Home > src > geckomat > change_model > applyKcatConstraints.m





function model = applyKcatConstraints(model,updateRxns)


   Applies kcat-derived enzyme constraints to an ecModel. Existing enzyme
   constraints are first removed (unless updateRxns is provided), and new
   constraints are defined based on the content of model.ec.kcat.

   model       an ecModel in GECKO 3 format (with ecModel.ec structure)
   updateRxns  if not all enzyme constraints should be updated, this can
               be given as either a logical vector of length
               model.ec.rxns, a vector of model.ec.rxns indices, or a
               (cell array of) string(s) with model.ec.rxns identifiers.
               For light models, these reactions should match model.rxns.

   model       ecModel where reactions are constrained by enzyme usage
               if a kcat value was provided for the reaction-enzyme pair
               in model.ec.kcat

 Usage: model = applyKcatConstraints(model,updateRxns);


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function model = applyKcatConstraints(model,updateRxns)
0002 % applyKcatConstraints
0003 %   Applies kcat-derived enzyme constraints to an ecModel. Existing enzyme
0004 %   constraints are first removed (unless updateRxns is provided), and new
0005 %   constraints are defined based on the content of model.ec.kcat.
0006 %
0007 % Input:
0008 %   model       an ecModel in GECKO 3 format (with ecModel.ec structure)
0009 %   updateRxns  if not all enzyme constraints should be updated, this can
0010 %               be given as either a logical vector of length
0011 %               model.ec.rxns, a vector of model.ec.rxns indices, or a
0012 %               (cell array of) string(s) with model.ec.rxns identifiers.
0013 %               For light models, these reactions should match model.rxns.
0014 %
0015 % Output:
0016 %   model       ecModel where reactions are constrained by enzyme usage
0017 %               if a kcat value was provided for the reaction-enzyme pair
0018 %               in model.ec.kcat
0019 %
0020 % Usage: model = applyKcatConstraints(model,updateRxns);
0022 %these lines are for the nargin lines below only
0023 if (model.ec.geckoLight)
0024     rxns = model.rxns;
0025 else
0026     rxns = model.ec.rxns;
0027 end
0029 if nargin<2
0030     updateRxns = true(numel(rxns),1);
0031 elseif isnumeric(updateRxns)
0032     updateRxnsLog = false(numel(rxns),1);
0033     updateRxnsLog(updateRxns) = true;
0034     updateRxns = updateRxnsLog;
0035 elseif iscellstr(updateRxns) || ischar(updateRxns) || isstring(updateRxns)
0036     updateRxnsIds = convertCharArray(updateRxns);
0037     updateRxns = ismember(rxns,updateRxnsIds);
0038 end
0040 if isempty(find(updateRxns, 1)) || isempty(updateRxns)
0041      error('No reaction to update or updateRxns is logical but without any true value')
0042 end
0044 if ~isfield(model,'ec')
0045     error(['No model.ec structure could be found: the provided model is'...
0046            ' not a valid GECKO3 ecModel. First run makeEcModel(model).'])
0047 end
0048 if all(model.ec.kcat==0)
0049     printOrange('WARNING: No kcat values are provided in model.ec.kcat, model remains unchanged.\n');
0050     return
0051 end
0053 %Clear existing incorporation of enzyme usage
0054 if ~model.ec.geckoLight
0055     protMetIdx = startsWith(model.mets,'prot_') & ~strcmp(model.mets,'prot_pool');
0056     metabolRxn = unique(model.ec.rxns(updateRxns));
0057     metabolRxn = ismember(model.rxns,metabolRxn);
0058     model.S(protMetIdx,metabolRxn) = 0;
0059 end %no clearing needed for GECKO Light, will be overwritten below
0060 %For normal GECKO formulation (full model), where each enzyme is explicitly considered
0061 if ~model.ec.geckoLight 
0062     %Column 1 = rxn idx; 2 = enzyme idx; 3 = subunit copies; 4 = kcat; 5 = MW
0063     newKcats=zeros(numel(updateRxns)*10,5);
0064     updateRxns=find(updateRxns);
0065     kcatFirst=0;
0066     for i=1:numel(updateRxns)
0067         j=updateRxns(i);
0068         if model.ec.kcat(j) ~= 0
0069             enzymes   = find(model.ec.rxnEnzMat(j,:));
0070             kcatLast  = kcatFirst+numel(enzymes);
0071             kcatFirst = kcatFirst+1;
0072             newKcats(kcatFirst:kcatLast,1) = j;
0073             newKcats(kcatFirst:kcatLast,2) = enzymes;
0074             newKcats(kcatFirst:kcatLast,3) = model.ec.rxnEnzMat(j,enzymes);
0075             newKcats(kcatFirst:kcatLast,4) = model.ec.kcat(j);
0076             newKcats(kcatFirst:kcatLast,5) = model.ec.mw(enzymes);
0077             kcatFirst = kcatLast;
0078         end
0079     end
0080     if exist('kcatLast','var') % If it does not, then no kcats are found
0081         newKcats(kcatLast+1:end,:)=[];
0083         sel = newKcats(:,4) > 0; %Only apply to non-zero kcat
0084         newKcats(sel,4) = newKcats(sel,4) * 3600; %per second -> per hour
0085         newKcats(sel,4) = newKcats(sel,5) ./ newKcats(sel,4); %MW/kcat
0086         newKcats(sel,4) = newKcats(sel,3) .* newKcats(sel,4); %Multicopy subunits.
0087         newKcats(~sel,4) = 0; %Results in zero-cost
0089         %Replace rxns and enzymes with their location in model
0090         [~,newKcats(:,1)] = ismember(model.ec.rxns(newKcats(:,1)),model.rxns);
0091         [~,newKcats(:,2)] = ismember(strcat('prot_',model.ec.enzymes(newKcats(:,2))),model.mets);
0092         linearIndices     = sub2ind(size(model.S),newKcats(:,2),newKcats(:,1));
0093         model.S(linearIndices) = -newKcats(:,4); %Substrate = negative
0094     end
0095 else %GECKO light formulation, where prot_pool represents all usages
0096     prot_pool_idx = find(ismember(model.mets,'prot_pool'));
0097     %first remove the prefix of all rxns
0098     modRxns     = extractAfter(model.ec.rxns,4);
0099     % Map ec-reactions to model.rxns
0100     [hasEc,~]   = ismember(model.rxns,modRxns);
0101     hasEc       = find(hasEc & updateRxns);
0102     [~,rxnIdx]   = ismember(modRxns,model.rxns);
0103     for i = 1:numel(hasEc)
0104         % Get all isozymes per reaction
0105         ecIdx = find(rxnIdx == hasEc(i));
0106         % ecIdx = strcmp(model.rxns(hasEc(i)),modRxns);
0107         % Multiply enzymes with their MW (they are then automatically
0108         % summed per reaction), and divide by their kcat, to get a vector
0109         % of MW/kcat values.
0110         MWkcat = (model.ec.rxnEnzMat(ecIdx,:) * model.ec.mw) ./ model.ec.kcat(ecIdx);
0111         % If kcat was zero, MWkcat is Inf. If no enzyme info was found,
0112         % MWkcat is NaN. Correct both back to zero
0113         MWkcat(isinf(MWkcat) | isnan(MWkcat)) = 0;
0114         % Select the lowest MW/kcat (= most efficient), and convert to /hour
0115         model.S(prot_pool_idx, hasEc(i)) = -min(MWkcat/3600);
0116     end
0117 end
0118 end

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