Home > core > parallelPoolRAVEN.m





function [ps, oldPoolAutoCreate] = parallelPoolRAVEN(runParallel)


   Called by RAVEN functions that support parallel processing, to confirm
   whether the MATLAB Parallel Computing Toolbox is installed.
   - The toolbox is installed, and runParallel == true, ==> a parallel
     pool is started.
   - The toolbox is installed, but runParallel == false, ==> the auto-
     creation of a parallel pool is disabled, to prevent "parfor" in
     the target function to start a pool anyway.
   - The toolbox is not installed, and runParallel == true, ==> a warning
     is displayed that parallel computer is not possible.
   - The toolbox is not installed, and runParallel == false, ==> the
     target runs as intended, as "parfor" will automatically run in serial
     mode instead.

   runParallel         logical, whether the target function (which calls
                       parallelPoolRAVEN) should be run in parallel (optional,
                       default true)

   ps                  parallel settings structure that will be used by
                       the target function    
   oldPoolAutoCreate   logical, to reset the original ps.Pool.AutoCreate
                       setting once the target function has finished

 Use: [ps, oldPoolAutoCreate] = parallelPoolRAVEN(runParallel)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [ps, oldPoolAutoCreate] = parallelPoolRAVEN(runParallel)
0002 % handleParallelRAVEN
0003 %   Called by RAVEN functions that support parallel processing, to confirm
0004 %   whether the MATLAB Parallel Computing Toolbox is installed.
0005 %   - The toolbox is installed, and runParallel == true, ==> a parallel
0006 %     pool is started.
0007 %   - The toolbox is installed, but runParallel == false, ==> the auto-
0008 %     creation of a parallel pool is disabled, to prevent "parfor" in
0009 %     the target function to start a pool anyway.
0010 %   - The toolbox is not installed, and runParallel == true, ==> a warning
0011 %     is displayed that parallel computer is not possible.
0012 %   - The toolbox is not installed, and runParallel == false, ==> the
0013 %     target runs as intended, as "parfor" will automatically run in serial
0014 %     mode instead.
0015 %
0016 % Input:
0017 %   runParallel         logical, whether the target function (which calls
0018 %                       parallelPoolRAVEN) should be run in parallel (optional,
0019 %                       default true)
0020 %
0021 % Output:
0022 %   ps                  parallel settings structure that will be used by
0023 %                       the target function
0024 %   oldPoolAutoCreate   logical, to reset the original ps.Pool.AutoCreate
0025 %                       setting once the target function has finished
0026 %
0027 % Use: [ps, oldPoolAutoCreate] = parallelPoolRAVEN(runParallel)
0029 if nargin<1 || isempty(runParallel)
0030     runParallel = true;
0031 end
0033 addonList = matlab.addons.installedAddons;
0034 ps = []; oldPoolAutoCreate = [];
0035 if ~any(strcmpi(addonList.Name,'Parallel Computing Toolbox'))
0036     if runParallel % User wants parallel, but will not be possible
0037         disp('Cannot find MATLAB Parallel Computing Toolbox, process is not parallelized.')
0038     end
0039 else
0040     pool = gcp('nocreate');
0041     if ~runParallel % User has Parallel toolbox, but does not want pool to start.
0042         % If pool is already running, delete it
0043         ps = parallel.Settings;
0044         oldPoolAutoCreate = ps.Pool.AutoCreate;
0045         ps.Pool.AutoCreate = false;
0046         delete(pool);
0047     elseif isempty(pool)
0048         parpool('IdleTimeout',120);
0049     end
0050 end
0051 end

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