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Getting Started

Make sure you have completed the installation process before continuing. The commands described on this page are all run from the MATLAB command prompt, unless otherwise noted.

Loading Human-GEM into MATLAB


The Human-GEM model files are provided in a RAVEN-friendly format. If you intend on using COBRA, see the Using Human-GEM with COBRA section below.


All the model file formats described below are on the main branch of the Human-GEM repository. Note that only the .yml version is available on branches other than main (e.g., devel), to facilitate tracking of model changes.

The quickest and easiest way to load the Human-GEM model is from the .mat file.


This will load the model as a structure named ihuman.


% ihuman = 
%   struct with fields:
%                      id: 'Human-GEM'
%             description: 'Generic genome-scale metabolic model of Homo sapiens'
%                    rxns: {13070×1 cell}
%                    mets: {8369×1 cell}
%                       S: [8369×13070 double]
%                      lb: [13070×1 double]
%                      ub: [13070×1 double]
%                     rev: [13070×1 double]
%                       c: [13070×1 double]
%                       b: [8369×1 double]
%                   comps: {9×1 cell}
%               compNames: {9×1 cell}
%                rxnNames: {13070×1 cell}
%                 grRules: {13070×1 cell}
%              rxnGeneMat: [13070×3067 double]
%              subSystems: {13070×1 cell}
%                 eccodes: {13070×1 cell}
%                rxnNotes: {13070×1 cell}
%                   genes: {3067×1 cell}
%                metNames: {8369×1 cell}
%                metComps: [8369×1 double]
%                  inchis: {8369×1 cell}
%             metFormulas: {8369×1 cell}
%           rxnReferences: {13070×1 cell}
%                 rxnFrom: {13070×1 cell}
%                 metFrom: {8369×1 cell}
%     rxnConfidenceScores: [13070×1 double]
%              metCharges: [8369×1 int64]
%                 version: '1.12.0'
%              annotation: [1×1 struct]

The yaml version of Human-GEM is loaded using the importYaml function.

ihuman = importYaml('Human-GEM.yml');

%   1
%   2
%   3
%   4
%   5
% importing completed
% follow-up processing... Done!

From the Human-GEM.xml (SBML) file

The .xml (SBML) version of Human-GEM is loaded using the RAVEN importHumanYaml function.

ihuman = importModel(which('Human-GEM.xml'));

% The model contains 0 errors and 1 warnings.
% WARNING: Potentially problematic ") AND (" in the grRules for reaction(s): 
%         MAR04137
%         MAR07161
%         MAR07162
%         MAR00080


The warning regarding the grRules can be ignored. Some packages are a bit more strict in their gene-reaction rule formulation, but Human-GEM functions do not have such restrictions.


We include the which() command around the model filename to provide its full path because some functions cannot otherwise find the file. This is not necessary if the model file is in MATLAB's current working directory (i.e., if you can see the model file in the Current Folder window), or if you provide the full path to the file.

From the Human-GEM.xlsx file

The .xslx (Excel) version of Human-GEM is loaded using the RAVEN importExcelModel function.

ihuman = importExcelModel(which('Human-GEM.xlsx'));

% WARNING: Potentially problematic ") AND (" in the grRules for reaction(s): 
%         MAR04137
%         MAR07161
%         MAR07162
%         MAR00080

From the Human-GEM.txt file

There is no function to import the .txt version of the model. The Human-GEM.txt file is supplied for those who need or prefer a more human-readable plain-text format, but is not intended for loading into MATLAB.

Using Human-GEM with COBRA

The provided Human-GEM models can generally be used directly with COBRA, though there may remain some incompatibilities that cause errors or unexpected behavior. We suggest to first convert the model to a COBRA-friendly format before using the COBRA Toolbox.

1. Load the model into MATLAB

Use one of the methods described above to load Human-GEM into MATLAB.

load('Human-GEM.mat');  % loads model as structure named "ihuman"

2. Convert the model into COBRA format

Use the RAVEN ravenCobraWrapper function to convert the model into a COBRA-friendly format.

model = ravenCobraWrapper(ihuman);

%  Converting RAVEN structure to COBRA..

The resulting model output should now be ready for use with the COBRA Toolbox.

Another option is to load the SBML model Human-GEM.xml directly into COBRA format using the COBRA readCbModel function.

model = readCbModel(which('Human-GEM.xml'));

% The model contains 0 errors and 1 warnings.


Since the SBML file is not formatted for COBRA, loading it using readCbModel will yield a model that may be missing content or exhibit unexpected behavior. Proceed with caution.