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function [rmse_final,exp,simulated,growthdata,max_growth]=abc_max(ecModel,kcat_random_all,growthdata,max_growth,proc,sample_generation,j,rxn2block)


   Internal function in BayesianSensitivityTuning. Gets the average RMSE for 
   a certain set of growth data and kcats.

   ecModel         ecModel that was generated by makeEcModel, or loaded from
                   an earlier run. Not compatible with ecModels generated by
                   earlier GECKO versions (pre 3.0).
   kcat_random_all Sampled kcat values
   growthdata      Growth data loaded from file.
   max_growth      Max growth data loaded from file.
   proc            Number of experiments with data
   sample_generation Total number of randomly generated kcat sets in this iteration
   j               Which experiment to use
   rxn2block       List of reactions to block, could be read from file.

   rmse_final      The average RMSE
   exp             Metabolite export
   simulated       Result from simulation
   growthdata      The growth data
   max_growth      The max growth data (without input constraints)


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function [rmse_final,exp,simulated,growthdata,max_growth]=abc_max(ecModel,kcat_random_all,growthdata,max_growth,proc,sample_generation,j,rxn2block)
0002 % setProtPoolSize
0003 %   Internal function in BayesianSensitivityTuning. Gets the average RMSE for
0004 %   a certain set of growth data and kcats.
0005 %
0006 % Input:
0007 %   ecModel         ecModel that was generated by makeEcModel, or loaded from
0008 %                   an earlier run. Not compatible with ecModels generated by
0009 %                   earlier GECKO versions (pre 3.0).
0010 %   kcat_random_all Sampled kcat values
0011 %   growthdata      Growth data loaded from file.
0012 %   max_growth      Max growth data loaded from file.
0013 %   proc            Number of experiments with data
0014 %   sample_generation Total number of randomly generated kcat sets in this iteration
0015 %   j               Which experiment to use
0016 %   rxn2block       List of reactions to block, could be read from file.
0017 %
0018 % Output:
0019 %   rmse_final      The average RMSE
0020 %   exp             Metabolite export
0021 %   simulated       Result from simulation
0022 %   growthdata      The growth data
0023 %   max_growth      The max growth data (without input constraints)
0025 nstep = sample_generation/proc;
0026 rmse_final = zeros(1,nstep);
0027 kcat_sample = kcat_random_all(:,(j-1)*nstep+1:j*nstep);
0030 % get carbonnum for each exchange rxn to further calculation of error
0031 if ~isfield(ecModel,'excarbon')
0032     ecModel = addCarbonNum(ecModel);
0033 end
0035 for k = 1:nstep
0036     %disp(['nstep:',num2str(k),'/',num2str(nstep)])
0037     kcat_random  = kcat_sample(:,k);
0038     ecModel.ec.kcat = kcat_random;
0039     ecModel = applyKcatConstraints(ecModel);
0041     %% first search with substrate constraints
0042     objective = 'r_2111';
0043     if ~isempty(growthdata)
0044         [rmse_1,exp_1,simulated_1] = rmsecal(ecModel,growthdata,true,objective,rxn2block);
0045     else
0046         rmse_1 = [];
0047         exp_1 = [];
0048         simulated_1 = [];
0049     end
0050     %% second search for maxmial growth rate without constraints
0051     if ~isempty(max_growth)  % simulate the maximal growth rate
0052         [rmse_2,exp_2,simulated_2] = rmsecal(ecModel,max_growth,false,objective,rxn2block);
0053     else
0054         rmse_2 = [];
0055         exp_2 = [];
0056         simulated_2 = [];
0057     end
0058     exp = [exp_1;exp_2];
0059     simulated = [simulated_1;simulated_2];
0060     rmse_final(1,k) = mean([rmse_1,rmse_2],'omitnan');
0062     %% only output simulated result for one generation
0063     if nstep ~= 1 || sample_generation ~= 1
0064         simulated = [];
0065         exp = [];
0066     end
0067 end
0068 end
0070 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0071 function [rmse,exp,simulated] = rmsecal(ecModel,data,constrain,objective,rxn2block)
0073     simulated = zeros(length(data(:,1)),9);
0075     for i = 1:length(data(:,1))
0076         exp = cell2mat(data(:,3:11)); % u sub ace eth gly pyr ethyl_acetate co2 o2
0077         exp = exp.*[1,-1,1,1,1,1,1,1,-1];
0078         ex_mets = {'growth',[data{i,2},' exchange'],'acetate exchange','ethanol exchange','glycerol exchange','pyruvate exchange','ethyl acetate exchange','carbon dioxide exchange','oxygen exchange'};
0079         [~,idx] = ismember(ex_mets,ecModel.rxnNames);
0080         model_tmp = ecModel;
0082         model_tmp = changeMedia(model_tmp,'D-glucose',data(i,16));%TODO: These are currently hard-coded for yeast-GEM, add to adapter
0083         %Stop import/export of acetate and acetaldehyde
0084         model_tmp = changeRxnBounds(model_tmp,'r_1634',0,'b'); %TODO: These are currently hard-coded for yeast-GEM, add to adapter
0085         model_tmp = changeRxnBounds(model_tmp,'r_1631',0,'b');
0087         if strcmp(data(i,14),'anaerobic') ||strcmp(data(i,14),'limited') 
0088             model_tmp = anaerobicModel_GECKO(model_tmp);
0089         end
0090         if strcmp(data(i,14),'limited') 
0091              model_tmp.lb(strcmp(model_tmp.rxnNames,'oxygen exchange')) = -5;%TODO: Currently hard-coded for yeast
0092         end
0093         if ~constrain
0094             %No export of glucose
0095             model_tmp.lb(strcmp(model_tmp.rxns,'r_1714')) = 0; %TODO: Currently hard-coded for yeast
0096             model_tmp.lb(strcmp(model_tmp.rxns,ecModel.rxns(idx(2)))) = -1000; % not constrain the substrate usage
0097         else
0098             %No export of glucose
0099             model_tmp.lb(strcmp(model_tmp.rxns,'r_1714')) = 0;%TODO: Currently hard-coded for yeast
0100             if isnan(exp(i,2))
0101                 model_tmp.lb(idx(2)) = -1000;
0102             else
0103                 model_tmp.lb(idx(2)) = exp(i,2);
0104             end
0105         end
0108         model_tmp.c = double(strcmp(model_tmp.rxns, objective));
0109         sol_tmp = solveLP(model_tmp);%,objective,osenseStr,prot_cost_info,tot_prot_weight,'ibm_cplex');
0110         if checkSolution(sol_tmp)
0111             sol(:,i) = sol_tmp.x;
0113             tmp = ~isnan(exp(i,:));
0114             excarbon = ecModel.excarbon(idx);
0115             excarbon(excarbon == 0) = 1;
0116             exp_tmp = exp(i,tmp).*excarbon(tmp);
0117             simulated_tmp = sol(idx(tmp),i)'.*excarbon(tmp); % normalize the growth rate issue by factor 10
0119             exp_block = zeros(1,length(setdiff(rxn2block,model_tmp.rxns(idx(2))))); % all zeros for blocked exchange mets exchange
0120             rxnblockidx = ismember(model_tmp.rxns,setdiff(rxn2block,model_tmp.rxns(idx(2))));
0121             simulated_block = sol(rxnblockidx,i)'.* ecModel.excarbon(rxnblockidx); %
0122             exp_block = exp_block(simulated_block~=0);
0123             simulated_block = simulated_block(simulated_block~=0);
0124             if constrain
0125                 rmse_tmp(i) = sqrt(immse([exp_tmp,exp_block], [simulated_tmp,simulated_block]));
0126             else
0127                 if length(exp_tmp) >= 2
0128                     rmse_tmp(i) = sqrt(immse(exp_tmp(1:2), simulated_tmp(1:2)));
0129                 else
0130                     rmse_tmp(i) = sqrt(immse(exp_tmp(1), simulated_tmp(1)));
0131                 end
0133             end
0134             simulated(i,:) = sol(idx,i)';
0135         else
0136             simulated(i,:) = NaN;
0137             rmse_tmp(i) = NaN;
0138         end
0139     end
0140     rmse_tmp(isnan(rmse_tmp)) = []; %we just skip any case without solution, they are pretty rare, but exist
0141     rmse = sum(rmse_tmp)/length(data(:,1));
0142 end

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