Home > plotting > getColorCodes.m





function [colorCodes, signChange, errorFlag]= getColorCodes(referenceFluxes, fluxes, maxChange, defaultColor, upColor, downColor)


    Calculates the coloring for a number of fluxes by comparing them to
   reference fluxes.

   referenceFluxes     vector of reference fluxes
   fluxes              vector of fluxes. The number of elements in fluxes
                       and referenceFluxes must be equal
   maxChange           the logfold increase or decrease that corresponds
                       to full negative or full positive coloring. Must
                       be a positive value (optional, default 1)
   defaultColor        a color in Matlab format to be used if there are no
                       changes between the fluxes. This color is also used to
                       calculate the transition between the colors for up and
                       down regulated fluxes (optional, default [1 1 1])
   upColor             a color in Matlab format to be used if the flux is
                       larger than the reference flux (optional, default [0 1 0])
   downColor           a color in Matlab format to be used if the flux is
                       smaller than the reference flux (optional, default [1 0 0])


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function [colorCodes, signChange, errorFlag]= getColorCodes(referenceFluxes, fluxes, maxChange, defaultColor, upColor, downColor)
0002 % getColorCodes
0003 %    Calculates the coloring for a number of fluxes by comparing them to
0004 %   reference fluxes.
0005 %
0006 %   referenceFluxes     vector of reference fluxes
0007 %   fluxes              vector of fluxes. The number of elements in fluxes
0008 %                       and referenceFluxes must be equal
0009 %   maxChange           the logfold increase or decrease that corresponds
0010 %                       to full negative or full positive coloring. Must
0011 %                       be a positive value (optional, default 1)
0012 %   defaultColor        a color in Matlab format to be used if there are no
0013 %                       changes between the fluxes. This color is also used to
0014 %                       calculate the transition between the colors for up and
0015 %                       down regulated fluxes (optional, default [1 1 1])
0016 %   upColor             a color in Matlab format to be used if the flux is
0017 %                       larger than the reference flux (optional, default [0 1 0])
0018 %   downColor           a color in Matlab format to be used if the flux is
0019 %                       smaller than the reference flux (optional, default [1 0 0])
0021 %   colorCodes          array list of colors in Matlab format in the same
0022 %                       order as the fluxes
0023 %   signChange          array list of boolean values where true indicates
0024 %                       that there has been a sign change between the
0025 %                       fluxes. Reactions with sign changes are not
0026 %                       colored, but rather marked in another way. The
0027 %                       order correspondes to the order of the fluxes
0028 %   errorFlag           true if there has been an error
0029 %
0030 % Usage: [colorCodes, signChange, errorFlag]=getColorCodes(referenceFluxes,...
0031 %           fluxes, maxChange, defaultColor, upColor, downColor)
0033 if nargin<6
0034     downColor=[1 0 0];
0035 end
0036 if nargin<5
0037     upColor=[0 1 0];
0038 end
0039 if nargin<4
0040     defaultColor=[1 1 1];
0041 end
0042 if nargin<3
0043     maxChange=1;
0044 end
0046 %Checks that the flux vector and the reference flux vector have the same
0047 %number of elements
0048 if length(fluxes)~=length(referenceFluxes)
0049     colorCodes={};
0050     signChange={};
0051     errorFlag=1;
0052     fprintf('fluxes and referenceFluxes must have the same dimensions');
0053     return;
0054 end
0056 %Loops through the fluxes. If the reference flux is 0, then mark as
0057 %upColor, if the flux is 0 then mark as downColor, and if both fluxes are 0
0058 %then mark as defaultColor
0059 for i=1:length(fluxes)
0060     signChange{i}=false;
0062     if referenceFluxes(i)==0 || fluxes(i)==0
0063         if referenceFluxes(i)==0 && fluxes(i)==0
0064             colorCodes{i}=defaultColor;
0065         else
0066             if referenceFluxes(i)==0
0067                 colorCodes{i}=upColor;
0068             else
0069                 colorCodes{i}=downColor;
0070             end
0071         end
0072     else
0073         %At the moment a negative flux that gets more negative is counted
0074         %as being upregulated. This might be counter intuitive.
0075         logvalue=log10(abs(fluxes(i))/abs(referenceFluxes(i)));
0077         %If there is a sign change
0078         if fluxes(i)*referenceFluxes(i)<0
0079             colorCodes{i}=defaultColor;
0080             signChange{i}=true;
0081         else
0082             colorCodes{i}=getColor(logvalue, defaultColor, upColor, downColor, maxChange);
0083         end
0084     end
0085 end
0086 end
0088 function colorValue=getColor(logvalue, defaultColor, upColor, downColor, maxChange)
0089 % getColor
0090 %   Calculates the color for a specified logvalue.
0091 %
0092 %   logvalue            the logfold increase or desrease of a flux
0093 %   compared to the
0094 %                       corresponding reference flux. Must be a
0095 %                       positive value
0096 %   defaultColor        a color in Matlab format to be used if
0097 %   there are no
0098 %                       changes between the fluxes. This color is
0099 %                       also used to calculate the transition
0100 %                       between the colors for up and down
0101 %                       regulated fluxes
0102 %   upColor             a color in Matlab format to be used if the
0103 %   flux is
0104 %                       larger than the reference flux
0105 %   downColor           a color in Matlab format to be used if the
0106 %   flux is
0107 %                       smaller than the reference flux
0108 %   maxChange           the logfold increase or decrease that
0109 %   corresponds
0110 %                       to full negative or full positive coloring
0111 %
0112 %   colorValue          vector with the calculated color
0113 %
0114 % Usage: colorValue=getColor(logvalue, defaultColor, upColor,
0115 %   downColor, maxChange)
0117 %If the flux has decreased
0118 if logvalue<0
0119     %If the flux is lower than 10^-maxChange of the original then
0120     %color as downColor
0121     if logvalue<-maxChange
0122         colorValue=downColor;
0123     else
0124         %The color is linear from defaultColor to downColor
0125         colorValue=[defaultColor(1)+(downColor(1)-defaultColor(1))*logvalue/(-maxChange)...
0126             defaultColor(2)+(downColor(2)-defaultColor(2))*logvalue/(-maxChange)...
0127             defaultColor(3)+(downColor(3)-defaultColor(3))*logvalue/(-maxChange)];
0128     end
0129     %If it has increased
0130 else
0131     %If the flux is higher than 10^maxChange times the original
0132     %then color green
0133     if logvalue>maxChange
0134         colorValue=upColor;
0135     else
0136         %The color is linear from defaultColor to upColor
0137         colorValue=[defaultColor(1)+(upColor(1)-defaultColor(1))*logvalue/(maxChange)...
0138             defaultColor(2)+(upColor(2)-defaultColor(2))*logvalue/(maxChange)...
0139             defaultColor(3)+(upColor(3)-defaultColor(3))*logvalue/(maxChange)];
0140     end
0141 end
0142 end

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