Home > src > geckomat > change_model > setKcatForReactions.m





function ecModel = setKcatForReactions(ecModel,rxnIds,kcat)


   Change the kcat value in ecModel.ec.kcat for selected reactions.
   applyKcatConstraints needs to be run afterwards to transfer the kcat
   values into the S-matrix.

   ecModel     an ecModel in GECKO 3 format (with ecModel.ec structure)
   rxnIds      reaction identifier matching ecModel.ec.rxns. If the _EXP_.
               suffix is not included, and there are multiple expanded
               (isozymic) reactions, then all off those will have their
               kcat changed. If rxnIds includes a _EXP_ suffix, then only
               that specific reaction will have its kcat changed. If
               multiple rxnIds are provided as a cell array, then the
               above applies to each rxnIds individual.
   kcat        the new kcat value

   ecModel     ecModel where selected kcat values in ecModel.ec.kcat are
               changed, but not yet applied to the S-matrix (will require
               to run applyKcatConstraints). ecModel.ec.source for the
               changed reactions will read 'from setKcatForReactions'

 Usage: ecModel = setKcatForReactions(ecModel,rxnIds,kcat)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function ecModel = setKcatForReactions(ecModel,rxnIds,kcat)
0002 % setKcatForReactions
0003 %   Change the kcat value in ecModel.ec.kcat for selected reactions.
0004 %   applyKcatConstraints needs to be run afterwards to transfer the kcat
0005 %   values into the S-matrix.
0006 %
0007 % Input:
0008 %   ecModel     an ecModel in GECKO 3 format (with ecModel.ec structure)
0009 %   rxnIds      reaction identifier matching ecModel.ec.rxns. If the _EXP_.
0010 %               suffix is not included, and there are multiple expanded
0011 %               (isozymic) reactions, then all off those will have their
0012 %               kcat changed. If rxnIds includes a _EXP_ suffix, then only
0013 %               that specific reaction will have its kcat changed. If
0014 %               multiple rxnIds are provided as a cell array, then the
0015 %               above applies to each rxnIds individual.
0016 %   kcat        the new kcat value
0017 %
0018 % Output:
0019 %   ecModel     ecModel where selected kcat values in ecModel.ec.kcat are
0020 %               changed, but not yet applied to the S-matrix (will require
0021 %               to run applyKcatConstraints). ecModel.ec.source for the
0022 %               changed reactions will read 'from setKcatForReactions'
0023 %
0024 % Usage: ecModel = setKcatForReactions(ecModel,rxnIds,kcat)
0025 rxnIds = convertCharArray(rxnIds);
0027 hasExp       = ~cellfun(@isempty,regexp(rxnIds,'_EXP_\d+$'));
0028 nonExpRxns   = regexprep(ecModel.ec.rxns,'_EXP_\d+$','');
0029 rxnsToChange = [];
0030 for i=1:numel(hasExp)
0031     if hasExp(i) == 1
0032         rxnsToChange = [rxnsToChange; find(strcmpi(ecModel.ec.rxns,rxnIds{i}))];
0033     else
0034         nonExpRxn    = regexprep(rxnIds(i),'_EXP_\d+$','');
0035         rxnsToChange = [rxnsToChange; find(strcmpi(nonExpRxns,nonExpRxn))];
0036     end
0037 end
0038 if isscalar(rxnsToChange)
0039     if length(kcat) ~= 1
0040         error('Found one reaction whose kcat should change, you should provide one kcat value only.')
0041     end
0042 else
0043     if isscalar(kcat)
0044         % Is fine, all reactions get the same kcat
0045     elseif length(kcat) ~= length(rxnsToChange)
0046         error('Found %d reactions whose kcat should change, the new kcat should be either a single value, or a vector of length %d.', length(rxnsToChange), length(rxnsToChange))
0047     end
0048 end
0049 ecModel.ec.kcat(rxnsToChange)   = kcat;
0050 ecModel.ec.source(rxnsToChange) = {'setKcatForReactions'};
0051 end

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