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function [model, noUniprot] = makeEcModel(model, geckoLight, modelAdapter)


   Expands a conventional genome-scale model (in RAVEN format) with enzyme
   information and prepares the reactions for integration of enzyme usage
   coefficients. This function contains all the steps that need to be done
   to get a basic ecModel, without incorporating any kcat values or
   constraints yet. This function should only have to be run once for a

   model        a model in RAVEN format
   geckoLight   true if a simplified GECKO light model should be generated.
                (Optional, default is false).
   modelAdapter a loaded model adapter (Optional, will otherwise use the
                default model adapter).

   model        an ecModel in GECKO 3 format, with a model.ec structure where
                enzyme and kcat information are stored. Protein pseudo-
                metabolites and their draw reactions are added to the model,
                but their usage is not yet implemented (due to absent kcat
                values at this stage).
   noUniprot    genes for which no information could be found in the
                Uniprot database

 The function goes through the following steps:
   1.  Remove gene associations from pseudoreactions.
   2.  Invert irreversible backwards reactions.
   3.  Correct 'rev' vector to match lb and ub vectors.
   4.  Convert to irreversible model (splits reversible reactions).
   5.  [Skipped with geckoLight:] Expand model to split reactions with
       'OR' in grRules (each reaction is then catalyzed by one enzyme
   6.  Make empty model.ec structure, that will contain enzyme and kcat
       information. One entry per reaction, where isozymes have multiple
       entries. This model.ec structure will later be populated with kcat
       values. For geckoLight the structure is different, where each
       reaction can have multiple isozymes.
   7.  Add enzyme information fields to model.ec structure: MW, sequence.
   8.  Populate model.ec structure with information from each reaction.
   9.  [Skipped with geckoLight:] Add proteins as pseudometabolites.
   10. Add prot_pool pseudometabolite.
   11. [Skipped with geckoLight:] Add usage reactions for the protein
       pseudometabolites, replenishing from the protein pool (default, can
       be changed to consider proteomics data at later stage)
   12. Add protein pool reaction, without upper bound.

   Note that while protein pseudometabolites, draw & pool reactions might
   be added to the model, the enzyme usage is not yet incorporated in each
   metabolic reaction, so enzymes will not be used. applyKcatConstraints
   incorporates protein pseudometabolites in reactions as enzyme usages by
   applying the specified kcats as constraints.

The EC structure looks as follows
   geckoLight: 0 if full model, 1 if light
         rxns: reaction identifiers that correspond to model.rxns
         kcat: kcat values - not set here
       source: specifies where the kcats come from - not set here
        notes: notes that can be set by downstream functions - not set
      eccodes: enzyme codes for each enzyme - not set here
        genes: the genes involved in the kcats - not necessarily the
               same as model.genes, since some genes may not be found in
               databases etc.
      enzymes: Uniprot protein identifiers for the genes
           mw: molecular weights of the enzymes
     sequence: sequence of the genes/enzymes
        concs: concentrations of the enzymes - not set here
    rxnEnzMat: matrix of enzymes and rxns

 The full model is split on all ORs in the GPRs, meaning that the
 reactions will be duplicated for each isozyme. Only the rxns with genes
 are added. The fields rxns, eccodes, kcat, source and notes will
 therefore have one entry per reaction. The fields genes, enzymes, mw,
 sequence and concs will have one entry per gene. The rxnEnzMat is a
 matrix with reactions and genes, mapping which genes are connected to
 which reaction (where isozymes have different reactions).

 The light model works a bit differently. The model has the same number of
 rxns as the original model, but expanded since it is reversible + one the
 extra prot maintenance rxn and one extra prot_pool rxn. However, the ec
 fields rxns, eccodes, kcat, source and notes are duplicated for each
 isozyme, sorted the same way as model.rxns. So, in model.ec.rxns, the
 same reaction will appear several times after one another, one entry per
 izozyme, with corresponding values for that isozyme. These fields
 therefore have the same length as for the full model. The fields genes,
 enzymes, mw, sequence and concs are the same here as in the full model.
 The rxnEnzMat maps the model.ec.rxns entries to genes and is therefore of
 the same size as for the full model.

   [model, noUniprot] = makeEcModel(model, geckoLight, modelAdapter)


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function [model, noUniprot] = makeEcModel(model, geckoLight, modelAdapter)
0002 % makeEcModel
0003 %   Expands a conventional genome-scale model (in RAVEN format) with enzyme
0004 %   information and prepares the reactions for integration of enzyme usage
0005 %   coefficients. This function contains all the steps that need to be done
0006 %   to get a basic ecModel, without incorporating any kcat values or
0007 %   constraints yet. This function should only have to be run once for a
0008 %   model.
0009 %
0010 % Input:
0011 %   model        a model in RAVEN format
0012 %   geckoLight   true if a simplified GECKO light model should be generated.
0013 %                (Optional, default is false).
0014 %   modelAdapter a loaded model adapter (Optional, will otherwise use the
0015 %                default model adapter).
0016 %
0017 % Ouput:
0018 %   model        an ecModel in GECKO 3 format, with a model.ec structure where
0019 %                enzyme and kcat information are stored. Protein pseudo-
0020 %                metabolites and their draw reactions are added to the model,
0021 %                but their usage is not yet implemented (due to absent kcat
0022 %                values at this stage).
0023 %   noUniprot    genes for which no information could be found in the
0024 %                Uniprot database
0025 %
0026 % The function goes through the following steps:
0027 %   1.  Remove gene associations from pseudoreactions.
0028 %   2.  Invert irreversible backwards reactions.
0029 %   3.  Correct 'rev' vector to match lb and ub vectors.
0030 %   4.  Convert to irreversible model (splits reversible reactions).
0031 %   5.  [Skipped with geckoLight:] Expand model to split reactions with
0032 %       'OR' in grRules (each reaction is then catalyzed by one enzyme
0033 %       (complex).
0034 %   6.  Make empty model.ec structure, that will contain enzyme and kcat
0035 %       information. One entry per reaction, where isozymes have multiple
0036 %       entries. This model.ec structure will later be populated with kcat
0037 %       values. For geckoLight the structure is different, where each
0038 %       reaction can have multiple isozymes.
0039 %   7.  Add enzyme information fields to model.ec structure: MW, sequence.
0040 %   8.  Populate model.ec structure with information from each reaction.
0041 %   9.  [Skipped with geckoLight:] Add proteins as pseudometabolites.
0042 %   10. Add prot_pool pseudometabolite.
0043 %   11. [Skipped with geckoLight:] Add usage reactions for the protein
0044 %       pseudometabolites, replenishing from the protein pool (default, can
0045 %       be changed to consider proteomics data at later stage)
0046 %   12. Add protein pool reaction, without upper bound.
0047 %
0048 %   Note that while protein pseudometabolites, draw & pool reactions might
0049 %   be added to the model, the enzyme usage is not yet incorporated in each
0050 %   metabolic reaction, so enzymes will not be used. applyKcatConstraints
0051 %   incorporates protein pseudometabolites in reactions as enzyme usages by
0052 %   applying the specified kcats as constraints.
0053 %
0054 %The EC structure looks as follows
0055 % Attributes:
0056 %   geckoLight: 0 if full model, 1 if light
0057 %         rxns: reaction identifiers that correspond to model.rxns
0058 %         kcat: kcat values - not set here
0059 %       source: specifies where the kcats come from - not set here
0060 %        notes: notes that can be set by downstream functions - not set
0061 %               here
0062 %      eccodes: enzyme codes for each enzyme - not set here
0063 %        genes: the genes involved in the kcats - not necessarily the
0064 %               same as model.genes, since some genes may not be found in
0065 %               databases etc.
0066 %      enzymes: Uniprot protein identifiers for the genes
0067 %           mw: molecular weights of the enzymes
0068 %     sequence: sequence of the genes/enzymes
0069 %        concs: concentrations of the enzymes - not set here
0070 %    rxnEnzMat: matrix of enzymes and rxns
0071 %
0072 % The full model is split on all ORs in the GPRs, meaning that the
0073 % reactions will be duplicated for each isozyme. Only the rxns with genes
0074 % are added. The fields rxns, eccodes, kcat, source and notes will
0075 % therefore have one entry per reaction. The fields genes, enzymes, mw,
0076 % sequence and concs will have one entry per gene. The rxnEnzMat is a
0077 % matrix with reactions and genes, mapping which genes are connected to
0078 % which reaction (where isozymes have different reactions).
0079 %
0080 % The light model works a bit differently. The model has the same number of
0081 % rxns as the original model, but expanded since it is reversible + one the
0082 % extra prot maintenance rxn and one extra prot_pool rxn. However, the ec
0083 % fields rxns, eccodes, kcat, source and notes are duplicated for each
0084 % isozyme, sorted the same way as model.rxns. So, in model.ec.rxns, the
0085 % same reaction will appear several times after one another, one entry per
0086 % izozyme, with corresponding values for that isozyme. These fields
0087 % therefore have the same length as for the full model. The fields genes,
0088 % enzymes, mw, sequence and concs are the same here as in the full model.
0089 % The rxnEnzMat maps the model.ec.rxns entries to genes and is therefore of
0090 % the same size as for the full model.
0091 %
0092 % Usage:
0093 %   [model, noUniprot] = makeEcModel(model, geckoLight, modelAdapter)
0095 if nargin<2
0096     geckoLight=false;
0097 elseif ~islogical(geckoLight) && ~(geckoLight == 0) && ~(geckoLight == 1)
0098     error('geckoLight should be either true or false')
0099 end
0101 if nargin < 3 || isempty(modelAdapter)
0102     modelAdapter = ModelAdapterManager.getDefault();
0103     if isempty(modelAdapter)
0104         error('Either send in a modelAdapter or set the default model adapter in the ModelAdapterManager.')
0105     end
0106 end
0107 params = modelAdapter.getParameters();
0108 compartmentID = strcmp(model.compNames,params.enzyme_comp);
0109 if ~any(compartmentID)
0110     error(['Compartment ' params.enzyme_comp ' (specified in params.enzyme_comp) '...
0111            'cannot be found in model.compNames'])
0112 end
0113 compartmentID = model.comps(compartmentID);
0115 if geckoLight
0116     ec.geckoLight=true;
0117 else
0118     ec.geckoLight=false;
0119 end
0121 %Check if model is in RAVEN format
0122 if any(isfield(model,{'rules','modelID'}))
0123     error(['The model is likely loaded using COBRA Toolbox readCbModel(). Instead, use ' ...
0124            'RAVEN Toolbox importModel(). Alternatively, you can also convert the ', ...
0125            'model in MATLAB using ravenCobraWrapper().'])
0126 end
0128 %Check for conflicting reaction and metabolite identifiers
0129 conflictId = startsWith(model.mets,'prot_');
0130 if any(conflictId)
0131     error('The identifiers in model.mets are not allowed to start with ''prot_''.')
0132 end
0133 conflictId = startsWith(model.rxns,{'usage_prot_','prot_pool'}) | ...
0134              endsWith(model.rxns,'_REV') | ...
0135              ~cellfun(@isempty,regexp(model.rxns,'_EXP_\d+$'));
0136 if any(conflictId)
0137     error(['The identifiers in model.rxns are not allowed to start with ''usage_prot'' ' ...
0138            'or ''prot_pool'', or end with ''_REV'' or ''_EXP_[digit]''.'])
0139 end
0141 uniprotDB = loadDatabases('both', modelAdapter);
0142 uniprotDB = uniprotDB.uniprot;
0144 %1: Remove gene rules from pseudoreactions (if any):
0145 if exist(fullfile(params.path,'data','pseudoRxns.tsv'),'file')
0146     fID        = fopen(fullfile(params.path,'data','pseudoRxns.tsv'));
0147     fileData   = textscan(fID,'%s %s','delimiter','\t');
0148     fclose(fID);
0149     pseudoRxns = fileData{1};
0150     pseudoRxns = ismember(model.rxns,pseudoRxns);
0151 else
0152     pseudoRxns = false(numel(model.rxns),1);
0153 end
0154 pseudoRxns = find(pseudoRxns | contains(model.rxnNames,'pseudoreaction'));
0155 model.grRules(pseudoRxns)       = {''};
0156 model.rxnGeneMat(pseudoRxns,:)  = zeros(numel(pseudoRxns), numel(model.genes));
0158 %2: Swap direction of reactions that are defined to only carry negative flux
0159 to_swap=model.lb < 0 & model.ub == 0;
0160 model.S(:,to_swap)=-model.S(:,to_swap);
0161 model.ub(to_swap)=-model.lb(to_swap);
0162 model.lb(to_swap)=0;
0164 %3: Correct rev vector: true if LB < 0 & UB > 0, or it is an exchange reaction:
0165 model.rev = false(size(model.rxns));
0166 for i = 1:length(model.rxns)
0167     if (model.lb(i) < 0 && model.ub(i) > 0) || sum(model.S(:,i) ~= 0) == 1
0168         model.rev(i) = true;
0169     end
0170 end
0172 %4: Make irreversible model (appends _REV to reaction IDs to indicate reverse
0173 %reactions)
0174 [~,exchRxns] = getExchangeRxns(model);
0175 nonExchRxns = model.rxns;
0176 nonExchRxns(exchRxns) = [];
0177 model=convertToIrrev(model, nonExchRxns);
0179 %5: Expand model, to separate isozymes (appends _EXP_* to reaction IDs to
0180 %indicate duplication)
0181 if ~geckoLight
0182     model=expandModel(model);
0183 end
0184 % Sort reactions, so that reversible and isozymic reactions are kept near
0185 if ~geckoLight
0186     model=sortIdentifiers(model);
0187 end
0189 %6: Make ec-extension structure, one for gene-associated reaction.
0190 %   The structure is different for light and full models
0191 rxnWithGene  = find(sum(model.rxnGeneMat,2));
0192 if ~geckoLight
0193     ec.rxns      = model.rxns(rxnWithGene);
0194     emptyCell    = cell(numel(rxnWithGene),1);
0195     emptyCell(:) = {''};
0196     emptyVect    = zeros(numel(rxnWithGene),1);
0198     ec.kcat      = emptyVect;
0199     ec.source    = emptyCell; % Strings, like 'dlkcat', 'manual', 'brenda', etc.
0200     ec.notes     = emptyCell; % Additional comments
0201     ec.eccodes   = emptyCell;
0202     ec.concs     = emptyVect;
0203 else
0204     %Different strategy for GECKO light: Each reaction can exist multiple times in
0205     %ec.rxns and similar fields - one time per isozyme. The number of copies is
0206     %the number of ORs in the GPR + 1
0207     numOrs = count(model.grRules(rxnWithGene), ' or ');
0208     cpys = numOrs + 1;
0209     prevNumRxns = length(numOrs);
0210     cpyIndices = repelem(rxnWithGene, cpys).'; %.' only matter when number of rxns is 1
0211     %loop through and add a prefix with an isozyme index to the rxns
0212     %we just give a fixed-length number as prefix, and assume that 999 is enough
0213     tmpRxns = model.rxns(cpyIndices); %now they have no prefix
0214     newRxns = tmpRxns;
0216     %add the prefix
0217     nextIndex = 1;
0218     for i = 1:numel(model.rxns)
0219         localRxnIndex = 1;
0220         if nextIndex <= length(tmpRxns) && strcmp(model.rxns(i), tmpRxns(nextIndex))
0221             while true
0222                 tmp = compose('%03d_',localRxnIndex);
0223                 newRxns{nextIndex} = [tmp{1} tmpRxns{nextIndex}];
0224                 localRxnIndex = localRxnIndex + 1;
0225                 if (localRxnIndex >= 1000)
0226                     error('Increase index size to 10000 - error in the code.'); %this should never happen, we don't have > 999 isozymes
0227                 end
0228                 nextIndex = nextIndex + 1;
0229                 if  nextIndex > length(tmpRxns) || ~strcmp(model.rxns(i), tmpRxns(nextIndex))
0230                     break;
0231                 end
0232             end
0233         end
0234     end
0236     ec.rxns      = newRxns;
0238     emptyCell    = cell(numel(ec.rxns),1);
0239     emptyCell(:) = {''};
0240     emptyVect    = zeros(numel(ec.rxns),1);
0242     ec.kcat      = emptyVect;
0243     ec.source    = emptyCell; % Strings, like 'dlkcat', 'manual', 'brenda', etc.
0244     ec.notes     = emptyCell; % Additional comments
0245     ec.eccodes   = emptyCell;
0246     ec.concs     = emptyVect;
0247 end
0249 %7: Gather enzyme information via UniprotDB
0250 uniprotCompatibleGenes = modelAdapter.getUniprotCompatibleGenes(model.genes);
0251 [Lia,Locb] = ismember(uniprotCompatibleGenes,uniprotDB.genes);
0253 uniprot = modelAdapter.getUniprotIDsFromTable(uniprotCompatibleGenes);
0254 if ~isequal(uniprot,uniprotCompatibleGenes)
0255     uniprot(cellfun(@isempty,uniprot)) = {''};
0256     [Lia,Locb] = ismember(uniprot,uniprotDB.ID);
0257 end
0258 noUniprot  = uniprotCompatibleGenes(~Lia);
0259 if all(~Lia)
0260     error('None of the proteins in uniprot.tsv match the genes in the model. Changes to the obj.params.uniprot parameters, or a data/uniprotConversion.tsv file are likely required.')
0261 elseif ~isempty(noUniprot)
0262     printOrange(['WARNING: The ' num2str(numel(noUniprot)) ' gene(s) reported '...
0263         'in "noUniprot" cannot be found in data/uniprot.tsv, these will ' ...
0264         'not be enzyme-constrained. If you intend to use different Uniprot '...
0265         'data (e.g. from a different proteome, make sure you first delete '...
0266         'the existing data/uniprot.tsv file.\n']);
0267 end
0268 ec.genes        = model.genes(Lia); %Will often be duplicate of model.genes, but is done here to prevent issues when it is not.
0269 ec.enzymes      = uniprotDB.ID(Locb(Lia));
0270 ec.mw           = uniprotDB.MW(Locb(Lia));
0271 ec.sequence     = uniprotDB.seq(Locb(Lia));
0272 %Additional info
0273 ec.concs        = nan(numel(ec.genes),1); % To be filled with proteomics data when available
0275 %8: Only parse rxns associated to genes
0276 if ~geckoLight
0277     ec.rxnEnzMat = zeros(numel(rxnWithGene),numel(ec.genes)); % Non-zeros will indicate the number of subunits
0278     for r=1:numel(rxnWithGene)
0279         rxnGenes   = model.genes(find(model.rxnGeneMat(rxnWithGene(r),:)));
0280         [~,locEnz] = ismember(rxnGenes,ec.genes); % Could also parse directly from rxnGeneMat, but some genes might be missing from Uniprot DB
0281         if locEnz ~= 0
0282             ec.rxnEnzMat(r,locEnz) = 1; %Assume 1 copy per subunit or enzyme, can be modified later
0283         end
0284     end
0285 else
0286     %For light models, we need to split up all GPRs
0287     ec.rxnEnzMat = zeros(numel(ec.rxns),numel(ec.genes)); % Non-zeros will indicate the number of subunits
0288     nextIndex = 1;
0289     %For full model generation, the GPRs are controlled in expandModel, but
0290     %here we need to make an explicit format check
0291     indexes2check = findPotentialErrors(model.grRules,model);
0292     if ~isempty(indexes2check) 
0293         printOrange('Run standardizeGrRules(model) for a more detailed warning.\n');
0294         printOrange('For Human-GEM, these reactions can be corrected using simplifyGrRules.\n');
0295     end
0297     for i=1:prevNumRxns
0298         %ind is the index in the model, not to confuse with the index in the ec struct (i),
0299         %which only contains reactions with GPRs.
0300         ind = rxnWithGene(i); 
0301         %Get rid of all '(' and ')' since I'm not looking at complex stuff
0302         %anyways
0303         geneString=model.grRules{ind};
0304         geneString=strrep(geneString,'(','');
0305         geneString=strrep(geneString,')','');
0306         geneString=strrep(geneString,' or ',';');
0308         if (numOrs(i) == 0)
0309             geneNames = {geneString};
0310         else
0311             %Split the string into gene names
0312             geneNames=regexp(geneString,';','split');
0313         end
0315         %Now loop through the isozymes and set the rxnGeneMat
0316         for j = 1:length(geneNames)
0317             %Find the gene in the gene list If ' and ' relationship, first
0318             %split the genes
0319             fnd = strfind(geneNames{j},' and ');
0320             if ~isempty(fnd)
0321                 andGenes=regexp(geneNames{j},' and ','split');
0322                 ec.rxnEnzMat(nextIndex,ismember(ec.genes,andGenes)) = 1; %should be subunit stoichoimetry
0323             else
0324                 ec.rxnEnzMat(nextIndex,ismember(ec.genes,geneNames(j)))=1;%should be subunit stoichoimetry
0325             end
0326             nextIndex = nextIndex + 1;
0327         end
0328     end
0329 end
0331 %9: Add proteins as pseudometabolites
0332 if ~geckoLight
0333     [proteinMets.mets, uniprotSortId] = unique(ec.enzymes);
0334     proteinMets.mets         = strcat('prot_',proteinMets.mets);
0335     proteinMets.metNames     = proteinMets.mets;
0336     proteinMets.compartments = compartmentID;
0337     if isfield(model,'metMiriams')
0338         proteinMets.metMiriams   = repmat({struct('name',{{'sbo'}},'value',{{'SBO:0000252'}})},numel(proteinMets.mets),1);
0339     end
0340     if isfield(model,'metCharges')
0341         proteinMets.metCharges   = zeros(numel(proteinMets.mets),1);
0342     end
0343     proteinMets.metNotes     = repmat({'Enzyme-usage pseudometabolite'},numel(proteinMets.mets),1);
0344     model = addMets(model,proteinMets);
0345 end
0347 %10: Add protein pool pseudometabolite
0348 pool.mets         = 'prot_pool';
0349 pool.metNames     = pool.mets;
0350 pool.compartments = compartmentID;
0351 pool.metNotes     = 'Enzyme-usage protein pool';
0352 model = addMets(model,pool);
0354 %11: Add protein usage reactions.
0355 if ~geckoLight
0356     usageRxns.rxns            = strcat('usage_',proteinMets.mets);
0357     usageRxns.rxnNames        = usageRxns.rxns;
0358     usageRxns.mets            = cell(numel(usageRxns.rxns),1);
0359     usageRxns.stoichCoeffs    = cell(numel(usageRxns.rxns),1);
0360     for i=1:numel(usageRxns.mets)
0361         usageRxns.mets{i}         = {proteinMets.mets{i}, 'prot_pool'};
0362         usageRxns.stoichCoeffs{i} = [-1,1];
0363     end
0364     usageRxns.lb              = zeros(numel(usageRxns.rxns),1) - 1000;
0365     usageRxns.ub              = zeros(numel(usageRxns.rxns),1);
0366     usageRxns.rev             = ones(numel(usageRxns.rxns),1);
0367     usageRxns.grRules         = ec.genes(uniprotSortId);
0368     model = addRxns(model,usageRxns);
0369 end
0371 %12: Add protein pool reaction (with open UB)
0372 poolRxn.rxns            = 'prot_pool_exchange';
0373 poolRxn.rxnNames        = poolRxn.rxns;
0374 poolRxn.mets            = {'prot_pool'};
0375 poolRxn.stoichCoeffs    = {-1};
0376 poolRxn.lb              = -1000;
0377 poolRxn.ub              = 0;
0378 poolRxn.rev             = 1;
0379 model = addRxns(model,poolRxn);
0381 model.ec=ec;
0382 end
0384 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0385 %Function that gets the model field grRules and returns the indexes of the
0386 %rules in which the pattern ") and (" is present.
0387 %Copied from standardizeGrRules
0388 % TODO: Make this an accessible function in a separate file in RAVEN and remove this
0389 %implementation.
0390 function indexes2check = findPotentialErrors(grRules,model)
0391 indxs_l       = find(~cellfun(@isempty,strfind(grRules,') and (')));
0392 indxs_l_L     = find(~cellfun(@isempty,strfind(grRules,') and')));
0393 indxs_l_R     = find(~cellfun(@isempty,strfind(grRules,'and (')));
0394 indexes2check = vertcat(indxs_l,indxs_l_L,indxs_l_R);
0395 indexes2check = unique(indexes2check);
0397 if ~isempty(indexes2check)
0398     textToPrint = 'WARNING: Potentially problematic ") AND (" in the grRules for reaction(s):\n';
0399     for i=1:numel(indexes2check)
0400         textToPrint=[textToPrint '\t' model.rxns{indexes2check(i)} '\n'];
0401     end
0402     printOrange(textToPrint);
0403 end
0404 end

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