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function [solution, hsSolOut]=solveLP(model,minFlux,params,hsSol)


   Solves a linear programming problem

   model         a model structure
   minFlux       determines if a second optimization should be performed
                 in order to get rid of loops in the flux distribution
                 0:    no such optimization is performed
                 1:    the sum of abs(fluxes) is minimized. This is the
                       fastest way of getting rid of loops
                 2:    *option is deprecated*
                 3:    the number of fluxes is minimized. This can result
                       in the flux distributions that are the easiest to
                       interpret. Note that this optimization can be very
                 (optional, default 0)
   params        parameter structure as used by getMILPParams (optional)
   hsSol         hot-start solution for the LP solver. This can
                 significantly speed up the process if many similar
                 optimization problems are solved iteratively. Only used
                 if minFlux is 0 or 1 (optional)

         f       objective value
         x       primal (flux distribution)
         stat    exit flag
                 1: the optimization terminated successfully
                 0: the solution is feasible, but not necessarily optimal
                -1: no feasible solution found
                -2: solution found, but flux minimization failed
         msg     string describing the status of the optimization
         sPrice  shadow price (only reported if minFlux was 0)
         rCost   reduced cost (only reported if minFlux was 0)
   hsSolOut      solution to be used as hot-start solution (see the input
                 parameters). Only used if minFlux is 0 or 1

 Usage: [solution, hsSolOut] = solveLP(model, minFlux, params, hsSol)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [solution, hsSolOut]=solveLP(model,minFlux,params,hsSol)
0002 % solveLP
0003 %   Solves a linear programming problem
0004 %
0005 % Input:
0006 %   model         a model structure
0007 %   minFlux       determines if a second optimization should be performed
0008 %                 in order to get rid of loops in the flux distribution
0009 %                 0:    no such optimization is performed
0010 %                 1:    the sum of abs(fluxes) is minimized. This is the
0011 %                       fastest way of getting rid of loops
0012 %                 2:    *option is deprecated*
0013 %                 3:    the number of fluxes is minimized. This can result
0014 %                       in the flux distributions that are the easiest to
0015 %                       interpret. Note that this optimization can be very
0016 %                       slow
0017 %                 (optional, default 0)
0018 %   params        parameter structure as used by getMILPParams (optional)
0019 %   hsSol         hot-start solution for the LP solver. This can
0020 %                 significantly speed up the process if many similar
0021 %                 optimization problems are solved iteratively. Only used
0022 %                 if minFlux is 0 or 1 (optional)
0023 %
0024 % Output:
0025 %   solution
0026 %         f       objective value
0027 %         x       primal (flux distribution)
0028 %         stat    exit flag
0029 %                 1: the optimization terminated successfully
0030 %                 0: the solution is feasible, but not necessarily optimal
0031 %                -1: no feasible solution found
0032 %                -2: solution found, but flux minimization failed
0033 %         msg     string describing the status of the optimization
0034 %         sPrice  shadow price (only reported if minFlux was 0)
0035 %         rCost   reduced cost (only reported if minFlux was 0)
0036 %   hsSolOut      solution to be used as hot-start solution (see the input
0037 %                 parameters). Only used if minFlux is 0 or 1
0038 %
0039 % Usage: [solution, hsSolOut] = solveLP(model, minFlux, params, hsSol)
0041 if nargin<2
0042     minFlux=0;
0043 end
0044 if nargin<3
0045     params.relGap=0.4;
0046 end
0047 if nargin<4
0048     hsSol=[];
0049 end
0051 %Default return values
0052 hsSolOut=[];
0053 solution.x=[];
0054 solution.f=[];
0055 solution.stat=-1;
0057 %Check for valid lb and ub
0058 if ~isnumeric([model.lb,model.ub])
0059     invalidBound = true(numel(model.lb),1);
0060 else
0061     invalidBound = false(numel(model.lb),1);
0062 end
0063 invalidBound = invalidBound | model.lb>model.ub;
0064 invalidBound = invalidBound | logical(sum(isnan([model.lb,model.ub]),2));
0065 if any(invalidBound)
0066     error(['Invalid set of bounds for reaction(s): ', strjoin(model.rxns(invalidBound),', '), '.'])
0067 end
0068 %Check for valid objective
0069 if ~isnumeric(model.c) || any(isnan(model.c))
0070     error('Invalid defintion of objective function in model.c.')
0071 end
0072 %Check for valid S-matrix
0073 invalidS = ~isfinite(model.S);
0074 if any(any(invalidS))
0075     error(['Invalid coefficients defined for reaction(s): ', strjoin(model.rxns(any(invalidS)),', '), '.'])
0076 end
0078 %Ignore the hot-start if the previous solution wasn't feasible
0079 if isfield(hsSol,'stat')
0080     if hsSol.stat<1
0081         hsSol=[];
0082     end
0083 end
0085 % Setup the linear problem for glpk
0086 prob        = [];
0087 prob.c      = [model.c*-1;zeros(size(model.S,1),1)];
0088 prob.b      = zeros(size(model.S,1), 1);
0089 prob.lb     = [model.lb; model.b(:,1)];
0090 prob.ub     = [model.ub; model.b(:,min(size(model.b,2),2))];
0091 prob.csense = repmat('E', 1, length(prob.b)); % Equality constraints
0092 prob.osense = 1; 
0093 prob.vartype = repmat('C', 1, length(prob.c)); % Fluxes are continuous values
0094 prob.A = [model.S -speye(size(model.S,1))];
0095 prob.a = model.S;
0097 %If hot-start should be used
0098 if ~isempty(hsSol)
0099     prob.vbasis=hsSol.vbasis;
0100     prob.cbasis=hsSol.cbasis;
0101 end
0103 % Parse the problem to the LP solver
0104 res = optimizeProb(prob,params);
0105 % Swap the sign of the obj-value
0106 res.obj = -res.obj;
0108 %Check if the problem was feasible and that the solution was optimal
0109 [isFeasible, isOptimal]=checkSolution(res);
0111 %If the problem was infeasible using hot-start it is often possible to
0112 %re-solve it without hot-start and get a feasible solution
0113 if ~isFeasible && ~isempty(hsSol)
0114     prob=rmfield(prob,{'vbasis','cbasis'});
0115     res=optimizeProb(prob,params);
0116     [isFeasible, isOptimal]=checkSolution(res);
0117 end
0119 %Return without solution if the problem was infeasible
0120 if ~isFeasible
0121     solution.msg='The problem is infeasible';
0122     return;
0123 end
0124 if ~isOptimal
0125     solution.msg='The problem is feasible, but not necessarily optimal';
0126     solution.stat=0;
0127 else
0128     %All is well
0129     solution.stat=1;
0130     solution.msg='Optimal solution found';
0131 end
0133 %Construct the output structure
0134 if isfield(res,'full')
0135     solution.x=res.full;
0136     if minFlux<=1
0137         if(isfield(res,'vbasis')) % gurobi uses vbasis and cbasis as hotstart
0138             hsSolOut.vbasis=res.vbasis;
0139             hsSolOut.cbasis=res.cbasis;
0140         end
0141     end
0142     solution.f=res.obj;
0143 if isfield(res,'dual')
0144     solution.sPrice=res.dual;
0145 else
0146     solution.sPrice=[];
0147 end
0148 if isfield(res,'rcost')
0149     solution.rCost=res.rcost(1:numel(model.rxns));
0150 else
0151     solution.rCost=[];
0152 end
0154 %If either the square, the number, or the sum of fluxes should be minimized
0155 %then the objective function value should be fixed before another
0156 %optimization. It is not correct to fix the reactions which participate in
0157 %the objective function to their values in solution.x, as there can be
0158 %multiple solutions with the same objective function value. In addition,
0159 %this approach could result in numerical issues when several fluxes are
0160 %fixed. Instead a new "fake metabolite" is added to the problem. This
0161 %metabolite is produced by each reaction with the stoichiometry that
0162 %reaction has in the objective function. The equality constraint of that
0163 %"fake metabolite" is then set to be at least as good as the objective
0164 %function value.
0165 if minFlux~=0
0166     model.S=[model.S;model.c'];
0167     model.mets=[model.mets;'TEMP'];
0169     %If the constraint on the objective function value is exact there is a
0170     %larger risk of numerical errors. However for the quadratic fitting
0171     %intervals are not allowed
0172     if minFlux~=2
0173         if size(model.b,2)==1
0174             model.b=[model.b model.b];
0175         end
0176         if solution.f>0
0177             model.b=[model.b;[solution.f*0.999999 inf]];
0178         else
0179             model.b=[model.b;[solution.f*1.000001 inf]];
0180         end
0181     else
0182         model.b=[model.b;ones(1,size(model.b,2))*solution.f];
0183     end
0185     switch minFlux
0186         %The sum of fluxes should be minimized
0187         case 1
0188             %Convert the model to the irreversible format
0189             revRxns=find(model.rev);
0190             if ~isempty(revRxns)
0191                 iModel=convertToIrrev(model);
0192             else
0193                 iModel=model;
0194             end
0195             %Minimize all fluxes
0196             iModel.c(:)=-1;
0197             sol=solveLP(iModel,0,params);
0199             %Map back to reversible fluxes
0200             if sol.stat>=0
0201                 solution.x=sol.x(1:numel(model.c));
0202                 solution.x(revRxns)=solution.x(revRxns)-sol.x(numel(model.c)+1:end);
0203             else
0204                 EM='Could not solve the problem of minimizing the sum of fluxes. Uses output from original problem';
0205                 dispEM(EM,false);
0206                 solution.stat=-2;
0207             end
0209         case 2
0210             error('%Minimization of square of fluxes is deprecated')
0212             %The number of fluxes should be minimized
0213         case 3
0214             [qx,I]=getMinNrFluxes(model,model.rxns,params);
0215             qx(~I)=0;
0216             if any(I)
0217                 solution.x=qx;
0218             else
0219                 EM='Could not solve the problem of minimizing the number of fluxes. Uses output from linear program';
0220                 dispEM(EM,false);
0221                 solution.stat=-2;
0222             end
0223     end
0224     solution=rmfield(solution,{'sPrice','rCost'});
0225 end
0226 end

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