Home > src > geckomat > change_model > findMetSmiles.m





function [model,noSMILES] = findMetSmiles(model, modelAdapter, verbose)


   Queries PubChem by metabolite names to obtain SMILES. Matches will also
   be stored in tutorials/***/data/smilesDB.tsv, that will also be queried
   first next time the function is run. If the model already has a
   metSmiles field, then non-empty entries will not be overwritten.

   model        a model whose metNames field is used to find the relevant SMILES
   modelAdapter a loaded model adapter (Optional, will otherwise use the
                default model adapter).
   verbose      logical whether progress should be reported (Optional,
                default true)
   model        model with model.metSmiles specified.
   noSMILES     metabolite names for which no SMILES could be found.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [model,noSMILES] = findMetSmiles(model, modelAdapter, verbose)
0002 % findMetSMILES
0003 %   Queries PubChem by metabolite names to obtain SMILES. Matches will also
0004 %   be stored in tutorials/***/data/smilesDB.tsv, that will also be queried
0005 %   first next time the function is run. If the model already has a
0006 %   metSmiles field, then non-empty entries will not be overwritten.
0007 %
0008 % Input:
0009 %   model        a model whose metNames field is used to find the relevant SMILES
0010 %   modelAdapter a loaded model adapter (Optional, will otherwise use the
0011 %                default model adapter).
0012 %   verbose      logical whether progress should be reported (Optional,
0013 %                default true)
0014 % Ouput:
0015 %   model        model with model.metSmiles specified.
0016 %   noSMILES     metabolite names for which no SMILES could be found.
0017 %
0018 if nargin < 3 || isempty(verbose)
0019     verbose = true;
0020 end
0021 if nargin < 2 || isempty(modelAdapter)
0022     modelAdapter = ModelAdapterManager.getDefault();
0023     if isempty(modelAdapter)
0024         error('Either send in a modelAdapter or set the default model adapter in the ModelAdapterManager.')
0025     end
0026 end
0027 params = modelAdapter.params;
0029 [uniqueNames, ~, uniqueIdx] = unique(regexprep(model.metNames,'^prot_.*',''));
0030 uniqueSmiles(1:numel(uniqueNames),1) = {''};
0031 metMatch = false(length(uniqueNames),1);
0032 metMatch(strcmp(uniqueNames,'')) = 1; % No need trying to match empty fields
0033 if verbose; fprintf('Check for local SMILES database... '); end
0034 smilesDBfile = (fullfile(params.path,'data','smilesDB.tsv'));
0035 if exist(smilesDBfile,'file')==2
0036     fID = fopen(smilesDBfile,'r');
0037     raw = textscan(fID,'%s %s','Delimiter','\t','HeaderLines',0);
0038     fclose(fID);
0039     smilesDB.names = raw{1};
0040     smilesDB.smile = raw{2};
0041     [metMatch, metIdx] = ismember(uniqueNames,smilesDB.names);
0042     uniqueSmiles(metMatch) = smilesDB.smile(metIdx(metMatch));
0043     if verbose; fprintf('done.\n'); end
0044 else
0045     if verbose; fprintf('not found.\n'); end
0046 end
0048 if any(~metMatch)
0049     progressbar('Querying PubChem for SMILES by metabolite names')
0050     webOptions = weboptions('Timeout', 30);
0051     for i = 1:numel(uniqueNames)
0052         if metMatch(i)
0053             continue;
0054         end
0055         retry = 0;
0056         while retry < 10
0057             try
0058                 smileResult       = webread(['https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/rest/pug/compound/name/' uniqueNames{i} '/property/CanonicalSMILES/TXT'], webOptions);
0059                 %Sometimes multiple lines are given, with alternative SMILES. Only
0060                 %keep the first suggestion.
0061                 smileResult       = regexp(smileResult,'(^\S*)\n','once','tokens');
0062                 uniqueSmiles{i,1} = smileResult{1,1};
0063                 retry = 15; % success: no retry
0064             catch exception
0065                 %Sometimes the call fails, for example since the server is busy. In those cases
0066                 %we will try 10 times. Some errors however are because the metabolite
0067                 %name does no exist in the database (404) or some other error (the metabolite contains
0068                 %a slash or similar, 400 or 500). In those cases we can
0069                 %immediately give up.
0070                 if (strcmp(exception.identifier, 'MATLAB:webservices:HTTP404StatusCodeError') || ...
0071                         strcmp(exception.identifier, 'MATLAB:webservices:HTTP400StatusCodeError') || ...
0072                         strcmp(exception.identifier, 'MATLAB:webservices:HTTP500StatusCodeError'))
0073                     uniqueSmiles(i) = {''};
0074                     retry = 15;
0075                 else
0076                     retry = retry + 1;
0077                 end
0078             end
0079         if retry == 10
0080             error('Cannot reach PubChem. Check your internet connection and try again.')
0081         end
0082         end
0083         % Append one line each time, in case internet connection is lost
0084         % halfway. Open & close file each time to avoid leaving the file
0085         % open when breaking the function.
0086         out = [uniqueNames(i), uniqueSmiles(i)];
0087         fID = fopen(smilesDBfile,'a');
0088         fprintf(fID,'%s\t%s\n',out{:});
0089         fclose(fID);
0090         progressbar(i/numel(uniqueNames))
0091     end
0092     if verbose
0093         fprintf('Model-specific SMILES database stored at %s\n',smilesDBfile);
0094     end
0095 end
0096 newSmiles = uniqueSmiles(uniqueIdx);
0097 noSMILES = cellfun(@isempty,uniqueSmiles);
0098 successRatio = 1-(numel(find(noSMILES))/numel(uniqueSmiles));
0099 fprintf('SMILES could be found for %s%% of the unique metabolite names.\n',num2str(successRatio*100,'%.0f'))
0100 noSMILES = uniqueNames(noSMILES);
0102 if ~isfield(model,'metSmiles') || all(cellfun(@isempty,model.metSmiles))
0103     model.metSmiles = newSmiles;
0104 else
0105     emptySmiles = cellfun(@isempty,model.metSmiles);
0106     model.metSmiles(emptySmiles) = newSmiles(emptySmiles);
0107 end
0108 progressbar(1) % Make sure it closes
0109 end

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