Home > src > geckomat > kcat_sensitivity_analysis > sigmaFitter.m





function [model, sigma] = sigmaFitter(model, growthRate, Ptot, f, makePlot, modelAdapter)


   Function that fits the average enzyme saturation factor in an ecModel
   according to a provided experimentally measured value for the objective
   function (i.e. growth rate at specified conditions)

   model           an ecModel in GECKO 3 format (with ecModel.ec structure)
   growthRate      growth rate that should be reached. If not
                   specified, the value will be read from the model
   Ptot            Total cellular protein content in g/gDCW. If not
                   specified, the value will be read from the model
                   adapter. If not specified in model adapter, 0.5 g/gDCW
                   is assumed.
   f               Estimated fraction of enzymes in the model. If not
                   specified, the value will be read from the model
                   adapter. If not specified in model adapter, 0.5 is
   makePlot        Logical whether a plot should be made. Default true.
   modelAdapter    a loaded model adapter (Optional, will otherwise use the
                   default model adapter).

   model           ecModel with protein pool exchange upper bound adapted
                   to the optimal sigma-factor
   sigma           optimal sigma-factor

   [model, sigma] = sigmaFitter(model, growthRate, Ptot, f, makePlot, modelAdapter)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [model, sigma] = sigmaFitter(model, growthRate, Ptot, f, makePlot, modelAdapter)
0002 % sigmaFitter
0003 %   Function that fits the average enzyme saturation factor in an ecModel
0004 %   according to a provided experimentally measured value for the objective
0005 %   function (i.e. growth rate at specified conditions)
0006 %
0007 % INPUTS:
0008 %   model           an ecModel in GECKO 3 format (with ecModel.ec structure)
0009 %   growthRate      growth rate that should be reached. If not
0010 %                   specified, the value will be read from the model
0011 %                   adapter.
0012 %   Ptot            Total cellular protein content in g/gDCW. If not
0013 %                   specified, the value will be read from the model
0014 %                   adapter. If not specified in model adapter, 0.5 g/gDCW
0015 %                   is assumed.
0016 %   f               Estimated fraction of enzymes in the model. If not
0017 %                   specified, the value will be read from the model
0018 %                   adapter. If not specified in model adapter, 0.5 is
0019 %                   assumed.
0020 %   makePlot        Logical whether a plot should be made. Default true.
0021 %   modelAdapter    a loaded model adapter (Optional, will otherwise use the
0022 %                   default model adapter).
0023 %
0024 % Output:
0025 %   model           ecModel with protein pool exchange upper bound adapted
0026 %                   to the optimal sigma-factor
0027 %   sigma           optimal sigma-factor
0028 %
0029 % Usage:
0030 %   [model, sigma] = sigmaFitter(model, growthRate, Ptot, f, makePlot, modelAdapter)
0032 if nargin < 6 || isempty(modelAdapter)
0033     modelAdapter = ModelAdapterManager.getDefault();
0034     if isempty(modelAdapter)
0035         error('Either send in a modelAdapter or set the default model adapter in the ModelAdapterManager.')
0036     end
0037 end
0039 if nargin<5 || isempty(makePlot)
0040     makePlot = true;
0041 end
0042 if nargin<4 || isempty(f)
0043     f = modelAdapter.getParameters().f;
0044 end
0045 if nargin<3 || isempty(Ptot)
0046     Ptot = modelAdapter.getParameters().Ptot;
0047 end
0048 if nargin<2 || isempty(growthRate)
0049     growthRate = modelAdapter.getParameters().gR_exp;
0050 end
0052 objValues = [];
0053 errors    = [];
0054 sigParam  = [];
0055 objPos    = find(model.c);
0056 %Relax bounds for the objective function
0057 model.lb(objPos) = 0;
0058 model.ub(objPos) = 1000;
0059 hsSol=[];
0060 for i=1:100
0061     %Constrains the ecModel with the i-th sigma factor
0062     sigma = i/100;
0063     model = setProtPoolSize(model, Ptot, f, sigma, modelAdapter);
0064     [solution, hsSol]  = solveLP(model,0,[],hsSol);
0065     if isempty(solution.x)
0066         solution.x=zeros(length(model.rxns),1);
0067     end
0068     objValues = [objValues; solution.x(objPos)];
0069     error     = abs(((growthRate-solution.x(objPos))/growthRate)*100);
0070     errors    = [errors; error];
0071     error     = num2str(((growthRate-solution.x(objPos))/growthRate)*100);
0072     sigParam  = [sigParam; sigma];
0073 end
0074 [~, minIndx] = min(errors);
0075 sigma     = sigParam(minIndx);
0076 if makePlot
0077     figure
0078     plot(sigParam,errors,'LineWidth',5)
0079     title('Sigma fitting')
0080     xlabel('Average enzyme saturation [-]')
0081     ylabel('Absolute relative error [%]')
0082 end
0083 end

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