Home > src > geckomat > limit_proteins > flexibilizeEnzConcs.m





function [model, flexEnz] = flexibilizeEnzConcs(model, expGrowth, foldChange, iterPerEnzyme, modelAdapter, verbose)


   Flexibilize enzyme concentration of an ecModel with constrained with
   proteomics data. The upper bound of the protein usage reaction is
   changed, while the concentrations in ecModel.ec.concs remain unchanged.

   If no (more) limiting enzyme concentrations can be found, it might be
   the protein pool exchange that is limiting growth. In that case, an
   attempt will be made to relax the protein pool exchange reaction, and
   if the growth rate indeed increases, it is suggested to set the protein
   pool exchange unconstrained (lb=-1000) before again running
   flexibilizeEnzConcs. Such situations, where a proteomics integrated
   ecModel is overconstrained, may occur if the ecModel should be able to
   simulate maximum growth rate (from e.g. batch cultivation). 
   If relaxing the protein pool exchange does not increase the growth
   rate, then this is not due to enzyme constraints, but rather an issue
   with the metabolic network itself, or the set nutrient exchange is not

   model           an ecModel in GECKO 3 format (with ecModel.ec structure)
   expGrowth       estimated experimental growth rate. If not specified,
                   the value will be read from the model adapter
   foldChange      a value how much increase the enzyme concentration
                   (Optional, default = 2)
   iterPerEnzyme   the number of iterations that an enzyme can be increased.
                   A zero number can be defined. if zero is defined no limit
                   will be set, and it will increase the enzyme concentration
                   until reach de defined growth rate (Optional, default = 5)
   modelAdapter    a loaded model adapter (Optional, will otherwise use the
                   default model adapter)
   verbose         logical whether progress should be reported (Optional,
                   default true)

   model           ecModel where the constraint of measured enzyme
                   concentrations have been flexibilized (=relaxed) in the
                   S-matrix, to allow the model to reach the growth rate
                   defined in expGrowth, while the values in
                   ecModel.ec.concs have remained untouched.
   flexEnz         array with information about flexibilized proteins
                   uniprotIDs  enzymes whose usage UB was flexibilized
                   oldConcs    original concentrations, from mode.ec.concs
                   flexConcs   flexibilized concentrations, new UB in
                   ratioIncr   ratio by which the concentration increased,
                               the enzymes will be sorted by this field
                   frequence   numeric how often the enzyme has been
                               step-wise flexibilized

   [model, flexEnz] = flexibilizeEnzConcs(model, expGrowth, foldChange, iterPerEnzyme, modelAdapter, verbose)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [model, flexEnz] = flexibilizeEnzConcs(model, expGrowth, foldChange, iterPerEnzyme, modelAdapter, verbose)
0002 % flexibilizeEnzConcs
0003 %   Flexibilize enzyme concentration of an ecModel with constrained with
0004 %   proteomics data. The upper bound of the protein usage reaction is
0005 %   changed, while the concentrations in ecModel.ec.concs remain unchanged.
0006 %
0007 %   If no (more) limiting enzyme concentrations can be found, it might be
0008 %   the protein pool exchange that is limiting growth. In that case, an
0009 %   attempt will be made to relax the protein pool exchange reaction, and
0010 %   if the growth rate indeed increases, it is suggested to set the protein
0011 %   pool exchange unconstrained (lb=-1000) before again running
0012 %   flexibilizeEnzConcs. Such situations, where a proteomics integrated
0013 %   ecModel is overconstrained, may occur if the ecModel should be able to
0014 %   simulate maximum growth rate (from e.g. batch cultivation).
0015 %
0016 %   If relaxing the protein pool exchange does not increase the growth
0017 %   rate, then this is not due to enzyme constraints, but rather an issue
0018 %   with the metabolic network itself, or the set nutrient exchange is not
0019 %   sufficient.
0020 %
0021 % Input:
0022 %   model           an ecModel in GECKO 3 format (with ecModel.ec structure)
0023 %   expGrowth       estimated experimental growth rate. If not specified,
0024 %                   the value will be read from the model adapter
0025 %   foldChange      a value how much increase the enzyme concentration
0026 %                   (Optional, default = 2)
0027 %   iterPerEnzyme   the number of iterations that an enzyme can be increased.
0028 %                   A zero number can be defined. if zero is defined no limit
0029 %                   will be set, and it will increase the enzyme concentration
0030 %                   until reach de defined growth rate (Optional, default = 5)
0031 %   modelAdapter    a loaded model adapter (Optional, will otherwise use the
0032 %                   default model adapter)
0033 %   verbose         logical whether progress should be reported (Optional,
0034 %                   default true)
0035 %
0036 % Output:
0037 %   model           ecModel where the constraint of measured enzyme
0038 %                   concentrations have been flexibilized (=relaxed) in the
0039 %                   S-matrix, to allow the model to reach the growth rate
0040 %                   defined in expGrowth, while the values in
0041 %                   ecModel.ec.concs have remained untouched.
0042 %   flexEnz         array with information about flexibilized proteins
0043 %                   uniprotIDs  enzymes whose usage UB was flexibilized
0044 %                   oldConcs    original concentrations, from mode.ec.concs
0045 %                   flexConcs   flexibilized concentrations, new UB in
0046 %                               model
0047 %                   ratioIncr   ratio by which the concentration increased,
0048 %                               the enzymes will be sorted by this field
0049 %                   frequence   numeric how often the enzyme has been
0050 %                               step-wise flexibilized
0051 %
0052 % Usage:
0053 %   [model, flexEnz] = flexibilizeEnzConcs(model, expGrowth, foldChange, iterPerEnzyme, modelAdapter, verbose)
0055 if nargin < 6 || isempty(verbose)
0056     verbose = true;
0057 end
0058 if nargin < 5 || isempty(modelAdapter)
0059     modelAdapter = ModelAdapterManager.getDefault();
0060     if isempty(modelAdapter)
0061         error('Either send in a modelAdapter or set the default model adapter in the ModelAdapterManager.')
0062     end
0063 end
0064 params = modelAdapter.getParameters();
0066 if nargin < 4 || isempty(iterPerEnzyme)
0067     iterPerEnzyme = 5;
0068 end
0070 if nargin < 3 || isempty(foldChange)
0071     foldChange = 2;
0072 end
0074 if nargin < 2 || isempty(expGrowth)
0075     expGrowth = modelAdapter.getParameters().gR_exp;
0076 end
0078 % If a zero value is defined, not iteration limit will be set
0079 if iterPerEnzyme == 0
0080     iterPerEnzyme = inf;
0081 end
0083 bioRxnIdx = getIndexes(model,params.bioRxn,'rxns');
0084 if model.ub(bioRxnIdx) < expGrowth
0085     fprintf(['The upper bound of the biomass reaction was %s, while expGrowth '...
0086              'is %s. The upper bound has been set to expGrowth.'],...
0087              num2str(model.ub(bioRxnIdx)), num2str(expGrowth))
0088     model.ub(bioRxnIdx) = expGrowth;
0089 end
0091 % Keep track if protein pool will be flexibilized
0092 changedProtPool = false;
0094 % In case the model have not been protein constrained
0095 % model = constrainEnzConcs(model);
0097 [sol,hs] = solveLP(model);
0098 predGrowth = sol.f;
0100 % Get those proteins with a concentration defined
0101 protConcs = find(~isnan(model.ec.concs));
0103 % Get enzymes names with a concentration value
0104 proteins = model.ec.enzymes(protConcs);
0106 % Store how many time is predicted a enzyme with the highest coeff
0107 frequence = zeros(numel(proteins),1);
0109 flexBreak=false;
0110 if any(protConcs)
0111     while predGrowth < expGrowth
0113         % Get the control coefficients
0114         [~, controlCoeffs] = getConcControlCoeffs(model, proteins, foldChange, 0.75);
0116         % Stop looking for limiting proteins all coeffs are zero
0117         if any(controlCoeffs)
0119             % Find the maximum coefficient index
0120             [~,maxIdx] = max(controlCoeffs);
0122             % Increase +1 the frequence
0123             frequence(maxIdx) = frequence(maxIdx) + 1;
0125             % Allow to increase the UB maximum five times
0126             if frequence(maxIdx) <= iterPerEnzyme
0128                 % Set how much will increase the UB
0129                 increase = foldChange*frequence(maxIdx);
0131                 % Get usage rxn for the highest coeff
0132                 protUsageIdx = strcmpi(model.rxns, strcat('usage_prot_', proteins(maxIdx)));
0134                 % replace the UB
0135                 model.lb(protUsageIdx) = -(model.ec.concs(protConcs(maxIdx)) * (1+increase));
0137                 % Get the new growth rate
0138                 sol = solveLP(model,0,[],hs);
0139                 predGrowth = sol.f;
0141                 if verbose
0142                     disp(['Protein ' proteins{maxIdx} ' LB adjusted. Grow: ' num2str(predGrowth)])
0143                 end
0144             else
0145                 printOrange(['WARNING: Limit has been reached. Protein '  proteins{maxIdx} ' seems to be problematic. Consider changing the kcat.\n']);
0146                 flexBreak=true;
0147                 break
0148             end
0149         else
0150             disp('No (more) limiting enzymes have been found. Attempting to increase protein pool exchange...')
0151             protPoolIdx = getIndexes(model,'prot_pool_exchange','rxns');
0152             oldProtPool = -model.lb(protPoolIdx);
0153             tempModel = setParam(model,'lb',protPoolIdx,-1000);
0154             tempModel = setParam(tempModel,'ub',bioRxnIdx,expGrowth);
0155             sol = solveLP(tempModel);
0156             if (sol.f-predGrowth)>1e-10 % There is improvement in growth rate
0157                 % Find new protein pool constraint
0158                 predGrowth = sol.f;
0159                 tempModel = setParam(tempModel,'lb',bioRxnIdx,predGrowth);
0160                 tempModel = setParam(tempModel,'obj',protPoolIdx,1);
0161                 sol = solveLP(tempModel);
0162                 newProtPool = sol.f;
0163                 model.lb(protPoolIdx) = -newProtPool;
0164                 fprintf(['Changing the lower bound of protein pool exchange from %s ',...
0165                          'to %s enabled a\ngrowth rate of %s. It can be helpful to set ', ...
0166                          'the lower bound of protein\npool exchange to -1000 before ',...
0167                          'running flexibilizeEnzConcs.\n'],num2str(-oldProtPool), ...
0168                          num2str(-newProtPool),num2str(predGrowth));
0169                 changedProtPool = true;
0170             else
0171                 fprintf(['Protein pool exchange was also not limiting. Inability to reach growth ',...
0172                         'rate is not related to\nenzyme constraints. Maximum growth rate ',...
0173                         'is %s.\n'], num2str(predGrowth))
0174             end
0175             % To return an usable model with these conditions, set the
0176             % highest growth rate reached as the experimental value
0177             expGrowth = predGrowth;
0178             break
0179         end
0180     end
0181 else
0182     error('Protein concentrations have not been defined. Please run readProteomics and constrainEnzConcs')
0183 end
0185 protFlex        = proteins(frequence>0);
0186 protUsageIdx    = find(ismember(model.rxns, strcat('usage_prot_', protFlex)));
0187 ecProtId        = find(ismember(model.ec.enzymes,protFlex));
0188 oldConcs        = model.ec.concs(ecProtId);
0190 if flexBreak == false && ~isempty(protFlex)
0191     % Not all flexibilized proteins require flexibilization in the end
0192     % Test flux distribution with minimum prot_pool usage
0193     modelTemp       = setParam(model,'var',params.bioRxn,expGrowth,0.5);
0194     modelTemp       = setParam(modelTemp,'obj','prot_pool_exchange',1);
0195     sol             = solveLP(modelTemp,1);
0196     % Check which concentrations can remain unchanged
0197     newConcs        = abs(sol.x(protUsageIdx));
0198     keepOld         = newConcs<oldConcs;
0199     % Set UBs
0200     model.lb(protUsageIdx(keepOld))  = -oldConcs(keepOld);
0201     model.lb(protUsageIdx(~keepOld)) = -newConcs(~keepOld);
0202     % Output structure
0203     protFlex(keepOld) = [];
0204     oldConcs(keepOld) = [];
0205     newConcs(keepOld) = [];
0206     frequence=frequence(frequence>0);
0207     frequence(keepOld) = [];
0209     flexEnz.uniprotIDs = protFlex;
0210     flexEnz.oldConcs   = oldConcs;
0211     flexEnz.flexConcs  = newConcs;
0212     flexEnz.frequence  = frequence(frequence>0);
0213 else
0214     protFlex        = proteins(frequence>0);
0215     protUsageIdx    = find(ismember(model.rxns, strcat('usage_prot_', protFlex)));
0217     flexEnz.uniprotIDs = protFlex;
0218     flexEnz.oldConcs   = model.ec.concs(ecProtId);
0219     flexEnz.flexConcs  = abs(model.lb(protUsageIdx));
0220     flexEnz.frequence  = frequence(frequence>0);
0221 end
0222 if changedProtPool
0223     flexEnz.uniprotIDs(end+1) = {'prot_pool'};
0224     flexEnz.oldConcs(end+1)   = oldProtPool;
0225     flexEnz.flexConcs(end+1)  = newProtPool;
0226     flexEnz.frequence(end+1)  = 1;
0227 end
0228 % Sort by biggest ratio increase
0229 flexEnz.ratioIncr  = flexEnz.flexConcs./flexEnz.oldConcs;
0230 [~,b] = sort(flexEnz.ratioIncr,'descend');
0231 flexEnz.ratioIncr  = flexEnz.ratioIncr(b);
0232 flexEnz.uniprotIDs = flexEnz.uniprotIDs(b);
0233 flexEnz.oldConcs   = flexEnz.oldConcs(b);
0234 flexEnz.flexConcs  = flexEnz.flexConcs(b);
0235 flexEnz.frequence  = flexEnz.frequence(b);
0236 end

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