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function [genes, fluxes, originalGenes, details, grRatioMuts]=findGeneDeletions(model,testType,analysisType,refModel,oeFactor)


   Deletes genes, optimizes the model, and keeps track of the resulting
   fluxes. This is used for identifying gene deletion targets.

   model           a model structure
   testType        single/double gene deletions/over expressions. Over
                   expression only available if using MOMA
                   'sgd'   single gene deletion
                   'dgd'   double gene deletion
                   'sgo'   single gene over expression
                   'dgo'   double gene over expression
                   (opt, default 'sgd')
   analysisType    determines whether to use FBA ('fba') or MOMA ('moma')
                   in the optimization. (opt, default 'fba')
   refModel        MOMA works by fitting the flux distributions of two
                   models to be as similar as possible. The most common
                   application is where you have a reference model where
                   some of the fluxes are constrained from experimental
                   data. This model is required when using MOMA
   oeFactor        a factor by which the fluxes should be increased if a
                   gene is overexpressed (opt, default 10)

   genes           a matrix with the genes that were deleted in each
                   optimization (the gene indexes in originalGenes). Each
                   row corresponds to a column in fluxes
   fluxes          a matrix with the resulting fluxes. Double deletions
                   that result in an unsolvable problem have all zero
                   flux. Single deletions that result in an unsolvable
                   problem are indicated in details instead
   originalGenes   simply the genes in the input model. Included for
                   simple presentation of the output
   details         not all genes will be deleted in all analyses. It is
                   for example not necessary to delete genes for dead end
                   reactions. This is a vector with details about
                   each gene in originalGenes and why or why not it was
                   1: Was deleted/overexpressed
                   2: Proved lethal in sgd (single gene deletion)
                   3: - redundant, no longer used -
                   4: Involved in dead-end reaction
   grRatioMuts     growth rate ratio between mutated strain and wild type,
                   matches the originalGenes(genes) mutants. Note that
                   this does not directly map to model.genes, as is the case
                   for COBRA getEssentialGenes. However, this can be 
                   obtained by afterwards running:

   Usage: [genes, fluxes, originalGenes, details, grRatioMuts]=findGeneDeletions(model,testType,analysisType,...


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [genes, fluxes, originalGenes, details, grRatioMuts]=findGeneDeletions(model,testType,analysisType,refModel,oeFactor)
0002 % findGeneDeletions
0003 %   Deletes genes, optimizes the model, and keeps track of the resulting
0004 %   fluxes. This is used for identifying gene deletion targets.
0005 %
0006 %   model           a model structure
0007 %   testType        single/double gene deletions/over expressions. Over
0008 %                   expression only available if using MOMA
0009 %                   'sgd'   single gene deletion
0010 %                   'dgd'   double gene deletion
0011 %                   'sgo'   single gene over expression
0012 %                   'dgo'   double gene over expression
0013 %                   (opt, default 'sgd')
0014 %   analysisType    determines whether to use FBA ('fba') or MOMA ('moma')
0015 %                   in the optimization. (opt, default 'fba')
0016 %   refModel        MOMA works by fitting the flux distributions of two
0017 %                   models to be as similar as possible. The most common
0018 %                   application is where you have a reference model where
0019 %                   some of the fluxes are constrained from experimental
0020 %                   data. This model is required when using MOMA
0021 %   oeFactor        a factor by which the fluxes should be increased if a
0022 %                   gene is overexpressed (opt, default 10)
0023 %
0024 %   genes           a matrix with the genes that were deleted in each
0025 %                   optimization (the gene indexes in originalGenes). Each
0026 %                   row corresponds to a column in fluxes
0027 %   fluxes          a matrix with the resulting fluxes. Double deletions
0028 %                   that result in an unsolvable problem have all zero
0029 %                   flux. Single deletions that result in an unsolvable
0030 %                   problem are indicated in details instead
0031 %   originalGenes   simply the genes in the input model. Included for
0032 %                   simple presentation of the output
0033 %   details         not all genes will be deleted in all analyses. It is
0034 %                   for example not necessary to delete genes for dead end
0035 %                   reactions. This is a vector with details about
0036 %                   each gene in originalGenes and why or why not it was
0037 %                   deleted
0038 %                   1: Was deleted/overexpressed
0039 %                   2: Proved lethal in sgd (single gene deletion)
0040 %                   3: - redundant, no longer used -
0041 %                   4: Involved in dead-end reaction
0042 %   grRatioMuts     growth rate ratio between mutated strain and wild type,
0043 %                   matches the originalGenes(genes) mutants. Note that
0044 %                   this does not directly map to model.genes, as is the case
0045 %                   for COBRA getEssentialGenes. However, this can be
0046 %                   obtained by afterwards running:
0047 %                       grRatio=zeros(1,numel(model.genes));
0048 %                       grRatio(genes)=grRatioMuts;
0049 %
0050 %   Usage: [genes, fluxes, originalGenes, details, grRatioMuts]=findGeneDeletions(model,testType,analysisType,...
0051 %           refModel,oeFactor)
0053 originalModel=model;
0054 if nargin<5
0055     oeFactor=10;
0056 end
0057 if nargin<2
0058     testType='sgd';
0059 else
0060     testType=char(testType);
0061 end
0063 %Check that the test type is correct
0064 if ~strcmpi(testType,'sgd') && ~strcmpi(testType,'dgd') && ~strcmpi(testType,'sgo') && ~strcmpi(testType,'dgo')
0065     EM='Incorrect test type';
0066     dispEM(EM);
0067 end
0069 %Check that the analysis type is correct
0070 if nargin<3
0071     analysisType = 'fba';
0072 else
0073     analysisType=char(analysisType);
0074     if ~any(strcmpi(analysisType,{'fba','moma'}))
0075         EM='Incorrect analysis type';
0076         dispEM(EM);
0077     end
0078 end
0080 if (strcmpi(testType,'sgo') || strcmpi(testType,'dgo')) && strcmpi(analysisType,'fba')
0081     EM='Over expression is only available when using MOMA';
0082     dispEM(EM);
0083 end
0085 if strcmpi(analysisType,'moma') && nargin<4
0086     EM='A reference model must be supplied when using MOMA';
0087     dispEM(EM);
0088 end
0090 originalGenes=model.genes;
0091 details=zeros(numel(model.genes),1);
0093 %First simplify the model to reduce the size
0094 model=simplifyModel(model,true,false,true,true);
0095 model=removeReactions(model,{},true,true); %Removes unused genes
0096 details(~ismember(originalGenes,model.genes))=4;
0098 [~, geneMapping]=ismember(model.genes,originalGenes);
0099 growthWT=solveLP(model);
0100 growthWT=-growthWT.f;
0102 %Do single deletion/over expression. This is done here since the double
0103 %deletion depends on which single deletions prove lethal (to reduce the
0104 %size of the system)
0105 if strcmpi(testType,'sgd') || strcmpi(testType,'sgo') || strcmpi(testType,'dgd')
0106     fluxes=zeros(numel(model.rxns),numel(model.genes));
0107     grRatioMuts=zeros(1,numel(model.genes));
0108     for i=1:numel(model.genes)
0109         if strcmpi(testType,'sgd') || strcmpi(testType,'dgd')
0110             %Constrain all reactions involving the gene to 0
0111             tempModel=removeGenes(model,i,false,false,false);
0112         else
0113             %To over express a gene, the stoichiometry of the corresponding
0114             %reactions are changed so that the same flux leads to a higher
0115             %production
0116             tempModel=model;
0117             I=find(model.rxnGeneMat(:,i));
0118             tempModel.S(:,I)=tempModel.S(:,I).*oeFactor;
0119         end
0120         if strcmpi(analysisType,'fba') || strcmpi(testType,'dgd')
0121             sol=solveLP(tempModel);
0122         else
0123             [fluxA, ~, flag]=qMOMA(tempModel,refModel);
0124             sol.x=fluxA;
0125             sol.stat=flag;
0126         end
0128         %If the optimization terminated successfully
0129         if sol.stat==1
0130             fluxes(:,i)=sol.x;
0131             grRatioMuts(i)=-sol.f/growthWT;
0132             details(geneMapping(i))=1;
0133         else
0134             fluxes(:,i)=0;
0135             grRatioMuts(i)=0;
0136             details(geneMapping(i))=2;
0137         end
0138     end
0139     genes=geneMapping;
0140 end
0142 %Now do for DGO. This is rather straight forward since it is always
0143 %solvable and it doesn't matter if there are iso-enzymes
0144 if strcmpi(testType,'dgo')
0145     genesToModify=nchoosek(1:numel(model.genes),2);
0146     genes=geneMapping(genesToModify);
0147     %Since I assume that this is never lethal I set the details already
0148     details(geneMapping)=1;
0150     fluxes=sparse(numel(model.rxns),size(genesToModify,1));
0151     for i=1:size(genesToModify,1)
0152         I=find(model.rxnGeneMat(:,genesToModify(i,:)));
0153         %To over express a gene, the stoichiometry of the corresponding
0154         %reactions are changed so that the same flux leads to a higher
0155         %production
0156         tempModel=model;
0157         tempModel.S(:,I)=tempModel.S(:,I).*oeFactor;
0158         fluxA=qMOMA(tempModel,refModel);
0159         fluxes(:,i)=fluxA;
0160         grRatioMuts(i)=fluxA(logical(model.c))/growthWT;
0161     end
0162 end
0164 %For double deletions FBA or MOMA
0165 if strcmpi(testType,'dgd')
0166     %This is a little lazy but it's fine. Check which genes have already
0167     %been deleted in 'sgd' analysis.
0168     [~, I]=ismember(originalGenes(details==1),model.genes);
0169     genesToModify=nchoosek(I,2);
0170     genes=geneMapping(genesToModify);
0171     grRatioMuts=zeros(1,numel(genes));
0172     fluxes=sparse(numel(model.rxns),size(genesToModify,1));
0173     for i=1:size(genesToModify,1)
0174         tempModel=removeGenes(model,genesToModify(i,:),false,false,false);
0176         if strcmpi(analysisType,'fba')
0177             sol=solveLP(tempModel);
0178         else
0179             [fluxA, ~, flag]=qMOMA(tempModel,refModel);
0180             sol.x=fluxA;
0181             sol.stat=flag;
0182         end
0184         if sol.stat==1
0185             fluxes(:,i)=sol.x;
0186             grRatioMuts(i)=-sol.f/growthWT;
0187         end
0188     end
0189 end
0191 %Map back to the old model
0192 [~, I]=ismember(model.rxns,originalModel.rxns);
0193 temp=fluxes;
0194 fluxes=sparse(numel(originalModel.rxns),size(temp,2));
0195 fluxes(I,:)=temp;
0196 end

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