Home > src > geckomat > get_enzyme_data > findECInDB.m





function [EC,conflicts] = findECInDB(gene_set, DBecNum, DBMW, geneIndex, geneHashMap)


   Collects enzyme codes for genes from the UniProt or KEGGdatabase.

   gene_set    genes from a given metabolic reaction
   DBecNum     array of EC numbers
   DBMW        array of molecular weights in Da
   geneIndex   as generated by getECfromDatabase
   geneHashMap as generated by getECfromDatabase

   EC          all EC numbers found for the genes in gene_set
   conflicts   genes with multiple protein matches

   [EC,conflicts] = findECInDB(gene_set, DBecNum, DBMW, geneIndex, geneHashMap)


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function [EC,conflicts] = findECInDB(gene_set, DBecNum, DBMW, geneIndex, geneHashMap)
0002 % findECInDB
0003 %   Collects enzyme codes for genes from the UniProt or KEGGdatabase.
0004 %
0005 % Input:
0006 %   gene_set    genes from a given metabolic reaction
0007 %   DBecNum     array of EC numbers
0008 %   DBMW        array of molecular weights in Da
0009 %   geneIndex   as generated by getECfromDatabase
0010 %   geneHashMap as generated by getECfromDatabase
0011 %
0012 % Output:
0013 %   EC          all EC numbers found for the genes in gene_set
0014 %   conflicts   genes with multiple protein matches
0015 %
0016 % Usage:
0017 %   [EC,conflicts] = findECInDB(gene_set, DBecNum, DBMW, geneIndex, geneHashMap)
0019 %Preallocate function variables
0020 conflicts = cell(1,2);
0022 %Split the gene set and match each gene:
0023 %gene_set  = strsplit(grRule,' and '); %this string splitting together with getSimpleGeneSets takes 2.6 s, that is ok.
0024 EC_set    = cell(size(gene_set));
0026 %find index indices of all genes in one call
0028 %this loop is slow
0029 for j = 1:length(gene_set)
0030      gene = gene_set{j};
0031      matches = [];
0032      %Get the indexes for all of the proteins related to gene
0033      if isKey(geneHashMap,gene) %annoyingly, this seems to be needed
0034          matchInd = cell2mat(values(geneHashMap,gene_set(j)));
0035          matches = geneIndex{matchInd};
0036      end
0037      if ~isempty(matches)
0038         %Get the indexes of the matched protein(s) with non-empty EC#s
0039         nonEmpty = matches(~cellfun(@isempty,DBecNum(matches)));
0040         if ~isempty(nonEmpty)
0041             [geneECs,ia] = unique(DBecNum(nonEmpty),'stable');
0042             %For genes with multiple proteins associated to several
0043             %non-empty ecNumbers
0044             if length(geneECs)>1
0045                 indexes = nonEmpty(ia);
0046                 ecNum = DBecNum(indexes);
0047                 %Save first match
0048                 EC_set{j}  = getECstring(EC_set{j},ecNum{1});
0049                 %Save additional matches as potential conflicts
0050                 if ~ismember(gene,conflicts{1})
0051                     conflicts{1} = [conflicts{1}; {gene}];
0052                     conflicts{2} = [conflicts{2}; {indexes}]; 
0053                 end
0054             else
0055                 %If there is a single unique ec number for the matched
0056                 %protein(s), then choose the lightest protein
0057                 [~,minW]   = min(DBMW(nonEmpty));
0058                 matches    = nonEmpty(minW);
0059                 EC_set{j}  = getECstring(EC_set{j},DBecNum{matches});
0060             end
0061         end
0062     end
0064     if isempty(EC_set{j})
0065         EC_set{j} = '';
0066     end
0067 end
0069 %EC: Find union and intersection between all units (only applies for
0070 %complexes, i.e. length(EC_set) > 1):
0071 uni_EC = strsplit(EC_set{1},' ');
0072 int_EC = uni_EC;
0073 for j = 2:length(EC_set)
0074     other_EC = strsplit(EC_set{j},' ');
0075     if isempty(uni_EC)
0076         uni_EC = other_EC;
0077         int_EC = other_EC;
0078     elseif ~isempty(other_EC)
0079         uni_EC = compare_wild([uni_EC other_EC]);
0080         int_EC = intersection(int_EC,other_EC);
0081     end
0082 end
0083 %Use the intersection found, if any. If not, use the union:
0084 if isempty(int_EC)
0085     EC_set = uni_EC;
0086 else
0087     EC_set = int_EC;
0088 end
0090 %Add new codes as new possible isozymes and remove the initial "EC" text:
0092 for i = 1:length(EC_set)
0093    if ~isempty(EC_set{i}) 
0094        EC_set{i} = extractAfter(EC_set{i},2);%remove 2 first chars
0095    end
0096 end
0098 %EC_set = cellfun(@(x) extractAfter(x,2),EC_set,'UniformOutput',false);%remove 2 first chars
0099 EC    = strjoin(EC_set,';');
0102 %Delete repeated Uniprots (and the corresponding ECs):
0103 %EC(deleted)   = []; %Not sure if this needs to be done somehow, don't think so
0105 end
0107 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0108 function int_EC = intersection(prev_EC,new_EC)
0109 %Finds the common elements between two cell arrays, if any. Also considers
0110 %wildcards (e.g. if 'EC1.1.1.1' is in one array and 'EC1.1.1.-' is in the
0111 %other one, then 'EC1.1.1.1' is added to the intersection).
0112 int_EC = {};
0113 for i = 1:length(prev_EC)
0114     for j = 1:length(new_EC)
0115         new_int = compare_wild({prev_EC{i} new_EC{j}});
0116         if length(new_int) == 1
0117             int_EC = [int_EC new_int];
0118         end
0119     end
0120 end
0121 end
0122 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0123 function int_EC = compare_wild(EC)
0124 %Goes through a cell array of EC numbers, and erases any repetitions,
0125 %considering also wildcards (e.g. will erase 'EC1.2.3.-' if 'EC1.2.3.4' is
0126 %already present).
0128 %Trim all EC numbers of wild cards (e.g. 'EC1.2.-.-' -> 'EC1.2.'):
0129 EC_trimmed = EC;
0130 for i = 1:length(EC)
0131     %Add a final dot for avoiding issues (e.g. 'EC1.1.1.1' & 'EC1.1.1.12'):
0132     ECi = [EC{i} '.'];
0133     pos = strfind(ECi,'-');
0134     if ~isempty(pos)
0135         ECi = ECi(1:pos(1)-1);
0136     end
0137     EC_trimmed{i} = ECi;
0138 end
0140 %Compare all EC numbers between them to find if 1 fits in the other:
0141 non_repeated = true(1,length(EC));
0142 for i = 1:length(EC)-1
0143     for j = i+1:length(EC)
0144         ECi = EC_trimmed{i};
0145         ECj = EC_trimmed{j};
0146         %If ECj fits in ECi then ECj can be disregarded:
0147         if strfind(ECi,ECj)
0148             non_repeated(j) = false;
0149         %Else, if ECi fits in ECj then ECi can be disregarded:
0150         elseif strfind(ECj,ECi)
0151             non_repeated(i) = false;
0152         end
0153     end
0154 end
0156 int_EC = EC(non_repeated);
0158 end

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