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function [newConnected, cannotConnect, addedRxns, newModel, exitFlag]=fillGaps(model,models,allowNetProduction,useModelConstraints,supressWarnings,rxnScores,params)


   Uses template model(s) to fill gaps in a model

   model               a model structure that may contains gaps to be filled
   models              a cell array of reference models or a model structure.
                       The gaps will be filled using reactions from these models
   allowNetProduction  true if net production of all metabolites is
                       allowed. A reaction can be unable to carry flux because one of
                       the reactants is unavailable or because one of the
                       products can't be further processed. If this
                       parameter is true, only the first type of
                       unconnectivity is considered (opt, default false)
   useModelConstraints true if the constraints specified in the model
                       structure should be used. If false then reactions
                       included from the template model(s) so that as many
                       reactions as possible in model can carry flux
                       (opt, default false)
   supressWarnings     false if warnings should be displayed (opt, default
   rxnScores           array with scores for each of the reactions in the
                       reference model(s). If more than one model is supplied,
                       then rxnScores should be a cell array of vectors.
                       The solver will try to maximize the sum of the
                       scores for the included reactions (opt, default
                       is -1 for all reactions)
   params              parameter structure as used by getMILPParams (opt)

   newConnected        cell array with the reactions that could be
                       connected. This is not calulated if
                       useModelConstraints is true
   cannotConnect       cell array with reactions that could not be
                       connected. This is not calculated if
                       useModelConstraints is true
   addedRxns           cell array with the reactions that were added from
   newModel            the model with reactions added to fill gaps
   exitFlag            1: optimal solution found
                      -1: no feasible solution found
                      -2: optimization time out

   This method works by merging the model to the reference model(s) and
   checking which reactions can carry flux. All reactions that can't
   carry flux are removed (cannotConnect).
   If useModelConstraints is false it then solves the MILP problem of
   minimizing the number of active reactions from the reference models
   that are required to have flux in all the reactions in model. This
   requires that the input model has exchange reactions present for the
   nutrients that are needed for its metabolism. If useModelConstraints is
   true then the problem is to include as few reactions as possible from
   the reference models in order to satisfy the model constraints.
   The intended use is that the user can attempt a general gap-filling using
   useModelConstraint=false or a more targeted gap-filling by setting
   constraints in the model structure and then use
   useModelConstraints=true. Say that the user want to include reactions
   so that all biomass components can be synthesized. He/she could then
   define a biomass equation and set the lower bound to >0. Running this
   function with useModelConstraints=true would then give the smallest set
   of reactions that have to be included in order for the model to produce

   Usage: [newConnected, cannotConnect, addedRxns, newModel, exitFlag]=...


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [newConnected, cannotConnect, addedRxns, newModel, exitFlag]=fillGaps(model,models,allowNetProduction,useModelConstraints,supressWarnings,rxnScores,params)
0002 % fillGaps
0003 %   Uses template model(s) to fill gaps in a model
0004 %
0005 %   model               a model structure that may contains gaps to be filled
0006 %   models              a cell array of reference models or a model structure.
0007 %                       The gaps will be filled using reactions from these models
0008 %   allowNetProduction  true if net production of all metabolites is
0009 %                       allowed. A reaction can be unable to carry flux because one of
0010 %                       the reactants is unavailable or because one of the
0011 %                       products can't be further processed. If this
0012 %                       parameter is true, only the first type of
0013 %                       unconnectivity is considered (opt, default false)
0014 %   useModelConstraints true if the constraints specified in the model
0015 %                       structure should be used. If false then reactions
0016 %                       included from the template model(s) so that as many
0017 %                       reactions as possible in model can carry flux
0018 %                       (opt, default false)
0019 %   supressWarnings     false if warnings should be displayed (opt, default
0020 %                       false)
0021 %   rxnScores           array with scores for each of the reactions in the
0022 %                       reference model(s). If more than one model is supplied,
0023 %                       then rxnScores should be a cell array of vectors.
0024 %                       The solver will try to maximize the sum of the
0025 %                       scores for the included reactions (opt, default
0026 %                       is -1 for all reactions)
0027 %   params              parameter structure as used by getMILPParams (opt)
0028 %
0029 %   newConnected        cell array with the reactions that could be
0030 %                       connected. This is not calulated if
0031 %                       useModelConstraints is true
0032 %   cannotConnect       cell array with reactions that could not be
0033 %                       connected. This is not calculated if
0034 %                       useModelConstraints is true
0035 %   addedRxns           cell array with the reactions that were added from
0036 %                       "models"
0037 %   newModel            the model with reactions added to fill gaps
0038 %   exitFlag            1: optimal solution found
0039 %                      -1: no feasible solution found
0040 %                      -2: optimization time out
0041 %
0042 %   This method works by merging the model to the reference model(s) and
0043 %   checking which reactions can carry flux. All reactions that can't
0044 %   carry flux are removed (cannotConnect).
0045 %   If useModelConstraints is false it then solves the MILP problem of
0046 %   minimizing the number of active reactions from the reference models
0047 %   that are required to have flux in all the reactions in model. This
0048 %   requires that the input model has exchange reactions present for the
0049 %   nutrients that are needed for its metabolism. If useModelConstraints is
0050 %   true then the problem is to include as few reactions as possible from
0051 %   the reference models in order to satisfy the model constraints.
0052 %   The intended use is that the user can attempt a general gap-filling using
0053 %   useModelConstraint=false or a more targeted gap-filling by setting
0054 %   constraints in the model structure and then use
0055 %   useModelConstraints=true. Say that the user want to include reactions
0056 %   so that all biomass components can be synthesized. He/she could then
0057 %   define a biomass equation and set the lower bound to >0. Running this
0058 %   function with useModelConstraints=true would then give the smallest set
0059 %   of reactions that have to be included in order for the model to produce
0060 %   biomass.
0061 %
0062 %   Usage: [newConnected, cannotConnect, addedRxns, newModel, exitFlag]=...
0063 %           fillGaps(model,models,allowNetProduction,useModelConstraints,...
0064 %           supressWarnings,rxnScores,params)
0066 %If the user only supplied a single template model
0067 if ~iscell(models)
0068     models={models};
0069 end
0071 if nargin<3
0072     allowNetProduction=false;
0073 end
0074 if nargin<4
0075     useModelConstraints=false;
0076 end
0077 if nargin<5
0078     supressWarnings=false;
0079 end
0080 if nargin<6
0081     rxnScores=cell(numel(models),1);
0082     for i=1:numel(models)
0083         rxnScores{i}=ones(numel(models{i}.rxns),1)*-1;
0084     end
0085 end
0086 if isempty(rxnScores)
0087     rxnScores=cell(numel(models),1);
0088     for i=1:numel(models)
0089         rxnScores{i}=ones(numel(models{i}.rxns),1)*-1;
0090     end
0091 end
0092 if nargin<7
0093     params=struct();
0094 end
0096 if ~iscell(rxnScores)
0097     rxnScores={rxnScores};
0098 end
0100 models=models(:);
0101 rxnScores=rxnScores(:);
0103 %Check if the original model has an unconstrained field. If so, give a
0104 %warning
0105 if supressWarnings==false
0106     if isfield(model,'unconstrained')
0107         EM='This algorithm is meant to function on a model with exchange reactions for uptake and excretion of metabolites. The current model still has the "unconstrained" field';
0108         dispEM(EM,false);
0109     else
0110         if isempty(getExchangeRxns(model,'both'))
0111             fprintf('NOTE: This algorithm is meant to function on a model with exchange reactions for uptake and excretion of metabolites. The current model does not seem to contain any such reactions.\n');
0112         end
0113     end
0114 end
0116 %Simplify the template models to remove constrained rxns. At the same time,
0117 %check that the id of the template models isn't the same as the model. That
0118 %would cause an error further down
0119 for i=1:numel(models)
0120     models{i}.rxnScores=rxnScores{i};
0121     models{i}=simplifyModel(models{i},false,false,true);
0122     if strcmpi(models{i}.id,model.id)
0123         EM='The reference model(s) cannot have the same id as the model';
0124         dispEM(EM);
0125     end
0126 end
0128 %This is a rather ugly solution to the issue that it's a bit tricky to keep
0129 %track of which scores belong to which reactions. This requires that
0130 %removeReactions and mergeModels are modified to check for the new field.
0131 model.rxnScores=zeros(numel(model.rxns),1);
0133 %First merge all models into one big one
0134 allModels=mergeModels([{model};models],'metNames',true);
0136 %Add that net production is ok
0137 if allowNetProduction==true
0138     %A second column in model.b means that the b field is lower and upper
0139     %bound on the RHS.
0140     model.b=[model.b(:,1) inf(numel(model.mets),1)];
0141     allModels.b=[allModels.b(:,1) inf(numel(allModels.mets),1)];
0142 end
0144 if useModelConstraints==true
0145     newConnected={};
0146     cannotConnect={};
0148     %Check that the input model isn't solveable without any input
0149     sol=solveLP(model);
0150     if ~isempty(sol.f)
0151         addedRxns={};
0152         newModel=model;
0153         exitFlag=1;
0154         return;
0155     end
0157     %Then check that the merged model is solveable
0158     sol=solveLP(allModels);
0159     if isempty(sol.f)
0160         EM='There are no reactions in the template model(s) that can make the model constraints satisfied';
0161         dispEM(EM);
0162     end
0164     %Remove dead ends for speed reasons. This has to be done here and
0165     %duplicate below because there is otherwise a risk that a reaction
0166     %which is constrained to something relevant is removed
0167     allModels=simplifyModel(allModels,false,false,false,true,false,false,false,[],true);
0168     allModels.c(:)=0;
0169 else
0170     %Remove dead ends for speed reasons
0171     allModels=simplifyModel(allModels,false,false,false,true,false,false,false,[],true);
0172     allModels.c(:)=0;
0174     %If model constraints shouldn't be used, then determine which reactions
0175     %to force to have flux
0177     %Get the reactions that can carry flux in the original model
0178     originalFlux=haveFlux(model,1);
0180     %For the ones that can't carry flux, see if they can do so in the
0181     %merged model
0182     toCheck=intersect(allModels.rxns(strcmp(allModels.rxnFrom,model.id)),model.rxns(~originalFlux));
0184     %Get the ones that still cannot carry flux
0185     I=haveFlux(allModels,1,toCheck);
0187     %Get the reactions that can't carry flux in the original model, but can
0188     %in the merged one
0189     K=toCheck(I);
0191     %This is a temporary thing to only look at the non-reversible rxns.
0192     %This is because all reversible rxns can have a flux in the
0193     %irreversible model format that is used by getMinNrFluxes
0194     [~, I]=ismember(K,model.rxns);
0195     K(model.rev(I)~=0)=[];
0197     %Constrain all reactions in the original model to have a flux
0198     allModels.lb(ismember(allModels.rxns,K))=0.1;
0200     %Return stuff
0201     newConnected=K;
0202     cannotConnect=setdiff(model.rxns(~originalFlux),newConnected);
0203 end
0205 %Then minimize for the number of fluxes used. The fixed rxns doesn't need
0206 %to participate
0207 templateRxns=find(~strcmp(allModels.rxnFrom,model.id));
0208 [~, J, exitFlag]=getMinNrFluxes(allModels,templateRxns,params,allModels.rxnScores(templateRxns));
0210 %Remove everything except for the added ones
0211 I=true(numel(allModels.rxns),1);
0212 I(templateRxns(J))=false;
0213 addedModel=removeReactions(allModels,I,true,true,true);
0215 newModel=mergeModels({model;addedModel},'metNames',true);
0216 addedRxns=setdiff(newModel.rxns,model.rxns);
0217 newModel=rmfield(newModel,'rxnScores');
0218 end

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