getMinNrFluxes Returns the minimal set of fluxes that satisfy the model using mixed integer linear programming. model a model structure toMinimize either a cell array of reaction IDs, a logical vector with the same number of elements as reactions in the model, of a vector of indexes for the reactions that should be minimized (optional, default model.rxns) params parameter structure as used by getMILPParams (optional) scores vector of weights for the reactions. Negative scores should not have flux. Positive scores are not possible in this implementation, and they are changed to max(scores(scores<0)). Must have the same dimension as toMinimize (find(toMinimize) if it is a logical vector) (optional, default -1 for all reactions) x the corresponding fluxes for the full model I the indexes of the reactions in toMinimize that were used in the solution exitFlag 1: optimal solution found -1: no feasible solution found -2: optimization time out NOTE: Uses 1000 mmol/gDW/h as an arbitary large flux. Could possibly cause problems if the fluxes in the model are larger than that. Usage: [x,I,exitFlag]=getMinNrFluxes(model, toMinimize, params, scores)
0001 function [x,I,exitFlag]=getMinNrFluxes(model, toMinimize, params,scores) 0002 % getMinNrFluxes 0003 % Returns the minimal set of fluxes that satisfy the model using 0004 % mixed integer linear programming. 0005 % 0006 % model a model structure 0007 % toMinimize either a cell array of reaction IDs, a logical vector 0008 % with the same number of elements as reactions in the model, 0009 % of a vector of indexes for the reactions that should be 0010 % minimized (optional, default model.rxns) 0011 % params parameter structure as used by getMILPParams (optional) 0012 % scores vector of weights for the reactions. Negative scores 0013 % should not have flux. Positive scores are not possible in this 0014 % implementation, and they are changed to max(scores(scores<0)). 0015 % Must have the same dimension as toMinimize (find(toMinimize) 0016 % if it is a logical vector) (optional, default -1 for all reactions) 0017 % 0018 % x the corresponding fluxes for the full model 0019 % I the indexes of the reactions in toMinimize that were used 0020 % in the solution 0021 % exitFlag 1: optimal solution found 0022 % -1: no feasible solution found 0023 % -2: optimization time out 0024 % 0025 % NOTE: Uses 1000 mmol/gDW/h as an arbitary large flux. Could possibly 0026 % cause problems if the fluxes in the model are larger than that. 0027 % 0028 % Usage: [x,I,exitFlag]=getMinNrFluxes(model, toMinimize, params, scores) 0029 0030 exitFlag=1; 0031 0032 if nargin<2 0033 toMinimize=model.rxns; 0034 elseif ~islogical(toMinimize) && ~isnumeric(toMinimize) 0035 toMinimize=convertCharArray(toMinimize); 0036 else 0037 toMinimize=model.rxns(toMinimize); 0038 end 0039 0040 %For passing parameters to the solver 0041 if nargin<3 0042 params=struct(); 0043 end 0044 0045 if nargin<4 0046 %It says that the default is -1, but that is to fit with other code 0047 scores=ones(numel(toMinimize),1)*1; 0048 else 0049 if numel(scores)~=numel(toMinimize) 0050 EM='The number of scores must be the same as the number of reactions to minimize'; 0051 dispEM(EM); 0052 end 0053 0054 %Change positive scores to have a small negative weight. This is a 0055 %temporary solution. 0056 scores(scores>=0)=max(scores(scores<0)); 0057 0058 %It says that the default is -1, but that is to fit with other code 0059 scores=scores*-1; 0060 end 0061 0062 %Check if the model is in irreversible format 0063 if any(model.rev) 0064 %Convert the model to irreversible format 0065 irrevModel=convertToIrrev(model); 0066 0067 %Find the indexes for the reactions in toMinimize 0068 [indexes, I]=ismember(strrep(irrevModel.rxns,'_REV',''),toMinimize); 0069 else 0070 irrevModel=model; 0071 0072 %Find the indexes for the reactions in toMinimize 0073 [indexes, I]=ismember(irrevModel.rxns,toMinimize); 0074 end 0075 0076 indexes=find(indexes); 0077 %Adjust scores to fit with reversible 0078 scores=scores(I(indexes)); 0079 0080 %Add binary constraints in the following manner: - Add one unique 0081 %"metabolite" for each integer reaction as a substrate. 0082 % These metabolites can have net production 0083 %- Add reactions for the production of each of those metabolites. The 0084 % amount produced in one reaction unit must be larger than the largest 0085 % possible flux in the model (but not too large to avoid bad scaling) 0086 0087 %Calculate a solution to the problem without any constraints. This is to 0088 %get an estimate about the magnitude of fluxes in the model and to get a 0089 %feasible start solution. 0090 sol=solveLP(irrevModel,1); 0091 0092 %Return an empty solution if the non-constrained problem couldn't be solved 0093 if isempty(sol.x) 0094 x=[]; 0095 I=[]; 0096 exitFlag=-1; 0097 return; 0098 end 0099 0100 %Take the maximal times 5 to have a safe margin. If it's smaller than 1000, 0101 %then use 1000 instead. 0102 maxFlux=max(max(sol.x)*5,1000); 0103 0104 intArray=speye(numel(irrevModel.rxns))*-1; 0105 intArray=intArray(indexes,:); 0106 prob.a=[irrevModel.S;intArray]; 0107 a=[sparse(numel(irrevModel.mets),numel(indexes));speye(numel(indexes))*maxFlux]; 0108 prob.a=[prob.a a]; 0109 prob.ints.sub=numel(irrevModel.rxns)+1:numel(irrevModel.rxns)+numel(indexes); 0110 0111 prob.c=[zeros(numel(irrevModel.rxns),1);scores(:);zeros(size(prob.a,1),1)]; %Minimize the number of fluxes 0112 prob.A=[prob.a -speye(size(prob.a,1))]; 0113 prob.blc=[irrevModel.b(:,1);zeros(numel(indexes),1)]; 0114 if size(irrevModel.b,2)==2 0115 prob.buc=[irrevModel.b(:,2);inf(numel(indexes),1)]; 0116 else 0117 prob.buc=[irrevModel.b(:,1);inf(numel(indexes),1)]; 0118 end 0119 prob.blx=[;zeros(numel(indexes),1)]; 0120 prob.bux=[irrevModel.ub;ones(numel(indexes),1)]; 0121 = [prob.blx; prob.blc]; 0122 prob.ub = [prob.bux; prob.buc]; 0123 prob.osense=1; 0124 prob.csense=repmat('E', 1, size(prob.a,1),1); 0125 prob.b=zeros(size(prob.a,1), 1); 0126 0127 %Use the output from the linear solution as starting point. Only the values 0128 %for the integer variables will be used, but all are supplied. 0129,1); 0130>10^-12))=1; 0131 prob.x0=[]; 0132 prob.vartype=repmat('C', size(prob.A,2), 1); 0133 prob.vartype(prob.ints.sub) = 'I'; % with .lb = 0 and .ub = 1, they are binary 0134 % integers (glpk in octave only allows 'continuous' or '', not 'binary') 0135 prob=rmfield(prob,{'blx','bux','blc','buc'}); 0136 0137 % Optimize the problem 0138 res = optimizeProb(prob,params,false); 0139 isFeasible=checkSolution(res); 0140 0141 if ~isFeasible 0142 x=[]; 0143 I=[]; 0144 exitFlag=-1; 0145 return; 0146 end 0147 0148 xx=res.full(1:numel(irrevModel.rxns)); 0149 I=res.full(numel(xx)+1:end); 0150 0151 %Check if Mosek aborted because it reached the time limit 0152 %TODO: modify for cobra/gurobi 0153 % if strcmp('MSK_RES_TRM_MAX_TIME',res.rcode) 0154 % exitFlag=-2; 0155 % end 0156 0157 %Map back to original model from irrevModel 0158 x=xx(1:numel(model.rxns)); 0159 if numel(irrevModel.rxns)>numel(model.rxns) 0160 x(model.rev~=0)=x(model.rev~=0)-xx(numel(model.rxns)+1:end); 0161 end 0162 0163 I=ismember(toMinimize,strrep(irrevModel.rxns(indexes(I>10^-12)),'_REV','')); 0164 end