ec structure)
0007 %   complexInfo     structure as generated by getComplexData. If nothing
0008 %                   is provided, an attempt will be made to read
0009 %                   data/ComplexPortal.json from the obj.params.path folder
0010 %                   specified in the modelAdapter.
0011 %   modelAdapter    a loaded model adapter (Optional, will otherwise use the
0012 %                   default model adapter).
0013 %   verbose         logical if a summary should be shown in the Command
0014 %                   Window (Optional, default true)
0015 %
0016 % Output:
0017 %   model           ecModel where model.ec.rxnEnzMat is populated with
0018 %                   subunit stochiometries
0019 %   foundComplex    complexes that fully matched between the model and the
0020 %                   complex data
0021 %   proposedComplex complexes where the model contained >75% but <100% of
0022 %                   the proteins indicated by Complex Portal, or where the
0023 %                   model contained more proteins than indicated for that
0024 %                   complex in Complex Portal.
0025 %
0026 % Usage:
0027 %   [model, foundComplex, proposedComplex] = applyComplexData(ecModel, complexInfo, modelAdapter);
0029 if nargin < 4 || isempty(verbose)
0030     verbose = true;
0031 end
0033 if nargin < 3 || isempty(modelAdapter)
0034     modelAdapter = ModelAdapterManager.getDefault();
0035     if isempty(modelAdapter)
0036         error('Either send in a modelAdapter or set the default model adapter in the ModelAdapterManager.')
0037     end
0038 end
0039 params = modelAdapter.params;
0041 if nargin<2 || isempty(complexInfo)
0042     complexInfo = fullfile(params.path,'data','ComplexPortal.json');
0043     if ~isfile(complexInfo)
0044         complexInfo = getComplexData([], modelAdapter);
0045     end
0046 end
0048 if ischar(complexInfo) || isstring(complexInfo)
0049     jsonStr = fileread(complexInfo);
0050     complexData = jsondecode(jsonStr);
0051 else
0052     complexData = complexInfo;
0053 end
0055 %Remove prefixes on rxn names for gecko light
0056 if ~model.ec.geckoLight
0057     rxnNames = model.ec.rxns;
0058 else
0059     rxnNames = extractAfter(model.ec.rxns,4);
0060 end
0062 foundComplex = cell(numel(rxnNames),7);
0063 foundComplexCount = 0;
0064 proposedComplex = cell(numel(rxnNames)*2,8); % Might propose more
0065 proposedComplexCount = 0;
0067 complexProts = repmat({''}, numel({complexData.complexID})*10, 1);
0068 complexMatrix = zeros(numel({complexData.complexID}),numel(complexProts));
0069 lastProt = 0;
0070 for i=1:size(complexMatrix,1)
0071     % Locate proteins (and add if new)
0072     protIDs     = complexData(i).protID;
0073     [isOld, protMatIdx] = ismember(protIDs,complexProts);
0074     newProts    = protIDs(~isOld);
0075     complexProts(lastProt+1:lastProt+numel(newProts))=newProts;
0076     protMatIdx(~isOld)  = lastProt+1 : lastProt+numel(newProts);
0077     lastProt = lastProt + numel(newProts);
0078     % Add subunit numbers
0079     if all(complexData(i).stochiometry == 0)
0080         complexData(i).stochiometry(:) = 1;
0081     end
0082     complexMatrix(i,protMatIdx) = complexData(i).stochiometry;
0083 end
0085 % Remove excess space
0086 complexMatrix(:,lastProt+1:end) = [];
0087 complexProts(lastProt+1:end) = [];
0088 progressbar('Assign complexes to reactions')
0089 for i = 1:numel(rxnNames)
0090     % Get the proteins from the model
0091     modelProts = model.ec.enzymes(find(model.ec.rxnEnzMat(i,:)));
0092     [protsInMat, protsIdx] = ismember(modelProts,complexProts);
0093     if ~any(protsInMat)
0094         continue
0095     end
0096     % Find complexes that includes the model proteins
0097     [potComplex,~] = find(complexMatrix(:,protsIdx(protsInMat)));
0098     potComplex = unique(potComplex);
0099     % Some stats on number of subunits, percentage match etc.
0100     matchComplexUnits = sum(logical(complexMatrix(potComplex,protsIdx(protsInMat))),2);
0101     totalComplexUnits = sum(logical(complexMatrix(potComplex,:)),2);
0102     modComplexUnits = numel(modelProts);
0103     percMatch  = matchComplexUnits/modComplexUnits;
0104     totalMatch = totalComplexUnits/modComplexUnits;
0105     if any(percMatch == 1 & totalMatch == 1)
0106         % Exact match
0107         complexMatch = find(percMatch == 1 & totalMatch == 1);
0108         if numel(complexMatch)>1 % If more than one match, take first match
0109             complexMatch = complexMatch(1);
0110         end
0111         complexMatch = potComplex(complexMatch);
0112         foundComplexCount = foundComplexCount + 1;
0113         foundComplex{foundComplexCount,1} = model.ec.rxns{i};
0114         foundComplex{foundComplexCount,2} = complexData(complexMatch).complexID;
0115         foundComplex{foundComplexCount,3} = complexData(complexMatch).name;
0116         foundComplex{foundComplexCount,4} = complexData(complexMatch).geneName;
0117         foundComplex{foundComplexCount,5} = modelProts;
0118         foundComplex{foundComplexCount,6} = complexData(complexMatch).protID;
0119         foundComplex{foundComplexCount,7} = complexData(complexMatch).stochiometry;
0121         % Apply in rxnEnzMat
0122         [~, modelProtsIdx] = ismember(modelProts, model.ec.enzymes);
0123         model.ec.rxnEnzMat(i,modelProtsIdx) = complexData(complexMatch).stochiometry;
0125     elseif modComplexUnits > 1 % Only suggest potential complex if grRule > 1 protein
0126         moreUnitsInData = find(percMatch == 1 & totalMatch > 1);
0127         if any(moreUnitsInData)
0128             % All ecModel subunits match, but Complex Portal has more subunits
0129             % Take the complex with the minimum number of extra subunits
0130             [~,propComplex] = min(totalMatch(moreUnitsInData));
0131             propComplex     = moreUnitsInData(propComplex);
0132             selectComplex   = potComplex(propComplex);
0133             proposedComplexCount = proposedComplexCount + 1;
0134             proposedComplex{proposedComplexCount,1} = model.ec.rxns{i};
0135             proposedComplex{proposedComplexCount,2} = complexData(selectComplex).complexID;
0136             proposedComplex{proposedComplexCount,3} = complexData(selectComplex).name;
0137             proposedComplex{proposedComplexCount,4} = complexData(selectComplex).geneName;
0138             proposedComplex{proposedComplexCount,5} = modelProts;
0139             proposedComplex{proposedComplexCount,6} = complexData(selectComplex).protID;
0140             proposedComplex{proposedComplexCount,7} = complexData(selectComplex).stochiometry;
0141             proposedComplex{proposedComplexCount,8} = totalMatch(propComplex)*100;
0142         end
0143         otherUnits = find(percMatch >= 0.75 & percMatch < 1 & totalMatch <= 1);
0144         if any(otherUnits)
0145             % At least 75% of ecModels subunits match, Complex Portal maybe have less or different subunits
0146             % Take the complex with highest % match.
0147             [~,propComplex] = max(percMatch(otherUnits));
0148             propComplex     = otherUnits(propComplex);
0149             selectComplex   = potComplex(propComplex);
0150             proposedComplexCount = proposedComplexCount + 1;
0151             proposedComplex{proposedComplexCount,1} = model.ec.rxns{i};
0152             proposedComplex{proposedComplexCount,2} = complexData(selectComplex).complexID;
0153             proposedComplex{proposedComplexCount,3} = complexData(selectComplex).name;
0154             proposedComplex{proposedComplexCount,4} = complexData(selectComplex).geneName;
0155             proposedComplex{proposedComplexCount,5} = modelProts;
0156             proposedComplex{proposedComplexCount,6} = complexData(selectComplex).protID;
0157             proposedComplex{proposedComplexCount,7} = complexData(selectComplex).stochiometry;
0158             proposedComplex{proposedComplexCount,8} = percMatch(propComplex)*100;
0159         end
0160     end
0161     progressbar(i/numel(rxnNames))    
0162 end
0163 progressbar(1) % Make sure it closes
0165 % Remove empty space
0166 foundComplex(foundComplexCount+1:end,:) = [];
0167 proposedComplex(proposedComplexCount+1:end,:) = [];
0169 rowHeadings = {'rxn', 'complexID','name','genes','protID_model','protID_complex','stochiometry'};
0171 foundComplex = cell2table(foundComplex, 'VariableNames', rowHeadings);
0173 proposedComplex = cell2table(proposedComplex, 'VariableNames', [rowHeadings 'match']);
0174 if verbose
0175     disp(['A total of ' int2str(numel(foundComplex(:,1))) ' complex have full match, and ' int2str(numel(proposedComplex(:,1))) ' proposed.'])
0176 end
0177 end

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