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function scores=analyzeSampling(Tex, df, solutionsA, solutionsB, printResults)


   Compares the significance of change in flux between two conditions with
   the significance of change in gene expression

   Tex             a vector of t-scores for the change in gene expression
                   for each reaction. This score could be the Student t
                   between the two conditions, or you can calculate it from
                   a p-value (by computing the inverse of the so called error
                   function). If you choose the second alternative you should
                   be aware that the transcripts that increased in expression
                   level should have positive values and those who decreased
                   in expression level should have negative values (the
                   p-values only tell you if the fluxes changed or not but
                   not in which direction)
   df              the degrees of freedom in the t-test
   solutionsA      random solutions for the reference condition (as
                   generated by randomSampling)
   solutionsB      random solutions for the test condition (as generated
                   by randomSampling)
   printResults    prints the most significant reactions in each category
                   (opt, default false)

   scores          a Nx3 column matrix with the probabilities of a reaction:
                   1) changing both in flux and expression in the same direction
                   2) changing in expression but not in flux
                   3) changing in flux but not in expression or changing
                      in opposed directions in flux and expression.

   Usage: scores=analyzeSampling(Tex, df, solutionsA, solutionsB, printResults)


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0001 function scores=analyzeSampling(Tex, df, solutionsA, solutionsB, printResults)
0002 % analyzeSampling
0003 %   Compares the significance of change in flux between two conditions with
0004 %   the significance of change in gene expression
0005 %
0006 %   Tex             a vector of t-scores for the change in gene expression
0007 %                   for each reaction. This score could be the Student t
0008 %                   between the two conditions, or you can calculate it from
0009 %                   a p-value (by computing the inverse of the so called error
0010 %                   function). If you choose the second alternative you should
0011 %                   be aware that the transcripts that increased in expression
0012 %                   level should have positive values and those who decreased
0013 %                   in expression level should have negative values (the
0014 %                   p-values only tell you if the fluxes changed or not but
0015 %                   not in which direction)
0016 %   df              the degrees of freedom in the t-test
0017 %   solutionsA      random solutions for the reference condition (as
0018 %                   generated by randomSampling)
0019 %   solutionsB      random solutions for the test condition (as generated
0020 %                   by randomSampling)
0021 %   printResults    prints the most significant reactions in each category
0022 %                   (opt, default false)
0023 %
0024 %   scores          a Nx3 column matrix with the probabilities of a reaction:
0025 %                   1) changing both in flux and expression in the same direction
0026 %                   2) changing in expression but not in flux
0027 %                   3) changing in flux but not in expression or changing
0028 %                      in opposed directions in flux and expression.
0029 %
0030 %   Usage: scores=analyzeSampling(Tex, df, solutionsA, solutionsB, printResults)
0032 if nargin<5
0033     printResults=false;
0034 end
0036 nRxns=numel(Tex);
0037 pM=zeros(nRxns,1);
0038 pH=zeros(nRxns,1);
0039 pR=zeros(nRxns,1);
0041 %Check that the number of reactions is the same in both expression and flux
0042 if nRxns~=size(solutionsA,1)
0043     EM='The number of reactions must be the same in Tex as in solutionsA';
0044     dispEM(EM);
0045 end
0047 %Get the Z-score and mean for the solutions
0048 mA=mean(solutionsA,2);
0049 mB=mean(solutionsB,2);
0050 Zf=getFluxZ(solutionsA, solutionsB);
0052 %Clear up the tex if there are elements that are NaN or +/- Inf.
0053 I=isnan(Tex) | isinf(Tex);
0054 if any(I)
0055     EM='There are t-scores that are NaN or +/- Inf. These values are changed to 0.0';
0056     dispEM(EM,false);
0057 end
0058 Tex(I)=0;
0060 for i=1:nRxns
0061     %Check how the flux has changed. The means are needed because to
0062     %differentiate between a positive flux changing to a smaller flux and a
0063     %negative flux changing to a more negative flux (which is a larger
0064     %flux)
0065     I=mB(i)/mA(i);
0066     if I<0
0067         pM(i)=erf(abs(Zf(i)));
0068         pH(i)=(1-pM(i))*(2*tcdf(abs(Tex(i)),df)-1);
0069         pR(i)=0;
0070     else
0071         if mB(i)<0
0072             Zf(i)=Zf(i)*-1;
0073         end
0074     end
0076     I=Zf(i)/Tex(i);
0077     if I<0
0078         pM(i)=erf(abs(Zf(i)));
0079         pH(i)=(1-pM(i))*(2*tcdf(abs(Tex(i)),df)-1);
0080         pR(i)=0;
0081     else
0082         pR(i)=erf(abs(Zf(i)))*(2*tcdf(abs(Tex(i)),df)-1);
0083         pH(i)=(2*tcdf(abs(Tex(i)),df)-1)*(1-erf(abs(Zf(i))));
0084         pM(i)=erf(abs(Zf(i)))*(1-(2*tcdf(abs(Tex(i)),df)-1));
0085     end
0086 end
0088 scores=[pR pH pM];
0090 if printResults==true
0091     fprintf('TOP SCORING REACTIONS\n\n');
0092     %The top 10 hits in the first category
0093     [I, J]=sort(pR,'descend');
0094     fprintf('Reactions which change both in flux and expression in the same direction\nReaction\tProbability\n');
0095     for i=1:10
0096         fprintf([num2str(J(i)) '\t' num2str(I(i)) '\n']);
0097     end
0099     %The top 10 hits in the first category
0100     [I, J]=sort(pH,'descend');
0101     fprintf('\nReactions which change in expression but not in flux\nReaction\tProbability\n');
0102     for i=1:10
0103         fprintf([num2str(J(i)) '\t' num2str(I(i)) '\n']);
0104     end
0106     %The top 10 hits in the first category
0107     [I, J]=sort(pM,'descend');
0108     fprintf('\nReactions which change in flux but not in expression, or in opposed directions in flux and expression\nReaction\tProbability\n');
0109     for i=1:10
0110         fprintf([num2str(J(i)) '\t' num2str(I(i)) '\n']);
0111     end
0112 end
0113 end
0115 function p = tcdf(t,v,uflag)
0116 % TCDF Student's T cumulative distribution function (cdf).
0117 %
0118 % P = TCDF(X,V) computes the cdf for Student's T distribution
0119 % with V degrees of freedom, at the values in X. V must be a
0120 % scalar or have the same size as T.
0121 %
0122 % P = TCDF(X,V,'upper') computes it for the upper tail instead
0123 % of the lower tail.
0124 %
0125 % This is an alternative to the TCDF function that is implemented
0126 % in the Matlab statistics toolbox. This version originates from
0127 % http://www.statsci.org/matlab/statbox.html and originally was called TP.
0128 % It has been renamed to TCDF for drop-in compatibility with the Matlab
0129 % version.
0130 %
0131 % Gordon Smyth, University of Queensland, gks@maths.uq.edu.au
0132 % 3 Apr 97
0133 %
0134 % NaN compatible - Markus Bauer and Eric Maris, FCDC
0135 % 27 Jan 2005
0136 %
0137 % fixed bug concerning NaN compatibility
0138 % 21 Aug 2006, Markus Siegel
0139 %
0140 % added support for upper tail, see http://bugzilla.fieldtriptoolbox.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3045
0141 % 13 Jan 2016, Robert Oostenveld
0142 %
0143 % taken from https://github.com/fieldtrip/fieldtrip/blob/master/external/stats/tcdf.m
0144 % 05 May 2022
0146 if v <= 0, error('Degrees of freedom must be positive.'); end
0148 % resize v if necessary
0149 if all(size(v)==1)
0150     v = ones(size(t))*v;
0151 end
0153 %check for NaN's - don't do calculations on them, give those out as NaNs
0154 if any( not(isfinite(t(:))) | not(isfinite(v(:))) )
0155     sel = find(isfinite(t) & isfinite(v));
0156     x=nan(size(t));
0157     p=nan(size(t));
0158     x(sel) = t(sel).^2 ./ (v(sel) + t(sel).^2) ;
0159     p(sel) = 0.5 .* ( 1 + sign(t(sel)) .* betainc( x(sel), 0.5, 0.5*v(sel) ) );
0160 else
0161     x = t.^2 ./ (v + t.^2) ;
0162     p = 0.5 .* ( 1 + sign(t) .* betainc( x, 0.5, 0.5*v ) );
0163 end
0165 if nargin==3
0166     if strcmp(uflag, 'upper')
0167         % compute it for the upper tail instead of the lower tail
0168         p = 1-p;
0169     else
0170         error('incorrect specification of uflag');
0171     end
0172 end
0173 end

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