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function [reducedModel, deletedReactions, deletedMetabolites]=simplifyModel(model,deleteUnconstrained, deleteDuplicates, deleteZeroInterval, deleteInaccessible, deleteMinMax, groupLinear, constrainReversible, reservedRxns, suppressWarnings)


   Simplifies a model by deleting reactions/metabolites

   model                 a model structure
   deleteUnconstrained   delete metabolites marked as unconstrained (opt, default true)
   deleteDuplicates      delete all but one of duplicate reactions (opt, default false)
   deleteZeroInterval    delete reactions that are constrained to zero flux (opt, default false)
   deleteInaccessible    delete dead end reactions (opt, default false)
   deleteMinMax          delete reactions that cannot carry a flux by trying
                         to minimize/maximize the flux through that
                         reaction. May be time consuming (opt, default false)
   groupLinear           group linearly dependent pathways (opt, default false)
   constrainReversible   check if there are reversible reactions which can
                         only carry flux in one direction, and if so
                         constrain them to be irreversible. This tends to
                         allow for more reactions grouped when using
                         groupLinear (opt, default false)
   reservedRxns          cell array with reaction IDs that are not allowed to be
                         removed (opt)
   suppressWarnings      true if warnings should be suppressed (opt,
                         default false)

   reducedModel          an updated model structure
   deletedReactions      a cell array with the IDs of all deleted reactions
   deletedMetabolites    a cell array with the IDs of all deleted

   This function is for reducing the model size by removing
   reactions and associated metabolites that cannot carry flux. It can also
   be used for identifying different types of gaps.

   Usage: [reducedModel, deletedReactions, deletedMetabolites]=simplifyModel(model,...
           deleteUnconstrained, deleteDuplicates, deleteZeroInterval,...
           deleteInaccessible, deleteMinMax, groupLinear,...
           constrainReversible, reservedRxns, suppressWarnings)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [reducedModel, deletedReactions, deletedMetabolites]=simplifyModel(model,...
0002     deleteUnconstrained, deleteDuplicates, deleteZeroInterval, deleteInaccessible, deleteMinMax, groupLinear, constrainReversible, reservedRxns, suppressWarnings)
0003 % simplifyModel
0004 %   Simplifies a model by deleting reactions/metabolites
0005 %
0006 %   model                 a model structure
0007 %   deleteUnconstrained   delete metabolites marked as unconstrained (opt, default true)
0008 %   deleteDuplicates      delete all but one of duplicate reactions (opt, default false)
0009 %   deleteZeroInterval    delete reactions that are constrained to zero flux (opt, default false)
0010 %   deleteInaccessible    delete dead end reactions (opt, default false)
0011 %   deleteMinMax          delete reactions that cannot carry a flux by trying
0012 %                         to minimize/maximize the flux through that
0013 %                         reaction. May be time consuming (opt, default false)
0014 %   groupLinear           group linearly dependent pathways (opt, default false)
0015 %   constrainReversible   check if there are reversible reactions which can
0016 %                         only carry flux in one direction, and if so
0017 %                         constrain them to be irreversible. This tends to
0018 %                         allow for more reactions grouped when using
0019 %                         groupLinear (opt, default false)
0020 %   reservedRxns          cell array with reaction IDs that are not allowed to be
0021 %                         removed (opt)
0022 %   suppressWarnings      true if warnings should be suppressed (opt,
0023 %                         default false)
0024 %
0025 %   reducedModel          an updated model structure
0026 %   deletedReactions      a cell array with the IDs of all deleted reactions
0027 %   deletedMetabolites    a cell array with the IDs of all deleted
0028 %                         metabolites
0029 %
0030 %   This function is for reducing the model size by removing
0031 %   reactions and associated metabolites that cannot carry flux. It can also
0032 %   be used for identifying different types of gaps.
0033 %
0034 %   Usage: [reducedModel, deletedReactions, deletedMetabolites]=simplifyModel(model,...
0035 %           deleteUnconstrained, deleteDuplicates, deleteZeroInterval,...
0036 %           deleteInaccessible, deleteMinMax, groupLinear,...
0037 %           constrainReversible, reservedRxns, suppressWarnings)
0039 if nargin<2
0040     deleteUnconstrained=true;
0041 end
0042 if nargin<3
0043     deleteDuplicates=false;
0044 end
0045 if nargin<4
0046     deleteZeroInterval=false;
0047 end
0048 if nargin<5
0049     deleteInaccessible=false;
0050 end
0051 if nargin<6
0052     deleteMinMax=false;
0053 end
0054 if nargin<7
0055     groupLinear=false;
0056 end
0057 if nargin<8
0058     constrainReversible=false;
0059 end
0060 if nargin<9
0061     reservedRxns=[];
0062 else
0063     reservedRxns=convertCharArray(reservedRxns);
0064 end
0065 if nargin<10
0066     suppressWarnings=false;
0067 end
0069 reducedModel=model;
0070 deletedReactions={};
0071 deletedMetabolites={};
0073 if deleteUnconstrained==true
0074     if isfield(reducedModel,'unconstrained')
0075         %Remove unbalanced metabolites
0076         deletedMetabolites=reducedModel.mets(reducedModel.unconstrained~=0);
0077         reducedModel=removeMets(reducedModel,reducedModel.unconstrained~=0,false,false,false,true);
0078         reducedModel=rmfield(reducedModel,'unconstrained');
0079     end
0080 end
0082 if deleteDuplicates==true
0083     %Delete all but the last occurrence of duplicate reactions. The
0084     %reactions must have the same bounds, reversibility, and objective
0085     %coefficient to be regarded as duplicate
0086     [reducedModel, rxnsToDelete, ~]=contractModel(reducedModel);
0087     deletedReactions=[deletedReactions; rxnsToDelete];
0088 end
0090 if deleteZeroInterval==true
0091     %Find all reactions where both LB and UB are 0
0092     zeroIntervalReactions=and(reducedModel.lb==0,reducedModel.ub==0);
0094     rxnsToDelete=setdiff(reducedModel.rxns(zeroIntervalReactions),reservedRxns);
0095     deletedReactions=[deletedReactions; rxnsToDelete];
0097     %Remove reactions
0098     reducedModel=removeReactions(reducedModel,rxnsToDelete);
0100     %Find metabolites that no longer are used and delete them
0101     notInUse=sum(reducedModel.S~=0,2)==0;
0102     deletedMetabolites=[deletedMetabolites;reducedModel.mets(notInUse)];
0104     %Remove metabolites
0105     reducedModel=removeMets(reducedModel,notInUse);
0106 end
0108 if deleteInaccessible==true
0109     %Print a warning if exchange metabolites haven't been deleted yet. This
0110     %often means that the only allowed products are the metabolites that
0111     %are taken up be the system
0112     if isfield(reducedModel,'unconstrained') && suppressWarnings==false
0113         EM='Removing dead-end reactions before removing exchange metabolites';
0114         dispEM(EM,false);
0115     end
0117     while true
0118         %Find all metabolites that are only reactants or only products.
0119         %Delete those metabolites and reactions. This is done until no more
0120         %such reactions are found
0122         %Construct a stoichiometric matrix where all reactions are written
0123         %as reversible
0125         %Add fake exchange reactions if model.b~=0
0126         in=any(reducedModel.b<0,2);
0127         out=any(reducedModel.b>0,2);
0128         I=speye(numel(reducedModel.mets));
0129         revS=[reducedModel.S,reducedModel.S(:,reducedModel.lb<0)*-1 I(:,in) I(:,out)*-1];
0131         metUsage=sum(abs(revS')>0);
0132         onlyProducts=sum(revS'>0) == metUsage;
0133         onlyReactants=sum(revS'<0) == metUsage;
0135         %Also remove metabolites that only participate in one reversible
0136         %reaction Don't remove the ones in one reversible reaction if is
0137         %also has a non-zero coefficient in model.b
0138         notInUse=onlyProducts | onlyReactants | (sum(abs(reducedModel.S')>0)<=1 & (~in & ~out)');
0139         deletedRxn=false;
0140         if any(notInUse)
0141             %Find their corresponding reactions
0142             rxnsNotInUse=sum(abs(reducedModel.S(notInUse,:))>0,1)>0;
0143             rxnsToDelete=setdiff(reducedModel.rxns(rxnsNotInUse),reservedRxns);
0144             deletedReactions=[deletedReactions; rxnsToDelete];
0146             %Remove reactions
0147             reducedModel=removeReactions(reducedModel,rxnsToDelete);
0149             %Remove metabolites. Recalculate since it could be that some
0150             %cannot be deleted due to reserved rxns
0151             notInUse=sum(reducedModel.S~=0,2)==0;
0152             deletedMetabolites=[deletedMetabolites; reducedModel.mets(notInUse)];
0153             reducedModel=removeMets(reducedModel,notInUse);
0155             %It could happen that it just finds reserved reactions and gets
0156             %stuck
0157             if ~isempty(rxnsToDelete)
0158                 deletedRxn=true;
0159             end
0160         else
0161             break;
0162         end
0163         if deletedRxn==false
0164             break;
0165         end
0166     end
0167 end
0169 if deleteMinMax==true
0170     %Get reactions that can't carry fluxes. This should be done
0171     %algebraically if possible
0172     I=~haveFlux(reducedModel);
0174     %Remove reactions
0175     rxnsToDelete=setdiff(reducedModel.rxns(I),reservedRxns);
0176     deletedReactions=[deletedReactions; rxnsToDelete];
0177     reducedModel=removeReactions(reducedModel,rxnsToDelete);
0179     %Remove metabolites
0180     notInUse=sum(reducedModel.S~=0,2)==0;
0181     deletedMetabolites=[deletedMetabolites; reducedModel.mets(notInUse)];
0182     reducedModel=removeMets(reducedModel,notInUse);
0183 end
0185 if constrainReversible==true
0186     revs=find(reducedModel.rev);
0187     [I,J]=getAllowedBounds(reducedModel,revs);
0189     I=abs(I);
0190     J=abs(J);
0192     %Get the "small" values
0193     K=I<10^-10;
0194     L=J<10^-10;
0196     %Keep the values where only one direction is zero (small)
0197     I(K==L)=[];
0198     J(K==L)=[];
0199     revs(K==L)=[];
0201     %Change the reversibility of the remaining reactions
0202     reducedModel.rev(revs(J>10^-10))=0; %Ignore reverse direction
0203     reducedModel.lb(revs(J>10^-10))=0;
0205     toSwitch=revs(I>10^-10);
0206     reducedModel.rev(toSwitch)=0; %Change directionality
0207     reducedModel.ub(toSwitch)=reducedModel.lb(toSwitch)*-1;
0208     reducedModel.lb(toSwitch)=0;
0209     reducedModel.S(:,toSwitch)=reducedModel.S(:,toSwitch).*-1;
0210     reducedModel.c(toSwitch)=reducedModel.c(toSwitch)*-1;
0211 end
0212 if groupLinear==true
0213     if  suppressWarnings==false
0214         fprintf('NOTE: You have chosen to group linear reactions. This option does not keep track of gene/reaction associations when reactions are merged. Deleting all gene information\n');
0215     end
0217     reducedModel.genes={};
0218     reducedModel.rxnGeneMat=sparse(numel(reducedModel.rxns),0);
0219     reducedModel.grRules(:)={''};
0221     if isfield(reducedModel,'geneShortNames')
0222         reducedModel.geneShortNames={};
0223     end
0224     if isfield(reducedModel,'geneMiriams')
0225         reducedModel.geneMiriams={};
0226     end
0227     if isfield(reducedModel,'geneComps')
0228         reducedModel.geneComps=[];
0229     end
0231     %Convert the model to irreversible
0232     irrevModel=convertToIrrev(reducedModel);
0234     %Loop through and iteratively group linear reactions
0235     while 1
0236         %Get the banned reaction indexes. Note that the indexes will change
0237         %in each iteration, but the names will not as they won't be merged
0238         %with any other reaction
0239         bannedIndexes=getIndexes(irrevModel,reservedRxns,'rxns');
0241         %Select all metabolites that are only present as reactants/products
0242         %in one reaction
0243         singleNegative=find(sum(irrevModel.S'<0)==1);
0244         singlePositive=find(sum(irrevModel.S'>0)==1);
0246         %Retrieve the common metabolites
0247         common=intersect(singleNegative,singlePositive);
0249         mergedSome=false;
0251         %Loop through each of them and see if the reactions should be
0252         %merged
0253         for i=1:numel(common)
0254             involvedRxns=find(irrevModel.S(common(i),:));
0256             %Check so that one or both of the reactions haven't been merged
0257             %already
0258             if numel(involvedRxns)==2 && isempty(intersect(bannedIndexes,involvedRxns))
0259                 %Calculate how many times the second reaction has to be
0260                 %multiplied before being merged with the first
0261                 stoichRatio=abs(irrevModel.S(common(i),involvedRxns(1))/irrevModel.S(common(i),involvedRxns(2)));
0263                 %Add the second to the first
0264                 irrevModel.S(:,involvedRxns(1))=irrevModel.S(:,involvedRxns(1))+irrevModel.S(:,involvedRxns(2))*stoichRatio;
0266                 %Clear the second reaction
0267                 irrevModel.S(:,involvedRxns(2))=0;
0269                 %This is to prevent numerical issues. It should be 0
0270                 %already
0271                 irrevModel.S(common(i),involvedRxns(1))=0;
0273                 %At this point the second reaction is certain to be deleted
0274                 %in a later step and can therefore be ignored
0276                 %Recalculate the bounds for the new reaction. This can be
0277                 %problematic since the scale of the bounds may change
0278                 %dramatically. Let the most constraining reaction determine
0279                 %the new bound
0280                 lb1=irrevModel.lb(involvedRxns(1));
0281                 lb2=irrevModel.lb(involvedRxns(2));
0282                 ub1=irrevModel.ub(involvedRxns(1));
0283                 ub2=irrevModel.ub(involvedRxns(2));
0285                 if lb2~=-inf
0286                     irrevModel.lb(involvedRxns(1))=max(lb1,lb2/stoichRatio);
0287                 end
0288                 if ub2~=inf
0289                     irrevModel.ub(involvedRxns(1))=min(ub1,ub2/stoichRatio);
0290                 end
0292                 %Then recalculate the objective coefficient. The resulting
0293                 %coefficient is the weighted sum of the previous
0294                 irrevModel.c(involvedRxns(1))=irrevModel.c(involvedRxns(1))+irrevModel.c(involvedRxns(2))*stoichRatio;
0296                 %Iterate again
0297                 mergedSome=true;
0298             end
0299         end
0301         %All possible reactions merged
0302         if mergedSome==false
0303             break;
0304         end
0306         %Now delete all reactions that involve no metabolites
0307         I=find(sum(irrevModel.S~=0)==0);
0309         %Remove reactions
0310         irrevModel=removeReactions(irrevModel,I);
0312         %Remove metabolites
0313         notInUse=sum(irrevModel.S~=0,2)==0;
0314         irrevModel=removeMets(irrevModel,notInUse);
0315     end
0317     reducedModel=irrevModel;
0318 end
0319 end

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