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function [newModel, removedRxns]=removeBadRxns(model,rxnRules,ignoreMets,isNames,balanceElements,refModel,ignoreIntBounds,printReport)


   Iteratively removes reactions which enable production/consumption of some
   metabolite without any uptake/excretion

   model                   a model structure. For the intented function,
                           the model shouldn't allow for any uptake/excretion.
                           The easiest way to achieve this is to import the
                           model using importModel('filename',false)
   rxnRules                1: only remove reactions which are unbalanced
                           2: also remove reactions which couldn't be checked for
                           mass balancing
                           3: all reactions can be removed
                           (opt, default 1)
   ignoreMets              either a cell array of metabolite IDs, a logical vector
                           with the same number of elements as metabolites in the model,
                           of a vector of indexes for metabolites to exclude from
                           this analysis (opt, default [])
   isNames                 true if the supplied mets represent metabolite names
                           (as opposed to IDs). This is a way to delete
                           metabolites in several compartments at once without
                           knowing the exact IDs. This only works if ignoreMets
                           is a cell array (opt, default false)
   balanceElements         a cell array with the elements for which to
                           balance the reactions. May contain any
                           combination of the elements defined in parseFormulas
                           (opt, default {'C';'P';'S';'N';'O'})
   refModel                a reference model which can be used to ensure
                           that the resulting model is still functional.
                           The intended use is that the reference model is
                           a copy of model, but with uptake/excretion allowed and
                           some objectives (such as production of biomass)
                           constrained to a non-zero flux. Before a
                           reaction is removed from "model" the function first
                           checks that the same deletion in "refModel"
                           doesn't render the problem unfeasible (opt)
   ignoreIntBounds         true if internal bounds (including reversibility)
                           should be ignored. Exchange reactions are not affected.
                           This can be used to find unbalanced solutions which are
                           not possible using the default constraints (opt,
                           default false)
   printReport             true if a report should be printed (opt,
                           default false)

   newModel                   a model structure after the problematic
                           reactions have been deleted
   removedRxns             a cell array with the reactions that were

   The purpose of this function is to remove reactions which enable
   production/consumption of metabolites even when exchange reactions aren't used.
   Many models, especially if they are automatically inferred from
   databases, will have unbalanced reactions which allow for
   net-production/consumption of metabolites without any consumption/excretion.
   A common reason for this is when general compounds have different meaning
   in different reactions (as DNA has in these two reactions).
       dATP + dGTP + dCTP + dTTP <=> DNA + 4 PPi
       0.25 dATP + 0.25 dGTP + 0.25 dCTP + 0.25 dTTP <=> DNA + PPi
   Reactions that are problematic like this are always elementally
   unbalanced, but it is not always that you would like to exclude all
   unbalanced reactions from your model.
   This function tries to remove as few problematic reactions as possible
   so that the model cannot produce/consume anything from nothing. This is done by
   repeatedly calling makeSomething/consumeSomething, checking if any of
   the involved reactions are elementally unbalanced, remove one of them,
   and then iterating until no metabolites can be produced/consumed.
   makeSomething is called before consumeSomething.

   Usage: [newModel, removedRxns]=removeBadRxns(model,rxnRules,...


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [newModel, removedRxns]=removeBadRxns(model,rxnRules,ignoreMets,isNames,balanceElements,refModel,ignoreIntBounds,printReport)
0002 % removeBadRxns
0003 %   Iteratively removes reactions which enable production/consumption of some
0004 %   metabolite without any uptake/excretion
0005 %
0006 %   model                   a model structure. For the intented function,
0007 %                           the model shouldn't allow for any uptake/excretion.
0008 %                           The easiest way to achieve this is to import the
0009 %                           model using importModel('filename',false)
0010 %   rxnRules                1: only remove reactions which are unbalanced
0011 %                           2: also remove reactions which couldn't be checked for
0012 %                           mass balancing
0013 %                           3: all reactions can be removed
0014 %                           (opt, default 1)
0015 %   ignoreMets              either a cell array of metabolite IDs, a logical vector
0016 %                           with the same number of elements as metabolites in the model,
0017 %                           of a vector of indexes for metabolites to exclude from
0018 %                           this analysis (opt, default [])
0019 %   isNames                 true if the supplied mets represent metabolite names
0020 %                           (as opposed to IDs). This is a way to delete
0021 %                           metabolites in several compartments at once without
0022 %                           knowing the exact IDs. This only works if ignoreMets
0023 %                           is a cell array (opt, default false)
0024 %   balanceElements         a cell array with the elements for which to
0025 %                           balance the reactions. May contain any
0026 %                           combination of the elements defined in parseFormulas
0027 %                           (opt, default {'C';'P';'S';'N';'O'})
0028 %   refModel                a reference model which can be used to ensure
0029 %                           that the resulting model is still functional.
0030 %                           The intended use is that the reference model is
0031 %                           a copy of model, but with uptake/excretion allowed and
0032 %                           some objectives (such as production of biomass)
0033 %                           constrained to a non-zero flux. Before a
0034 %                           reaction is removed from "model" the function first
0035 %                           checks that the same deletion in "refModel"
0036 %                           doesn't render the problem unfeasible (opt)
0037 %   ignoreIntBounds         true if internal bounds (including reversibility)
0038 %                           should be ignored. Exchange reactions are not affected.
0039 %                           This can be used to find unbalanced solutions which are
0040 %                           not possible using the default constraints (opt,
0041 %                           default false)
0042 %   printReport             true if a report should be printed (opt,
0043 %                           default false)
0044 %
0045 %   newModel                   a model structure after the problematic
0046 %                           reactions have been deleted
0047 %   removedRxns             a cell array with the reactions that were
0048 %                           removed
0049 %
0050 %   The purpose of this function is to remove reactions which enable
0051 %   production/consumption of metabolites even when exchange reactions aren't used.
0052 %   Many models, especially if they are automatically inferred from
0053 %   databases, will have unbalanced reactions which allow for
0054 %   net-production/consumption of metabolites without any consumption/excretion.
0055 %   A common reason for this is when general compounds have different meaning
0056 %   in different reactions (as DNA has in these two reactions).
0057 %       dATP + dGTP + dCTP + dTTP <=> DNA + 4 PPi
0058 %       0.25 dATP + 0.25 dGTP + 0.25 dCTP + 0.25 dTTP <=> DNA + PPi
0059 %   Reactions that are problematic like this are always elementally
0060 %   unbalanced, but it is not always that you would like to exclude all
0061 %   unbalanced reactions from your model.
0062 %   This function tries to remove as few problematic reactions as possible
0063 %   so that the model cannot produce/consume anything from nothing. This is done by
0064 %   repeatedly calling makeSomething/consumeSomething, checking if any of
0065 %   the involved reactions are elementally unbalanced, remove one of them,
0066 %   and then iterating until no metabolites can be produced/consumed.
0067 %   makeSomething is called before consumeSomething.
0068 %
0069 %   Usage: [newModel, removedRxns]=removeBadRxns(model,rxnRules,...
0070 %       ignoreMets,isNames,refModel,ignoreIntBounds,printReport)
0072 if nargin<2
0073     rxnRules=1;
0074 end
0075 if nargin<3
0076     ignoreMets=[];
0077 elseif ~islogical(ignoreMets) && ~isnumeric(ignoreMets)
0078     ignoreMets=convertCharArray(ignoreMets);
0079 end
0080 if nargin<4
0081     isNames=false;
0082 end
0083 if nargin<5
0084     balanceElements={'C';'P';'S';'N';'O'};
0085 else
0086     balanceElements=convertCharArray(balanceElements);
0087 end
0088 if nargin<6
0089     refModel=[];
0090 else
0091     if ~isempty(refModel)
0092         EM='The feature to supply a reference model is currently not supported';
0093         dispEM(EM,false);
0094     end
0095 end
0096 if nargin<7
0097     ignoreIntBounds=false;
0098 end
0099 if nargin<8
0100     printReport=false;
0101 end
0103 %Check if the model has open exchange reactions and print a warning in that
0104 %case
0105 if ~isfield(model,'unconstrained')
0106     [~, I]=getExchangeRxns(model);
0107     if any(I)
0108         if any(model.lb(I)~=0) || any(model.ub(I)~=0)
0109             EM='The model contains open exchange reactions. This is not the intended use of this function. Consider importing your model using importModel(filename,false)';
0110             dispEM(EM,false);
0111         end
0112     end
0113 end
0115 %Check that the model is feasible
0116 sol=solveLP(model);
0117 if isempty(sol.f)
0118     EM='The model is not feasible. Consider removing lower bounds (such as ATP maintenance)';
0119     dispEM(EM);
0120 end
0122 %Check that the reference model is feasible
0123 if any(refModel)
0124     sol=solveLP(refModel);
0125     if isempty(sol.f)
0126         EM='The reference model is not feasible';
0127         dispEM(EM);
0128     end
0129 end
0131 %Initialize some stuff
0132 removedRxns={};
0133 balanceStructure=getElementalBalance(model);
0135 %Check which elements to balance for
0136 if ~isempty(setdiff(balanceElements,balanceStructure.elements.abbrevs))
0137     EM='Could not recognize all elements to balance for';
0138     dispEM(EM);
0139 end
0140 bal=ismember(balanceStructure.elements.abbrevs,balanceElements);
0142 %Main loop. First run for makeSomething, second for consumeSomething
0143 warned=false(2,1); %This is to prevent the same warning being printed multiple times if rxnRules==3
0144 for i=1:2
0145     while 1
0146         %Make some metabolite using as few reactions as possible
0147         if i==1
0148             [solution, metabolite]=makeSomething(model,ignoreMets,isNames,false,true,[],ignoreIntBounds);
0149             if ~isempty(solution)
0150                 if printReport
0151                     fprintf(['Can make: ' model.metNames{metabolite(1)} '\n']);
0152                 end
0153             else
0154                 %If no solution could be found, then finish
0155                 break;
0156             end
0157         else
0158             [solution, metabolite]=consumeSomething(model,ignoreMets,isNames,false,[],ignoreIntBounds);
0159             if ~isempty(solution)
0160                 if printReport
0161                     fprintf(['Can consume: ' model.metNames{metabolite(1)} '\n']);
0162                 end
0163             else
0164                 %If no solution could be found, then finish
0165                 break;
0166             end
0167         end
0169         %Find all reactions that are unbalanced and still carry flux
0170         I=find(abs(solution)>10^-8 & balanceStructure.balanceStatus>=0 & ~all(balanceStructure.leftComp(:,bal)==balanceStructure.rightComp(:,bal),2));
0172         %If there are unbalanced rxns then delete one of them and iterate
0173         if any(I)
0174             rxnToRemove=I(randperm(numel(I),1));
0175         else
0176             %If there are no unbalanced rxns in the solution
0177             if rxnRules==1
0178                 if i==1
0179                     EM=['No unbalanced reactions were found in the solution, but the model can still make "' model.metNames{metabolite} '". Aborting search. Consider setting rxnRules to 2 or 3 for a more exhaustive search'];
0180                     dispEM(EM,false);
0181                 else
0182                     EM=['No unbalanced reactions were found in the solution, but the model can still consume "' model.metNames{metabolite} '". Aborting search. Consider setting rxnRules to 2 or 3 for a more exhaustive search'];
0183                     dispEM(EM,false);
0184                 end
0185                 break;
0186             else
0187                 %Find reactions which are not checked for mass balancing,
0188                 %but that still carry flux
0189                 I=find(abs(solution)>10^-8 & balanceStructure.balanceStatus<0);
0191                 %If there are any such reactions, remove one of them and
0192                 %iterate
0193                 if any(I)
0194                     rxnToRemove=I(randperm(numel(I),1));
0195                 else
0196                     if rxnRules==2
0197                         %This happens when all reactions used are balanced
0198                         %according to the metabolite formulas. This cannot
0199                         %be, and indicates that one or more of the formulas
0200                         %are wrong. Print a warning and delete any reaction
0201                         %with flux
0202                         if i==1
0203                             EM=['No unbalanced or unparsable reactions were found in the solution, but the model can still make "' model.metNames{metabolite} '". Aborting search. Consider setting rxnRules to 3 for a more exhaustive search'];
0204                             dispEM(EM,false);
0205                         else
0206                             EM=['No unbalanced or unparsable reactions were found in the solution, but the model can still consume "' model.metNames{metabolite} '". Aborting search. Consider setting rxnRules to 3 for a more exhaustive search'];
0207                             dispEM(EM,false);
0208                         end
0209                         break;
0210                     else
0211                         if i==1
0212                             if warned(1)==false
0213                                 EM=['No unbalanced or unparsable reactions were found in the solution, but the model can still make "' model.metNames{metabolite} '". This indicates some error in the metabolite formulas. Removing random reactions in the solution'];
0214                                 dispEM(EM,false);
0215                                 warned(1)=true;
0216                             end
0217                         else
0218                             if warned(2)==false
0219                                 EM=['No unbalanced or unparsable reactions were found in the solution, but the model can still consume "' model.metNames{metabolite} '". This indicates some error in the metabolite formulas. Removing random reactions in the solution'];
0220                                 dispEM(EM,false);
0221                                 warned(2)=true;
0222                             end
0223                         end
0224                         I=find(abs(solution)>10^-8);
0225                         rxnToRemove=I(randperm(numel(I),1));
0226                     end
0227                 end
0228             end
0229         end
0230         removedRxns=[removedRxns;model.rxns(rxnToRemove)];
0231         if printReport
0232             fprintf(['\tRemoved: '  model.rxns{rxnToRemove} '\n']);
0233         end
0234         model=removeReactions(model,rxnToRemove);
0235         balanceStructure.balanceStatus(rxnToRemove)=[];
0236         balanceStructure.leftComp(rxnToRemove,:)=[];
0237         balanceStructure.rightComp(rxnToRemove,:)=[];
0238     end
0239 end
0241 newModel=model;
0242 end

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