Home > src > geckomat > utilities > saveEcModel.m





function saveEcModel(ecModel,filename,modelAdapter)


   Saves the ecModel in either YAML format (= default and preferred, as
   all ecModel content is reserved) and/or SBML format (= more widely
   compatible with other constraint-based modelling tools, can be used for
   running simulations like FBA etc., but this model cannot be loaded back
   into MATLAB for applying further GECKO functions, as model.ec is lost).

   The ecModel is saved to the ecModel-specific models/ subfolder. For
   saving to other locations, writeYAMLmodel or exportModel are more

   ecModel         an ecModel in GECKO 3 format (with ecModel.ec structure)
   filename        ending with either .yml or .xml, specifying if the
                   ecModel should be saved in YAML or SBML file format. If
                   no file extension is given, the ecModel will be saved
                   in YAML format. If no filename is given, 'ecModel.yml'
                   is used.
   modelAdapter    a loaded model adapter, from where the model folder is
                   read (Optional, will otherwise use the default model adapter).



This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function saveEcModel(ecModel,filename,modelAdapter)
0002 % saveECmodel
0003 %   Saves the ecModel in either YAML format (= default and preferred, as
0004 %   all ecModel content is reserved) and/or SBML format (= more widely
0005 %   compatible with other constraint-based modelling tools, can be used for
0006 %   running simulations like FBA etc., but this model cannot be loaded back
0007 %   into MATLAB for applying further GECKO functions, as model.ec is lost).
0008 %
0009 %   The ecModel is saved to the ecModel-specific models/ subfolder. For
0010 %   saving to other locations, writeYAMLmodel or exportModel are more
0011 %   suitable.
0012 %
0013 % Input:
0014 %   ecModel         an ecModel in GECKO 3 format (with ecModel.ec structure)
0015 %   filename        ending with either .yml or .xml, specifying if the
0016 %                   ecModel should be saved in YAML or SBML file format. If
0017 %                   no file extension is given, the ecModel will be saved
0018 %                   in YAML format. If no filename is given, 'ecModel.yml'
0019 %                   is used.
0020 %   modelAdapter    a loaded model adapter, from where the model folder is
0021 %                   read (Optional, will otherwise use the default model adapter).
0022 %
0023 % Usage:
0024 %   saveECmodel(ecModel,filename,modelAdapter)
0027 if nargin < 3 || isempty(modelAdapter)
0028     modelAdapter = ModelAdapterManager.getDefault();
0029     if isempty(modelAdapter)
0030         error('Either send in a modelAdapter or set the default model adapter in the ModelAdapterManager.')
0031     end
0032 end
0033 params = modelAdapter.getParameters();
0034 if nargin < 2 || isempty(filename)
0035     filename = 'ecModel';
0036 end
0037 filename = fullfile(params.path,'models',filename);
0039 ecModel.description = ['Enzyme-constrained model of ' ecModel.id];
0041 switch filename(end-3:end)
0042     case {'.xml','sbml'}
0043         exportModel(ecModel, filename);
0044         %Convert notation "e-005" to "e-05 " in stoich. coeffs. to avoid
0045         %inconsistencies between Windows and MAC:
0046         copyfile(filename,'backup.xml')
0047         fin  = fopen('backup.xml', 'r');
0048         fout = fopen(filename, 'w');
0049         still_reading = true;
0050         while still_reading
0051             inline = fgets(fin);
0052             if ~ischar(inline)
0053                 still_reading = false;
0054             else
0055                 if ~isempty(regexp(inline,'-00[0-9]','once'))
0056                     inline = strrep(inline,'-00','-0');
0057                 elseif ~isempty(regexp(inline,'-01[0-9]','once'))
0058                     inline = strrep(inline,'-01','-1');
0059                 end
0060                 fwrite(fout, inline);
0061             end
0062         end
0063         fclose('all');
0064         delete('backup.xml');
0065     otherwise % Assume YAML
0066         writeYAMLmodel(ecModel,filename);
0067 end
0068 end

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