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function newIds=generateNewIds(model,type,prefix,quantity,numLength)


   Generates a list of new metabolite or reaction ids, sequentially
   numbered with a defined prefix. The model is queried for the highest
   existing number of that type of id.

   model       model structure
   type        string specifying type of id, 'rxns' or 'mets'
   prefix      string specifying prefix to be used in all ids. E.g. 's_'
               or 'r_'.
   quantity    number of new ids that should be generated (opt, default 1)
   numLength   length of numerical part of id. E.g. 4 gives ids like
               r_0001 and 6 gives ids like r_000001. If the prefix is
               already used in the model, then the model-defined length
               will be used instead. (opt, default 4)

   Usage: newIds=generateNewIds(model,type,prefix,quantity,numLength)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function newIds=generateNewIds(model,type,prefix,quantity,numLength)
0002 % generateNewIds
0003 %   Generates a list of new metabolite or reaction ids, sequentially
0004 %   numbered with a defined prefix. The model is queried for the highest
0005 %   existing number of that type of id.
0006 %
0007 %   model       model structure
0008 %   type        string specifying type of id, 'rxns' or 'mets'
0009 %   prefix      string specifying prefix to be used in all ids. E.g. 's_'
0010 %               or 'r_'.
0011 %   quantity    number of new ids that should be generated (opt, default 1)
0012 %   numLength   length of numerical part of id. E.g. 4 gives ids like
0013 %               r_0001 and 6 gives ids like r_000001. If the prefix is
0014 %               already used in the model, then the model-defined length
0015 %               will be used instead. (opt, default 4)
0016 %
0017 %   Usage: newIds=generateNewIds(model,type,prefix,quantity,numLength)
0018 %
0019 type=char(type);
0020 prefix=char(prefix);
0022 if type=='rxns'
0023     existingIds=model.rxns;
0024 elseif type=='mets'
0025     existingIds=model.mets;
0026 else
0027     error('type should be either ''rxns'' or ''mets''.')
0028 end
0029 if nargin<5
0030     numLength=4;
0031 end
0033 % Subset only existingIds that have the prefix
0034 existingIds=existingIds(~cellfun(@isempty,regexp(existingIds,['^' prefix])));
0036 if ~isempty(existingIds)
0037     existingIds=regexprep(existingIds,['^' prefix],'');
0038     existingIds=sort(existingIds);
0039     lastId=existingIds{end};
0040     numLength=length(lastId);
0041     lastId=str2double(lastId);
0042 else
0043     lastId=0;
0044     fprintf(['No ' type ' ids with prefix "' prefix ...
0045         '" currently exist in the model. The first new id will be "' ...
0046         [prefix,num2str(1,['%0' num2str(numLength) 'd'])] '"\n'],'%s')
0047     lastId=0;
0048 end
0050 newIds=cell(quantity,1);
0052 for k=1:quantity
0053     newIds{k}=[prefix,num2str(k+lastId,['%0' num2str(numLength) 'd'])];
0054 end
0055 end

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